/lbg/ - letterboxd general

Dank Meme edition.

Previous thread: >Not sure what letterboxd is all about?
The mission of /lbg/ is to promote the intelligent discussion of film as art by providing members with opportunities for intellectual discussion, by recognizing patrician taste through examinations and by calling out embryos as they arise.

>Directions for use
Post profiles and discuss what you have recently watched, if you dare.

>Haven't got an account? Follow this link and sign up today!

user figures it out: user fights back: Chinese doggo poster continues: Use as a link to find the /lbg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Patricians occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>Patricians may pretend to be normal users asking for recommendations and when you recommend something, they laugh at you for your plebian taste
>This is a thread for patrician purposes only don't offer or expect frivolous discussion.

Has you genetic inferiority ever prevented you from fully enjoying a film?

Other urls found in this thread:





Original name.

>Tfw can't sleep because I might get a doggo tomorrow


Chinese doggo poster EXPOSED

Post kinostations.

kill yourself

i wouldn't call Orson Welles or even The Lady from Shanghai shit. it's hard to judge a film that's missing over an hour from its director's intended cut. as far as Citizen Kane goes, i actually did really like it. it's a borderline 5 star, but i do think it drags as it gets bogged down in Kane's political campaign and relationship with Susan Alexander.


>it's hard to judge a film that's missing over an hour from its director's intended cut
Why? Judge what's there. Simple!


i guess what i mean to say is that it's hard to judge it and reflect that back on the director. for all we know, the 155 minute cut is a masterpiece butchered by the studio. it's certainly possible, given the visual fidelity of the version released, but we'll never know because the footage was lost.

Emily Jean is amazing

First for Surf Ninjas.

dogshit > me

is this the next The Pest?

Don't say that about yourself!(~_~)

If you meme it, it will come.

Sup Forums is destroying my childhood favorites




Watched Hounds of Love last night, reminded me of Monster with Charlize Theron. I thought it was great but I'm biased because it was shot in my city and I worked on it briefly.

Going to re-watch a movie to check on my encode of it, wish me luck, /lbg/.



I feel lukewarm about my discord family

So soon?

wtf why :'(

Haha I'm kidding! isn't really my kinostation. The image used here (minus the /lbg/) is actually my television! You can see TCM playing in the corner. Thanks for reading.

Good post.

Thanks for reading.

It was a pleasure.

fuck you tachi, your film taste is shit

what a mean thing to say about my friend tachi, justify this this instant

>t. LW


>t. Tachikoma



Reminder to all bongs today that your individual vote won't change anything - you may as well not bother

t. Jeremy Corbyn

How important is good production design in a film's success? Who's your favourite production designer?

I feel like production design is one of those things that is hugely appreciated when done well in a film, but rarely consciously

That said, Anna Biller is someone where it extremely stands out

What should I watch tonight? I like female leads

Morvern Callar!

Well OK! I hope it's good. Somebody suggested Raw last thread a French horror film. I loved it. I thought the double life of Veronique was dull though

it's fantastic if you like plotless character studies but if you're looking for something more narrative-driven you could check out Kobayashi's The Inheritance instead

give me kino or give me death

why are you voting for michael?

Rank them
Airplane! 2
Zoolander 2
Wayne's World 2

Wayne's World 2
Airplane! 2
Zoolander 2


Amaranth sucks my small and dark cock

>Meme garbage as favorite films
>5 stars for There Will Be Memes
>3 stars for Picnic at Hanging Rock

Literally kys

dumb meme poster

we all know who's really gonna win

picnic at my hanging cock lol


Mt. Chinese Doggy gives A Better Tomorrow a 2 star rating.

>someone posts image of Chinese Doggy head on top of Mount Everest

Ed Wood is a great filmmaker.




i wanted to write a review for Sicario comparing the relative success and talents of Villeneuve, Nolan, and Diao Yinan, but i really couldn't figure out how to begin. oh well.


Frits Long

I tried my hand at my first real review. Can people tell me if it seems okay, did I get my points across well?


structurally it's fine, though it concludes somewhat abruptly, but you need to pay more attention to word choice and grammar. avoid putting qualifiers in front of adjectives ("real" seems to be a problem for you) and starting sentences in the middle of an idea ("So once the humans and apes meet and start interacting,", "The clashing ideals of both Caesar and his right hand Koba;"). it gets your point across as is, but it's very clunky to read.

>tfw to pleb for /lbg/



what's wrong with the lady from shangai?

more like too patrician for /lbg/

Don't bother making reviews if you have shit taste
>rating anime higher than 2/5


Mr. Chinese Doggy didn't like it :/

the hackjob the studio editor did on it renders it basically incoherent and (presumably) removes any depth from the characters that was present in Welles' original cut. it looks great, though, especially the hall of mirrors climax.

also, and i recognize that this is something of a nitpick, the trial in the last third of the film is the most legally inaccurate thing i think i've ever seen in a film.

I've been too sick for the past few days to watch any movies. I'd get twenty minutes or half-an-hour into one and turn it off. Feels like I'm over it now, so kino, here I come!

>psycho 5 stars
>requiem for a dream 1 1/2 stars

you are truly a pleb

Thanks for the input. Ill take them into consideration for my next review.

>Darren Aronofsky
>not a hack
prove to me that any of his films besides Pi and Black Swan (and MAYBE Noah) are any good.

Psycho is a great film, that's the rating it deserves. Haven't seen the other but it feels generous to me.

you are a pleb please don't post your profile ever again, thanks

good argument, dude. that's not even my profile.

Piracyfags will defend this.

We're in a jam?

We're in a jam!

Nice fictional argument there, buddy

These threads are the best. Film is my life, and I love rating it.

These threads are the best. Film is my life, and I love rating it.

These threads are the best. Film is my life, and I love rating it.


tfw I'm famous enough to be followed by ava davis


tfw I'm famous enough to be followed by emily jean

T-That's great.

na m8 I was joking, keep posting your profile, but you are a pleb for sure

T-That's great.

>i was j-just kidding!
okay dude

>he thinks Requiem for a Dream is good

Other than some good stylistic choices, it was garbage.

i dunno, i liked it when i saw it but it was years ago. that actually just makes my point about Aronofsky being a hack stronger.