/tpg/ -Twin Peaks General

Please Do Not Bully the James Edition



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Cooper has powers.

>Actually, I just gave you a head
What did she mean by this?

if james had any more forehead he'd be an eighthead at least

can't wait to read pic related all over again



if you don't like it then fuck off, faggot


Reminder there is still 13 hours of retard Coop to go

Though I've liked this season, I've hated this general. You're all so fucking reddit. Indistinguishable from those /got/ fags.

>expect it to be shit
>suddenly Lynch throws a kino shot at you look like this
I always get Lynched in the end

Fucking glorious, 13 more hours of quality kino to filter out the plebs


call for help

>why is coops hair long in some scenes
Please tell me someone asked this unironically.

>David Lynch made an 18 hour film about retarded coop to bridge the gap between The Secret History and Mark's upcoming book, knowing that the plebs won't read either and hate the show

this is the best kind of fanservice

She's such a cute older lady. Reminds me of the old lady from Insidious.

gimme all your ray ray

Sure could use a pick-me-up, can't we user?

It isn't a great general, no. People are going mental trying to find purpose in everything. But then that's inevitable, I don't think it could be much better.

Yeah, he obviously knew a lot can change in 12 years.

So is this cgi'd somehow or...?

who else watches the new episodes at 2x+ speed?

Never tried it. 1.5x is absolute kino though.

And don't forget to sway your hips on the way.

jesus fucking christ, how embarrassing

you're meant to watch it a 0.5x speed you fucking mongs, double the kino and twice the time to take everything in

>People are going mental trying to find purpose in everything
But the general drove away the theoryfags.

requesting that gif of leland from FWWM where he appears suddenly and is staring at the girls

Maybe that way I could catch the car explosion! Thanks user.

normally I'd say you were memeing but personally its impossible for me to watch the new season any slower than 2x speed. the season is 18 episodes long they didn't have to pad out every episode by hanging the camera on movements longer than necessary especially not when it looks ass to begin with due to being shot on digital




secret history is full of mistakes and I don't believe frost's bullshit that it's all intentional, he's probably referring to the fact that doppelcoop may have edited the dossier somehow but he has no reason in the universe to change nadine's backstory, frost just forgot. He admitted that he and Lynch only rewatched the final episode, but Lynch also oversaw the blu ray re-release so he clearly was familiar with the series

She was such a qt in Frasier

As it should've.


whats the significance of the statue? is it supposed to be a western sheriff, reminding him of harry truman?

or am i just getting LYNCHED


It's a filter for us to spot theorycrafter redditors.

With the greatest of respect, how are we meant to know? We're not privy to more information than you.

I hope the ratings keep getting worse to the point where they just cancel the show and release it on blu ray, honestly fuck the watercooler effect, normies aren't watching this show and most fans hate it too

dude twin peaks is dead lmao
>renewed for season 4

i was just wondering because i see so many people calling that part kino. the little frank booth guy was kino, not dougie fixating on a statue for a long time to have something happening during the credits.

kek but they're calling everything kino.

Pic related is legitimately kino.

considerin all the autistic detail he put into it, it seems weird to think that he'd just forget major characters plot points

>most fans hate it too
Citation needed. Reviews and fan reactions have been overwhelmingly positive.

>he has no reason in the universe to change nadine's backstory
That you know of.

What makes sense so far is that Cooper was focusing on the statue shoes, and it was his shoes that were left behind in the purple world. He's slowly remembering more things.




Which scene of the new season is the LEAST kino?


The qtpi getting high in the car and staring up with a goofy face for 5 hours while '50's music plays.

>your facial aesthetics get you cast as an inbred

Literally glad he died

It's symbolic of his current situation, his identity has been swiped and he's literally in somebody else's shoes, living a lie. Things are slowly coming back to him, on a subconscious level he knows it isn't right. That is also why he cried when looking at Sonny Jim in the car, on some level he knows this isn't his kid, that 25 years have passed and he's lost so much

literally kill yourself

A philistine only likes the original series.
A man will like FWWM and The Return, but will not like the special effects in The Return.
The Ascended One will realize the special effects of The Return are great.

The scene where Robert Forester tries not to burst out laughing at the old hag trying to act in front him.

Frank Truman's wife yelling at him was a genuinely awful scene.

It reminds him of being an agent with a gun I believe. Notice that when his boss is talking to him he gets caught on the word "agent"

You are mistaken. Goofy faces are true kinor.

I think the special effects of The Return are fine given the financial restrictions but at times are distractingly sub-par.

C-can I be partially ascended?


I'm glad I'm not the only one that found that scene appallingly bad

The car blowing up, with no blast, not even blowing back the child right next to it.

we will ever get off retard namek?

>"oh no a bomb!"
>cut away
>cut back to car in flames

>those subtle visual cues and adjustments to her face
>not kino

>lynch was given $100 million budget for the entire series
>on average 5.5 million budget per episode

This is only $500k below an average GOT episode.

are these guys lodge spirits? they look weird as fuck

It was too DUDE COKE LMAO for me.

and you are below The Ascended One, pleb

I've generally not agreed with any of these comments saying scenes need music, but that truly was a scene where music would have made it tolerable. As it stands, that scene is just awful, the actress was bad and it just wasn't funny.

My 2nd least favorite scene was from the premiere, the lady with the keys, it totally lacked charm and was so poorly directed and shot that there was nothing to get from it. The intentionally slow and trudged scenes in the past have all been so great, and this one missed the mark so hard.

The reason it didn't have any blast radius is because it was an emotional bomb.

This is a throwback to the bomb in the Twin Peaks Savings and Loan. We can now be sure that none of those in that blast died. for example Dell Mibbler lived on via his glasses, blown from the 'bomb' into a nearby tree. This enabled the tree to have vision. The trees can see.

There's no renewal to be had, season 3 is the end
Interacting with real people, most of them hate the new twin peaks for being "too weird", though to be fair I'm referring to actual 40 and 50 years old who watched the original show when it was new

>season 3 is the end

[citation needed]

Anecdotal evidence is meaningless. Besides, the new season is clearly for Lynch fans more than Twin Peaks fans.

where is this 100 million dollar budget shit coming from? Is there even any real sources on that?

No don't because some idiot will parrot this on Reddit or somesuch and then it will reposted on here like all the other abysmal theories those losers come up with

that's how it was advertised before it started, I don't know if they changed their minds during production though
so what's the non-anecdotal evidence of the mass demographic loving it?
don't get me wrong, I like it a lot, but since the speculation is pretty much non existant and the "watercooler effect" is worthless when nobody who you interact with irl is watching it I'd rather have it released all at once

I always wondered if those glasses meant anything, to be fair. Almost certainly nothing but it always stuck in my mind.

>so what's the non-anecdotal evidence of the mass demographic loving it?
The extremely high audience scores on RT, IMDB and every other similar site. It's inarguably being very well received.

Lynch basically said "never say never" and Kyle McLachlan said he would be on board if Lynch wanted, but this is obviously intended as a conclusion. If Lynch wants to continue, I'm fine with that. If not, fuck that.

Its David bowie

getting high scores from its dedicated audience is not the same at all as having mass appeal and ratings, there will be blood is a critically acclaimed movie but it's not something the average joe would watch

I'd rather Lynch do an original show after this.

All these years later and I'm still pissed that there's no real soundtrack available for There Will Be Blood.





Stop moving goal-posts, this is in response to that statement
>most fans hate it




Name of the song used pls?

same here. or maybe another movie

>tfw peaksposting killed baneposting

nothing in the new season could possibly match this segment. i don't want to criticize the new seaosn for not being the old, but what i feel lacking most of all is a sense of mystery or surreal terror. the lodge and the supernatural underpinnings of the show are all too overt now, we are beyond a doubt watching some sort of obscure struggle between good and evil supernatural forces, whereas in the original series, of only for the grounded banality of the rest of the show, the lodge stuff felt much more absurdist, hard to classify, impossible maybe to understand, "good" and "evil" was very very vague outside the figure of bob, which i don't feel it is right now in s3. i am enjoying it though and i look forward to seeing where it goes.