ITT: Live moments on TV that you can recall as clear as the day it happened

ITT: Live moments on TV that you can recall as clear as the day it happened

Ill get rid of the obvious one straight away

Other urls found in this thread:

me in the right plain

the news right now.

Ah, what a beauty. Terrorists these days really lack ambition to create similar works of art.

good CGI there OP


none. TV is for plebs.

I will never forgive muslims for this, or kikes for letting it happen.

The biggest mistake we ever made as a nation was that bombs didn't fall on Mecca and Jerusalem along with Kabul after the towers fell.

>he wasnt in the city when it happened
dont act like you know what it was like and that you feel attacked; did you inhale the smoke the next day still while going to school?

Calm down New York, all I said was live tv moments you can remember watching.

Didnt say I gave a shit about it

>going to school the day after 9/11

when this happened I was in elementary school and I thought the 'world trade center' was some kind of moonbase. I thought it was attacked by aliens. Then our teacher turned on the tv and explained everything to the class. I just wanted to see aliens

lol it was closed, had to go back

the real tragedy is the entire city wasn't nuked

fuck NYC

They could have hit a building with more kikes in it?

>mfw the shitshow that was getting my dad home from work that day
NJ fag here

I thought the twin towers were the "twin lights" lighthouse that was down the road from my house

you think you recall it... its likely you remember it wrong

I was a kid and dad was watching this on TV and i had no idea what was happening.

Same. I was just excited to get out of school early and played tony hawk 2 all night

Nope, I had just gotten off school and walked home. When I opened the door I went in and Sky News was on and my mam had told me what happened.

I was there for the collapsing, I had missed the second collision.


Alright calm down

>tfw too young to remember

Friendly reminder that a significant percentage of Sup Forums's userbase was not even born yet

Were you alive for it or one of those kids who had to learn about it in school? That will always be the most bizarre shit to me. I know we always have the stupid
>1990 was 40 years ago!
Threads. But having people born AFTER 9/11 being legal adults fucks with me

That's the only one I can think of desu.

I remember walking home from school when it was announced we were going to war in naam. I ran home and saw napalm being dropped on some gooks. As some day.

Every school in New York City was closed on September 12 so you weren't breathing smoke either you lying faggot.

The meltdown after Trump won the election was pretty memorable. And this isn't a Sup Forums thing, it was just amazing after hearing for 6 months about how Clinton had a 99.9% chance of winning

read the thread you fag, i said i went to it, not that it was open; had to go back home lOL

Fuck ok you got me.

I can remember Dorner, London Riots, Boston manhunt and the death of Pope John Paul


Be muslim kid
see twin towers get fucked live
ask mom
"wats happen?" in sandlanguage
"we is kill"
years later
half the family either fled Iraq or blown to pieces. mom's side of the family's fortune completely ruined.

All because Shitstain Qaeda decided to poke the beehive.

I remember the results coming in whilst I sat it my lounge eating popcorn and browsing the boards. I remember the BBC interviewing retards who kept saying that Hillary would win right up until it became almost mathematically impossible.

I'll probably remember that night for the rest of my life.

>implying it wasn't an inside job

I only remember Dorner and the Boston bombing. Probably because I was on here both times.

Did the pigs ever get punished for mag-dumping those two asian ladies and burning Dorner to death?

Literally the first historical event I can remember actually living thru.


you disgust me

i literally nutted inside my redhead ex gf when the 2nd tower got rekt

>parents come to school to see if everything is okay
>tons of kids are getting picked up to go home for the day
>fucking parents leave and make me stay at school all day despite shit all to do in classes because most of the school is gone and everyone is freaking out the whole day

I'm still mad. I just wanted to play video games all day at home.

I was watching Alien on VHS, it was recorded on two cassettes and when I switched to the second one the TV news came on. I was very excited because I knew a new phase of world politics had begun.

>"No man can corner the Dorner."
>Fire: "I am no man."

How is this bait

>they cancelled Cheez TV for this shit


Not them, but born in 95.

School never taught about 9/11 when I was going to it.

It was either to soon after that the school textbooks hadn't been updated in like 20 years and because there was still a lot we didn't know about in regards to it.

Even in highschool it wasn't touched upon and honestly I don't know when I learned about it. I was to young to remember the event, but one day I was just aware of what had happened. It was just a piece of knowledge that I knew without ever being properly taught it.

Oh shit. You think he's still alive?


>mfw just realising that there are probably people out there who learnt about 9/11 from the Nicolas Cage movie

Chris Dorner, Boston Bombing, and the time leading up to obamacare passing/ the government shutdown were some of the best times I ever had on this website.

On the morning of the fifth day look to the east

I'm Canadian but my mom is American and she picked me up for lunch and was actually in shock, I can remember that much. I was at school by the time the planes were hitting but she probably watched the 2nd plane hit live on television, she's a channel flipper and is big into watching CNN all day anyway. Picking me up for lunch was unusual, we went to Burger King which was unusual too. I can vaguely remember the rest of the day, she took me back to school after lunch, nobody was talking about it (I was in 5th grade) and certainly the teachers weren't talking about it. My mom did tell me about it when she picked me up, but I didn't really understand. I can remember her saying something about it and how angry and upset she was, but that's all.

>can't remember shit that happened when he was 6

shit nigga, when did interesting things start happening to you? I saw my first vagina at 6.


2011 Japanese tsunami


Beslan school attack

I was very young but I remember this happening. I also vaguely remember watching a scene of mogadishu attack on tv when I was preliterate but it could have been up to a year later on CNN.

OKC bombing. Then years later I remember them broadcasting his death on the radio and my religious nut of a boss playing it in the kitchen while we worked. Literally listened to a man being injected with poison while I washed dishes as a 14 year old kid.

I was in art class at six and the dyke art teacher/gym coach came in and announced it to the class. I remember not understanding why they cared so much, and the rest of the children were just confused.

In our country there was live reporting from Beslan, pretty intense to watch!

I was sheltered as fuck.

At 6 all I cared about was playing with my friends or watching and playing Pokemon.

Interesting shit only started happening when I reached high school. The first time an "event" happened that had impact was the boston bombing which happened while I was in geography class and I was checking twitter.

>listened to a man being injected with poison

lol how does that sound like anything.

shiit nigger....that's a bit old to only just start caring about the events going on around you...

You know what i meant. They described it step by step. It was bizarre.

I was 16 and I skipped school most days, before they expelled me for not going to school enough. So I was home watching the news before the second plane hit. Even channels like MTV were just showing the footage and talking about it.

My mom was thinking about visiting her sister in NY, so she developed a story about the time she almost flew on 9/11 because she is a crazy person. She still gets mad when I joke about 9/11

They broadcast his execution live? How do they stop him from yelling "1488 KILL ALL JEWS!!!" as he dies?

>My mom was thinking about visiting her sister in NY, so she developed a story about the time she almost flew on 9/11 because she is a crazy person.

Oh boy does that sound familiar. "Mom we don't live in California the California wildfires can't be giving you respiratory issues." "Smoke travels really far son"

Really good video of different locations.

Basically until I was 17ish my thoughts were never about the world but just watching anime and playing vidya with my friends. Hell, even when they got Bin Laden I really didn't care at the time. I was like, "K, cool. Back to whatever I'm watching."

Honestly I didn't start paying attention to the world until this election. I just never cared about anything that wasn't around me since it never had an effect on me I thought. But then I started learning more about the world through the election and here I am.

Who said they did...

None, I just realize.
I guess I've never watched news.

>muslim kid

iraqi kid* islam isnt a race

96 here, first i heard about 9/11 or even the twin towers was when i read a book in the library about the guy who walked a tightrope between the two towers. the book mentioned that the towers were gone at the end, didn't mention how so i asked a teacher and she said they were knocked down by terrorists in airplanes. i legitimately heard tourists and thought it was some freak accident where a passenger plane to new york hit one of the towers which fell over like a domino and slammed into the other one, knocking it down too. i think that would be better than the reality of the situation what with it being a false flag attack and all.

Doesn't have to be news could be anything

I remember all that racist shit from big brother years ago

Wew lad

just fyi jews did WTC and the CIA wants to pump you full of drugs to turn you into a mind-controllable pawn.

fucking pussy republicans refused to bomb mecca and let the bin laden family cuck the USA for all time

Like it was yesterday.

>be 9 years old, in South America
>9/11 on TV, parents intensely watching and they're nearly in tears
>"oh wow mami, Nuevo York is on fire?? the firemen better get there quick to put out the fires"
>go back to playing Pokemon Yellow

>1 week later
>9/11 recaps on tv
>"this is stupid why are they still playing this? put on Cartoon Network!!! *autistic screeching*


Got any pictures of her? I love redheads.

all the beaches were closed even though I live on the other side of Florida
also this

NYCfag here
This man isn't wrong.

My neighbor's dad died in one of those planes fun fact

Massachusetts fag here

I've been an ardent motorsport follower since I was a kid and watch racing of all varieties live whenever possible, by consequence I have seen many drivers die before me on live race broadcasts. This was the worst one, it was by far the most savage racing accident I have ever witnessed- it killed one driver, and severely injured several others.

>tfw i was 17 years old when the WTC was hit
fuck im too old for this board

I was born in 94 and clearly remember watching the 2nd collision on tv in school

>my mom's face when this happened and her boss laughed at her and said it looked fake, nice joke

Lucky she was never put on that team

tfw didn't get to see my dad for a whole month after 9/11 cause he was working 11 hr shifts doing counter terrorism shit after the attack.

You were too old for this board when it happened.

I was in high school when it went down. They let out class early and the first tower fell about time I got home. Shit was wacky.

It wasn't, but everyone bought it because we've been conditioned to believe the things the television tells us, regardless of how outrageously unbelievable and contrary to common sense and our experience of the world it may be. Sad!

kool thread

ausfag here, remember hearing about tower falling, it was 10pm or so. woulda been sweet if there was somewhere i could talk about it online but had to listen to radio instead im such a pleb

When the Indiana Pacers started a brawl during a Pistons game

I still can't believe that happened. I remember the day vividly because I was getting my first ever blowjob. That clumsy tongue from the big-boobed girl swirling around the head of my dick was divine.

elon wtf are you doing

Same here
>Tfw 9/11 is my birthday
>Tfw 7 years old and angry at the terrorists for ruining my special day
Kind of fucked up, but kids are selfish
