Character runs through a market

>character runs through a market
>chickens everywhere

Other urls found in this thread:

>Movie is called Chicken Run
>They dont even run, they waddle and flap

>character orders fast food at NotMcDonalds
>doesn't order the McChicken

>character does anything in a john woo movie
>doves everywhere


>chase scene runs through the kitchen of a restaurant
>some expensive large dish gets thrown around and ruined by the main character and the villain

does she poop one super long turd?
like 1 fat elongated tootsie roll

>characters bursts through random apartment
>runs past a family sitting down to dinner and exits through the window
>seconds later man chasing him enters the apartment
>family looks up at him
>they all point to the window
>characters thanks them and follows out the window



>fantasy pirate characters start singing Nirvana


>cute underaged female protagonist gets brutally raped in a graphic scene that lasts half the movie

Character complains he hasn't had sex for 2 weeks



its actually N9ne




>"bro.. I'm really on a dry spell"
>"dude, how long we talking?"
>"it's been like three whole weeks man, I cant take it any longer!"
>"whoa dude, I couldn't imagine going through a slump like that"

she has a genetic condition where she can't absorb food well so yes it all just goes straight through her without her getting fat



>his market doesn't have chickens

the funny thing is the neets on here are so weak willed and insecure if you had got a girlfriend and then broke up you'd be suicidal after two weeks without sex

>chef with moustache
>"ohh my mozzabaggio i made this for five years"

Ha, jokes on you. I stopped talking to my girlfriend years ago and I haven't killed myself yet.

>"TWO MONTHS without sex??"
>everyone points at him and laughs

This makes me think of that movie where they make it look hard to go 90 days without sex

>character doesn't have tics and minor forms of tourettes

>character doesn't suffer from chronic hemorrhoids and has to deal with his asshole bleeding everytime he poops

>white character out karates local Asians
>old Asian men watching fight smiling and laughing

This isn't a guessing game giant gaygots.

Why are these threads consistently the best part of this board?

90 Days and 90 Nights.

>character takes a shit
>doesn't even give the tp a taste to see if it was a good shit

>character is up against an opponent from a rival country
>character doesn't know about the three sea-shells

>black belt does huge martial arts flourish and pose
>grizzled white MC one punches him comically

Because I post 90% of them or 95% is my OC.

>Shoaist movie following chosenite protags and set during ww2
>"Based on true events"
>It's completely made up

stupid, worthless, vile nigger

>Scene in Middle East/North Africa/some other desert place with lots of Muzzies

pepes and greentext is enough shit postish to trick the users into discussing movies

>scene set in feudal era japan
>*dink* *dink* *dink* yoooooooooo starts playing

>tfw no gf

>last two threads i made get compliments from other anons

Reminds of this classic tbqh

Dig it

>foot chase scene through a 3rd world city
>protagonist topples over an orange cart throwing oranges everywhere as an obstacle.

>mfw no useful genetic conditions
First that rare condition where you don't sweat, now this.