See two anons arguing

>see two anons arguing
>pretend to be one of them and say some retarded shit

>see someone has pretended to be me
>sit back and let it play out

>see two anonymous users of the 4channel image board having an argument
>pretend to be one of the anonymous users since there would be no way to tell, and say something unintelligent to make one poster look stupid and therefore hijacking the argument.

My meme is on r/Sup Forums guys!

Who will play Pepe in the inevitable feature film?

Fuck you

>go to reddit
>stay on reddit and never post here again

epic, I like it

>Browsing Reddit enough to find that

You have to go back

another ebin mobile redditor thread!

>see an on topic thread
>ignore it (sometimes I even report it just for the spite of it)

>see a shitposting thread that has nothing to do with the board I am currently browsing
>reply several times

>tfw can never make funny threads or funny posts
>tfw everyone else on Sup Forums is funny and witty

i fucking hate this shit

>shitpost for (you)s
>get upset at responses and drawn into an argument i don't even believe in

>see thread I like but it's dead
>shitpost as hard as I can to bring it to life

>argue against both sides for maximum butthurt

just do what everyone else does
>copy successful thread
>same OP
>same image
>samefag using phone with shit bait
>get super insecure when it gets no replies and get off Sup Forums for the rest of the day

You stole that from Reddit!

>make fun of small/average dicks
>anons claiming not to be insecure over their dicks post in my thread arguing against me

>make fun of manlets
>am king of manlets
you fucks will never ever know it's me when i do this

How does that image come to the conclusion that 6.5 is the average size when they explicitly call 5.5 the "scientific average"? What type of average resulted in 6.5 to declare that the average?

>Post interracial porn
>Get up to eat
>Come back
>250+ replies

are you me?

>mfw I actually am me and just replied to myself for attention

>mfw I change my ip address so that the second post in my thread increases the number of poster counter up by one

lol xd have a le upvote gentlesir.

Also you gotta go back

>post picture of attractive black girl Sup Forums
>half the people post White Man on Black Woman interracial porn while the other half posts complaints about how wanting to fuck black women is bestiality

>report OP of a shit posting thread
>post in that thread endlessly because I am a shitposter

hilarious who those white posters think fucking black women is an achievement comparable to a black man fucking white women

>report blatant troll thread
>start shitposting in it
>gets removed as the (You)s start rolling in

>use my phone to bump my own thread
>start arguments in my thread to keep people bumping it

>Pretend I'm someone else and agree with that guy
>Get BTFO again by someone who agreed with me originally

uhoh dicklet is mad

I'm not mad, I just don't understand the logic
Why is it calling 6.5 average when it also says that 5.5 is the scientific average? That doesn't make sense

because tiny dick losers stay at home playing with their lil white peckers while bbc's fuck women

>start losing argument
>use airplane mode to get more IPs to agree with me

That doesn't answer my question on what grounds there are to claim 6.5 is average when 5.5 is the "scientific average". What other type of average is there that holds any kind of relevance? The image is clearly bait

"active" average
"real" average

are you able to contain your autism in real life situations ?

fuck you buddy, fuck you.

And how is 5.5 the scientific average if all of asia is under 4 inches and the middle east is under 5? It doesnt add up.
t. dicklet

>mfw I've actually done this
>mfw another user was posting my OP picture the next day

>report something as illegal content even when its not
>get a warning from janny

>user responds to me
>he's mad at me for something I didn't even imply

>make a thread about a movie I like
>sperglord freaks out and starts spamming thread

>all your best copy pasta kept in New Text Document.txt on your desktop

Andy Serkis

>make a post
>get a decent amount of (You)s
>user steals my post a few threads later
>he doesn't get any (You)'s, not even an ironic @

haha, fuck you lad.

>see shitposting
>reply to said shitpost pretending to be assmad
>the (You)'s start rolling in

Your dumb mother will, dummy.

>"not that user, but"
>actually that user