So House took every opiate that he could, except when he was "clean" for like 3 episodes in the later seasons

So House took every opiate that he could, except when he was "clean" for like 3 episodes in the later seasons.
Did he really take them just for the "pain"?

Opiates make you feel good, like the best feeling you've ever had. I have some experience with them myself, but luckily I have shit contacts so no possibility of long time abuse, and enough about that.

I started watching this series again just out of boredom, and if you think about just House as an opiate addict, it also makes complete sense.
He doesn't have any interest in the well being of patients, his coworkers, or the hospital. He just hangs around so he can get his next dose of vicodin. He does not have any noble reason or fascination for solving mysteries, he just does it because he happens to be good at it.

Maybe I've been just dumb, but if you watch House MD, and think of House as simply an opioid addict, everything he does makes sense.

It's a medical update of the famously cocaine-addicted Sherlock Holmes character.

He's not an addict though, he's a superhero. He just does drugs because (((they))) want you to associate doing drugs with being awesome. Just like every other "addict" depicted in Hollywood fiction.

He isn't portrayed as a superhero though. He isn't even portrayed as a "cool" character in my opinion.

He makes some funny jokes and witty comebacks, and he is very good at medicine and solving puzzles.
But everything else he does, he gets fucked.

He loses his gf, loses a fight several times but never wins a fight in the series, is a total bitch to the cops that confiscate his pills, gets his cane sawed and falls, gets ordered around by the black guy who bought the hospital, is a total bitch in prison, and much more.

being awesome = being a dysfunctional piece of shit with no relationships that end up in a psychiatric hospital because of his addiction now?

So why not just make a show about an addict instead of a supergenius doctor?

>Opiates make you feel good, like the best feeling you've ever had.
If you really did have experience with opiates you'd know that it's not the best feeling, they cloud your head and make it feel foggy and heavy, at least that's my experience with opiates. I still take them for medical reasons but I do not get high, side effects negate any "high".

House should have cut his leg off and get a cybernetic one.

I thought House said his pain was so intense him popping vicodin just balanced everything out? I don't think he was blasted high constantly.

Nobody wants a totally useless main character, it's just frustrating and depressing

I'm guessing you've taken some shit-tier opiates then. For example tramadol is also a serotonin reuptake inhibitor, so taking a large amount of that could give you "foggy and heavy" feeling.
But trust me, the good stuff makes you feel like everything is just right in the world, and you are in the best physical shape of your life, like your muscles are made of steel.

Been years since I watched it, but I think it comes to light that his pain maybe isn't so severe, or that he could get it fixed, something like that. But his pain is the perfect excuse for him to keep using so thats what he does

If you live with pain, few things help like opiates. For many the "high" is just a side effect of the pain relief and often hardly substantial on the conservative dosages they hand out.

As someone with constant pain I love them and the "high" just makes me less of a cranky asshole. Unfortunately doctors are very hesitant to prescribe them and some states (like the great state of Florida) make it illegal to drive when you're even on the most minor regular dosages.
I don't know how you can watch the show and think this, how one could miss the point so much

Still feels disingenuous to treat his addiction as anything authentic though.

well, he was a complete piece of shit that cared only about drugs and kept on rationalizing his habit and getting in trouble because of it, for a procedural case of the week drama it's as good depicion of an addict as it gets imo

Can't you just go away

Fentanyl, Tramadol, Tramacet (tram with paracetamol) codeine, Oramorph, Bupe patches (they made me really ill, this horrid headache that was unlike anything I've ever felt in my life). All of them make me feel ill.

Its made clear like a million times in the series that the pain isnt the problem. Hes just an addict, he gets addicted to various things throughout the show.

Have any of you guys tried kratom

Yes and it's not that good so don't bother.

I just want to make sure you don't fall into the trap that they set for you. Not every addict is a tortured artist, despite the stereotype.

Kratom is the most overhyped thing ever.
A heavy dose basically makes you feel like you drank a few cups of coffee, but without the negative effetcs.
But hey, it's a fucking tree. What can you really expect?

>could House be addicted to opiates

[Spoiler] this is the most retarded op ive seen in months, op please get assessed and seek a professional carer under some disabilty allowance

I'd say you're the most retarder poster in months because apparently you cant even read, dumb retard

Found the most retarder.

you don't know what the fuck you're talking about lmao

Obviously he enjoyed how the drugs felt, anyone would outside a small group.

Unfortunately, I'm in that small group. Any opiate/oid, even tiny amounts of kratom, makes me super dizzy and nauseous. I tried vicodin once cause I picked up my prescription a day before my wisdom teeth were removed and I straight up passed out for a solid minute at the restaurant I was eating dinner at.

I think there's some empirical basis for the notion that the predisposition to such reactions is congenital (and likely not psychological).

EU pharmacist here. out of curiosity are you american? they really fuck you up with opiates there

We don't call it paracetamol over here, so user is likely on your side of the pond

Did you fucking finish the show? Holy shit.