What memes did you create?

What memes did you create?

I created:
'wtf i hate (X) now'

How about you?

Other urls found in this thread:



shame neither of them caught up

I've reset my router across the vast combinations of its MAC address, seen posts so vacuous and so fast that they hardly can be said to have occurred at all.

But you, janitor...are just a man. And the world's fattest volunteer poses no more threat to me than does its loneliest moderator.


when that one guy posted bane with his dick out I made it a meme to post "fucking retard" at him

also I invented "my wife's son" posting

>What memes did you force?

Fixed that for you

I'm not sure but as far as I'm concerned, I came up on my own with the "my wife's son" thing. Never saw it anywhere else before I used it.

-drake 600k in debt bell
-steveposting (TONY PLS)

I invented getting dubs

Pepe the frog, columbine school shooting remixes and introduced Grimes to Sup Forums .



Holy fuck

Fucking liar. I was the one who started the "fucking retard" meme.

Same for the other one. This is also me:

There goes the thread

I created frogposting

His original name was Tom the Toad not Pepe the Frog

nah nigga it was all me. I said I invented it first in this thread. if you had actually invented it first you should have claimed it.



i unironically created the "jojo reference" meme


He's called -$600 thousand.

I genuinely was the first one who wrote *unzips dick, cause I'm retarded


I was the guy that popularised the use of the common idiom "now that the dust has settled" in improper situations.

I still chuckle about it to this day.

I invented posting on a Congolege Manga imageboard

I created he was a good friend & bravo nolan

I don't believe you

I invented Portoposting

I invented the internet. Ask me anything tubes related

I dedicated a lot of time to propagating the "stop doing x" meemee


Based portoposter

dumb mobileposter

[i invented that btw]

Spain is better in every way

my only claim to internet fame is a copypasta I wrote at /x/ aeons ago and that I've seen reposted a lot outside of Sup Forums as a "classic". feels good man

Okay i really didnt invent it but back in 2006 or something i saw someone posting it and continued that guys legacy

I may not be the first one to talk about it but I was the one who shitposted it so much that hiroshimoot had to make a sticky on Sup Forums telling people not to publix post


I invented millhouse

I created getting trips

OP said memes you retard.

>When everyone is talking about their pathetic gets but you've gotten one of the largest gets of Sup Forums

that rare pepe will make an excellent addition to my collection, arigato

Yeah but I got a triple get

you like the panthers?

Gj user

at least I am not the one doning the:

"not this one,not this one,not this one!"

thread derailed

I created a Runescape meme, does that count

I made that rare meme where I post thoughtful detailed analysis of some Television or Film in hope of starting a discussion, haha meme'd so hard

I made this Pepe edit.


one time i posted 90's radiohead losing his shit and some guy kept it going for over a year

No! I made this Pepe edit!

I got the 60000000 on Sup Forums

i literally created 4 chan and the internet

I made "froggy" a meme I think.

You're welcome, there are tons of Pepes like that in Sup Forums

I created Dorne is >white


Ebin screencap post on le reddit /r/Sup Forums to get le gold XDXDXDXD