
>First Five
as if anyone wants their pathetic attempt at a reboot

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15 years later, Sony tries to sanitize Raimi's SM trilogy


but why

Good, Raimi took things to far

for those of you who weren't young enough to watch spider-man 1 in the theaters, it was originally pic related

"thats a nice costume you got there, did your gay husband make it for you?"

What was he refering to?

in4: "you know im a bit of a national socialist myself."

I hear they cut .5 seconds of Kirsten's Dunst's tit jiggle in the rain so it would be less lewd.

Aside from Raimi's script being from a different time, these movies were already family friendly.
What the fuck

Where can I buy a clean version of the music video of Dre Day?

>when the meme comes full circle

Another meme becomes reality.

Jesus, Raimi.

>I'm Holocaust-man no more. No more.

>mfw Man of Spiders and White Man's burden will get cut, but they'll keep the scene with Bonesaw getting homophobic abuse mercilessly hurled at him

I started laugh immediately after I saw the picture and this Sonys "clean" news.

Meme is real...

>make family friendly raimi trilogy
>trilogy is 12 seconds long
for what purpose?

>maymays coming to life


>It's you who's out, Gobby. Out of the closet, you fucking faggot.

I don't blame them. Children shouldn't be exposed to such dialogue in this day and age. How Raimi got away with this when the movie was released beggars belief.

Memes aside, what exactly are they changing in the spiderman movies?
Are they pushing the rating down from PG13 to G?

wont that mean that the spiders dialog will be entirely cut? it's only line was "I'm going to bite you and give you AIDS like the faggot you are", pretty lame considering it was voiced by mel gibson

can anyone give me a quick rundown of this meme? the movies came out when i was in 2 or 3rd grade and they seemed tame even then.

Spiders were heavily used in Nazi propaganda.

The 00's were a very different time

that's a nice costume you got there, did your führer make that for you?

>Raimiposting becomes real within six months
This is getting out of hand guys, we don't have the responsibility for this great power.

>It's you who's out, Gobby. Out of your mind if you think that jet fuel can melt steel!

The memes have to stop. They are fucking with the space time continuum.

>they seemed tame even then
It was a different time

Too soon, Raimi...

>What's your name, kid?
>The Human [Spider]
>Sheesh, name yourself after something that really happened, kid

Now the Human Holocaust scene makes zero sense.

meme magic

I guess someone got upset that peter asking if bonesaw's husband made his outfit was 'homophobic', so people here started pretending that the movies actually had a bunch of hardcore white nationalist stuff in it that actually would've warranted people getting upset.

Probably PG.

I don't know if many channels do this anymore, but 10 or so years ago and before, it wasn't uncommon for TV networks to try and edit down movies to one rating below their theatrical version. R to PG13, PG13 to PG.

You still might see it on some low grade cable channels, I don't know.

raimiposting threads are best threads

why was this the best spider man costume to date? what went so right

I hope they cut the scene where spiderman comes across a man being raped in an alley and instead of helping he just jacks off while watching

i mean it felt really unnecessary, but maybe i dont get Raimis vision

Back in MY day we made kids watch Aliens, Robocop and Terminator and they FUCKING LOVED IT

>I need pictures! Pictures that proves that holocaust was real!

thanks for the legitimate answer

While the movie sucked, ASM2 had the best mask of all the suits.


It's always weirded me out when they did this, but it really only caught my attention when i caught a glimpse of a PG version of Shutter Island on TV some 4 years ago. I couldn't believe it was real.



>Your nose is lookin' a little big there, Brock - and it's not because I'm comparing you to Pinnochio.
>You fabcricated those photos of the holocaust when everyone knows Adolf was disgusted by the condition of Auschwitz

Well since they were edited for TV there might be dialogue changes and stuff like that. Like for instance in the TV version of Happy Gilmore, Happy says "The price is wrong, Bobbo!" Instead of "The price is wrong, bitch!"

>You want door fix, Man of Spiders? Yes, I know these things you do, I learn how to find many secrets in [My Local Scout Group]. You will not pay rent? This is fair. We will take rent in other ways. When I was in old [Scout Group], in [The Scouts], my friends and I... we do things to [Camp fires]. [Fun Things], make them [Hot cosy fires that relax us all]. Your friends, redhead girl and science girl... they will beg me to [Stoke the fire] as my men and I [Sing happy songs and toast marshmallows with] them. And when they are [Happy] , Man of Spiders, when they are [Lovely and Content]... you will know the rent is paid.

>For this month.

Jesus christ, they fucking murdered the scene. I hope Raimi does something about this.

lol I used to kind of do this sort of thing on my own. There'd be a movie I'd want to watch with my sister or mom on movie night but, it would have nude/sex scenes in it so I'd cut them out with some video editor software and then burn my homemade censored version onto a DVD-R (thank jeebus for things like roku + plex)

>The itsy bitsy juden climbed up from the bank. >Down came the Gestabp and took the juden to the train.

Why does everything Sony do horrible? Amazing Spiderman, Ghostbusters remake, Smurfs movies, am I missing anything? Thye just have bad idea after bad idea.

holy fuck, no child deserves a brother this lame

Has meme posting gone too far?

>Clean Version

What the fuck is wrong with Americans?

You'll show non stop gore on primetime but a nipple or mean word grinds production to complete stop.

PG-13 has entire massacre's worth of death, but don't worry, even though they killed 3000 people in the family fun movie, their deaths weren't bloody enough to warrant a higher rating. Oops, a "fuck" slipped in? R for you, blasphemer. A dick was shown? NC-17 and zero box office for you, heathen.

>what's your name kid?
>the human holocaust!
>why dontcha name yourself after something that actually happened kid?

don't tell me they'll change the iconic cover art too

Movies get edited for TV all the time. This is no different.

Fucking kek

>tfw in germoney and afraid to post one of those pastas

Is raimiposting banned in this country too?

capeshit fags need to die

>some Sony intern probably browsed a Raimi thread and thought all of the quotes were real
I'd believe it too

ilshallah I can watch a child friendly, halal version of man of spiders with my wife now.

>ring-a-ding ding, pizza's here, you dumb whore!

It'll probably get cut.

Will they edit this scene as well?
I hope not, since the subtle imagery Raimi used in it still holds up to this date.

You think they'll have the scene where the Klan attempts to lynch Macy Gray in the middle of Times Square?

What the fuck is there to censor? Yeah raimi posting is fun but these films were entirely family friendly. They were pg even weren't they? No swearing, no nudity, violence was stylized and cg'd. What the fuck?

>The part with the skeletons traumatized you as a kid.
>There were Nazi parts.


The nipples and blood most likely.

I can only assume the "husband" line, the "oh fuck", and probably the part where gobbie gets impaled by his glider. I can't recall ANYTHING bad from 2 or 3

The suit for the 1st ASM was better.

>"oh fuck"

Do what now?

Meme magic is too much for me apparently. I haven't seen the first one in a long time and was convinced gobbie said "oh fuck" right before he got stabbed

Only franchise they don't entirely fuck up is Bond, and that's because they only distribute it, and they are probably going to lose that franchise anyways.

>"Harry tells me you're quite the Hitler fanatic. You know, I'm somewhat of a National Socialist myself"
I wonder if this will stay in

it wasnt. Triangle eyes and raised webbing looked dumb as hell. the one from Civil Way is the best one to date

>"a black president?!?!"

My fist breaking your teeth, that's the accident.

>"I need to stop this train going to Auschwitz... these people are white!! "

i'm not buying PS5 now. I dont want to support the muslims that are running Sony. I had no idea Spiderman 1 was problematic.

now this is a real hero

Did Raimi see into the future?

>The sum of $6000 will be paid to The Disproven...The Falsified...The Unbelievable Holocaust Man!
Jesus, how did they got past the censors?

>the scene where Peter finds out he accidentally gassed a white man
>breaks down crying in Aunt May's arms
>she assures him that sacrifices are necessary for the common goal of racial purity
>Horst Wessel Lied slowly grows in volume as Peter looks towards the camera

10/10 scene, of course the oscar jews didn't nominate him for it though. Also anyone know where to get the button on his schoolbag from the intro scene?

>this whole thread
>mfw the meme is reeeeeeeal

Thank you for killing the thread with your cringe post

jesus christ raimi

Why were the 2000s so problematic? Ugh.... Just.... Ugh.....

>Buy Spiderman trilogy on DVD
>Load up the Special Features expecting some nice making of documentaries
>First one I load up is just Sam Raimi speaking to a camera for 2 hours about "preserving the aryan race in a nigger-infested world"

>11 year old forced to watch "clean" versions of movies by mom
>masturbates later to German scat porn online

What even is the point

>the Green Goblin got his powers from a gas chamber
What did Raimi try to convey here?


No problem man! And welcome to Sup Forums!

>that moment where Peter learns the white man was actually Irish, the music swells and he stiffens in resolve
Capeshit just can't compete with this emotional intensity

I always loved the ending of the train scene, but that piece of dialogue was odd...

>"We won't tell nobody."
>"You better not, little shit, I know where you live."

what was Raimi thinking?


>play one of the other Special Feature videos
>it's just archive footage of Hitler's speeches with youtube.com/watch?v=SUtziaZlDeE looping in the background
Raimi, I..

>the swastika shaped reflection in his eyes as the camera zooms
>the scene transition to the NYPD parade that pans up from their boots making you think it was an SS parade
10/10 filmmaking. Truly the second coming of Leni Riefenstahl.


>In regard to the filming of the rape scene, Maguire said, "When I wanted to do the rape scene, I explained to [Kirsten Dunst] that I was going to hit her and rape her. There was no emotional relationship between us, because I had put a clause in all my contracts stating that they would not make love with Spider-man. We had never talked to each other. I knew nothing about her. We went to the desert with two other people: the photographer and a technician. No one else. he said, 'I'm not going to rehearse. There will be only one take because it will be impossible to repeat. Roll the cameras only when I signal you to.' Then I told her, 'Pain does not hurt. Hit me.' And she hit me. I said, 'Harder.' And she started to hit me very hard, hard enough to break a rib... I ached for a week. After she had hit me long enough and hard enough to tire her, I said, 'Now it's my turn. Roll the cameras.' And I really... I really... I really raped her. And she screamed."[1]

> Aunt May: We must secure the existence of our people and a future-
>[the Green Goblin bursts through the window]
>Aunt May: [screams] A FUTURE FOR!
>Green Goblin: [laughing maniacally] Finish it. FINISH IT!

Why not "all children"? never got this scene as a kid