Better call Saul aka Better call Mike

>episode once again begins with Mike Ermentraut arriving in bumfuck nowhere in a shitty old car

>implying those scenes are turbokino

>Mike Ermentraut moves slower than a mummy out of the car to get something out of the trunk
>accompanied by a wide shot of the surrounding desert nature of Albuquerque

>once again we don't know what Mike has in his Trunk

>its a cap and when he puts it on he magically ages 10 years (this is very important lore)

This is now a Betsy thread.

What would you like to do to Betsy Kettleman, kettleteam?

>he gets a shovel or some sort of stick out of the trunk

>didn't have a spare set of boots with an untraceable foot print
>didn't have a spare set of tires with an untraceable tread pattern
>left a flag stick marking his dig site
>any crime scene investigator is going to discover someone with 'x' boot, on 'y' tires came here to dig up this body
>not to mention the recorded phone call of the conversation from said 'metal detecting digger'

worship her pusy

>he burns his car his and the boots anway

My motto is if you want to pass the gate you have to make the money to buy a sticker

who is she again?

Religious family wife who had a bunch of money from something and they hid out camping to make it look like they got kidnapped or murdered or something for some reason.

I forget all the specifics

thank you. i remember now

I feel bad for Jonathan Frakes. Vince Guligan probably tells him at the beginning of the day "you're gonna go out into the dessert and shovel some sand all day." The guy's fuckin olde.

>le oil filter salesman

So did episode 9 already air in Spain or what?

He even makes him do his own stunts. Vince, he's an old man.
I think he doesn't like the Mike character anymore and wants a good excuse to kill him of when jonny boy croaks.

why didnt nacho just put in one poisoned pill lol??

then the only bad one has been consumed and theres no bad pills left to be found in the tub

>Wikipedia says Lydia will be in season 3

Fuck her, when's Lydia coming back.

lydia was fucking in it like 2 episodes ago idiot

He could just pop another pill in your scenario when the first isn't working.

he would die of the poison??

Which one? Any fappable material?

Get a life, spastic.

She was Chucks ex wife dumbass


the one that is the current total number of episodes minus 2 episodes

Based pusyposter

>says the guy posting on Sup Forums

posting from my phone you sperg

dl fucking wen?

Did the next episode leak? Or did our Spanish bro forsaken us

>can't even afford a computer

>that makes it any better
>sperg, spastic

So you're outside ignoring people so you can argue with me on a Vietnamese carpet weaving forum. Have you ever heard of projection (psychological that is) newfriend?

>Last episode has been repeated

So is that two episodes or three smart arse.

are u retarded take 2 away from the episode number of the most recent episode

>implying your computer is worth more than my iPhone

all he put in the pills was ibuprofen, and if he put actual poison in them it'd be traceable, whereas no one would second guess ibuprofen

I take that against sneezing

this fucking show is the most overrated trash ever. no likeable characters and nothing interesting is happening.

>Mike sits in his car for 48 hours, we watch him do this in a time lapse for 20 minutes of the episode.
>Finally a car passes by, Mikes eyebrows raise, commercial break

oh shit I just realized tv watcher have to watch this with breaks

holy shit this must suck with commercials and burger commercials are all 5 minutes

Three seasons in still waiting for something to happen.

>takes bait like every newpleb does
>calls me a retard

The wise old man frown upon you user.

>I just pretended to be retarded

sure thing bub

Ibuprofen mixed with something else.


I can't find episode 9 on torrents?!


I've been looking! Kickass, Piratebay. Episode 8 is the latest

episode 8 just came out you stupid dumb idiot

spanish stream site you dunse

Why would Vince Gilligan be telling Jonathan Frakes what he would be doing that day?


reached the stage where im actually feeling sorry for Chuck

Fucking stupid questions like this are what happens when you shitpost on Sup Forums instead of actually watching a show. Kill yourself.

motorboat the amazing tits for starters

No, just ibuprofen. He's not trying to poison him, he's just aiming to have the medicine apparently stop working so he dies of "natural causes".

My gpu alone is worth more than your iphone. And it's not like you actually paid for your phone anyway poorfag. Crackheads can get phone contracts. Posting on Sup Forums from a phone is fucking pathetic especially in public. I mean you take creepshots of girls and shitpost on Sup Forums while in public for fucks sake and you're telling other people to get a life? I can only imagine how pathetic you are in the confines of your mothers home if you're this fucking cringeworthy in public.

everyone seems to love this show

Why wouldn't they, snowflake?

its BORING!!!
seriously, it's just boring people talking about boring Shit!!!! try watching an actually GOOD show like saturday night live or Modern family and then come back to me and say this shit is not completely mind-numming.

Put more effort in your bait, lad.

He's not trying to poison Hector. If he does someone will know he was poisoned and look into it. He could eventually get caught.
His plan is to replace his pills for fake ones that won't work next time he has a heart attack. That way he can replace them back after it's been done and nobody will suspect anything. As far as people are concerned shit happened and his pills didn't work right