ITT movies that restored your faith in humanity

This basically reminded me why I turned in my fedora for the cross.

You only grow out of atheism, never into it.

Other urls found in this thread:

>The whole plot of the movie is ripped-off from those retarded e-mail copypastas about an Einstein student
>That businessman that abuses and belittles his dying mother because she is a christian
>He dies in the end of the movie but converts while he is agonizing
>The Hercules guy is a huge edgelord because his wife died and he hates God because of it that's how the protag wins the debate in the end

Also in every movie if this kind
>Everybody that isn't a christian is a huge asshole while the christian characters are too righteous and perfect

Protestant scriptwriters can't write believable characters, you can write about religion without making it proselytizing propaganda you know

Is that the one with Professor Hercules? That block head playing a professor is just as absurd as anything in the Bible.

Because religious apologists are always refuting science left, right and center. Science can only huddle in the corner and cry as they dominate the stage with their wit, reasoning and debating skillz.

>You only grow out of atheism, never into it.
This is one of the most idiotic statements I've ever read...and look where we are, you complete idiot.

if god not real how bananana

bad post

Go away, Ray.

God can suck my dick lmao

You don't have to grow into this kind of evangelical horseshit. Did you see the end of that movie? That good samaritan ought called him a amberlance instead of baptizing him in the name of the Lord while he dies of a punctured lung.

>literally believing Jewish sandnigger tales from 2000 years ago

I mean, you do grow out of Atheism, but becoming a Christian is not "growth" I can understand becoming spiritual, I can even understand believing in "God", but Christianity is a cancer that is so far removed from truth that it's straight up harmful. You only need to look inside yourself to find god, because you are god.


No I'm not, nor are you.

>he worships the sky-kike

Implying atheism isn't Jewish sandnigger shit

try not to cringe guys xd

>The Muslim father beating his daughter and kicking her out for wanting to be Christian

Ummm this is pretty problematic. Ugh.

Look at all these triggered atheists.

Hey look. It's redneck faggot dog killer. Torture any animals for Jesus today?

What the fuck exists except for you, user? If God exists, and you are the only thing that exists...

thanks Descartes, but the utmost certainty of my own existence does not preclude the existence of others, nor strip them of their causality in my own generation. Moreover, my own reflectivity is not eternal, but a mere imitation of a true eternal reflective found in the Trinity.


Bragging about turning christian with meme words? You're not finished yet, pleb.
>"grew out" of atheism
>didn't grow out of fedoraposting

Tune in next week, when OP jumps off a bridge to impress his friends who told him to do it.

But how can you truly prove the existence of anything beyond yourself?

Atheism and Theism are both really stupid ideas and unscientific.

Agnosticism is much better as it leaves open the idea that we could just inherently create our own god through machinery thus proving it's existence once it obtains unlimited power.

My consciousness it not eternal. Even if the things that exist outside of myself are mere illusions created by my mind, they cause me to be to respond to them, and in a temporal manner. This establishment of cause and effect would mean my own existence requires a source, because, as I said before it does not saturate all of time, like presumably God's would. My nature is mercurial.

Moreover, the things outside of myself would imply that I posses a higher degree of knowledge then I am aware, because the conscious me needs inspiration or reasoning to create things, and there exists things in which i lack the ability or knowledge to create.
>You do possess this knowledge, it is merely hidden from you within your subconscious somewhere

well presumable within that infinite knowledge also existing would be the knowledge of the delusion, how could this not seep up and betray the illusion? How can I strip omniscience away from myself?

>and there exists things in which i lack the ability or knowledge to create.
Unless your mind is creating it all, then there isn't.

Yeah man, you get it. We are all reflections of the Source. So we are all reflections of God, in a way.

I cringed when I read the video title.

and I think we might be holographic, in a way. And holograms can have pieces of it still hold the entire information if it's image. In that way we might possess all knowledge the same way a part of a hologram contains the whole image.

like I said, that would require this knowledge to exist in my subconscious and be denied from me. But this infinite knowledge would also contain the understanding of my current delusional state. How can I unlearn something, especially if we are saying I'm mere spirit and thus truly lack the issues of age or physical damage. How can an infinite knowledge strip itself of the awarness of something, and not in turn become newly aware of this action? it can't.

>But this infinite knowledge would also contain the understanding of my current delusional state
Except it doesn't, because clearly you aren't aware of it right now.

>especially if we are saying I'm mere spirit and thus truly lack the issues of age or physical damage
We aren't.

>How can an infinite knowledge strip itself of the awarness of something, and not in turn become newly aware of this action? it can't.
Define infinite.

Always my problem with god, there's such a specific thing people want god to be, but will quickly pretend anything fits the most well enough.

>Except it doesn't, because clearly you aren't aware of it right now.
because it doesn't exist. I'm not a deluded omniscient.

>Define infinite.
In terms of knowledge? Consummate. This hypothetical divine me would be the source of all knowledge. Infinite would entail, in this case, all available knowledge. Presumable that would include any action that I took to reprieve or suppress memories and more confounding still, my knowledge of my own knowledge, extending backwards forever.

>I'm not a deluded omniscient.
Can you prove this?

Movies made by Lifeway tend to suck. There are good Christian movies out there like Silence or Book of Eli, but these movies are just not kino, although their messages are still correct as most atheists do reject God for perceived injustices in their lives.

If a temporal god, how did I strip myself from the knowledge of my omniscience without in turn become aware of this action? I would be come aware the minute I did it.

If I'm eternal, and exit outside of time, how does my omniscience not saturate every instance of my being, how could the promised future resolution of my delusion not be made aware to my consciousness? Moreover, if truly eternal, I should't be subject to cause and effect anyway, as I would exist equally distance from all points in history.

Who said you are a temporal god? You're just a single being creating the world around you in your mind.

So I'm eternal now? Then how does cause and effect exist at all for me if all points are equal from my consciousness? Cause and effect certainly exist, as the presumption of delusion requires me to react to my infinite knowledge and curtail it, and the promise of regaining my state in the "future" would require change on my part.

Who said you are eternal, why are those the only two options?

>Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
Luke 17:21

>21st century
>surrendering your critical faculties to place faith in a tale of vicarious redemption via human sacrifice in Iron Age Palestine

Never go full retard.

Being within me is hardly the same as finding its source within me. Its a grace from God if true, not an act of will on my part.

give me a third, you phantom I've apparently conjured up to irritate myself.

>you phantom I've apparently conjured up to irritate myself.

Now you're getting it.

everyone always focuses on the fantastical and seemingly ridiculous when arguing against religion, while completely ignoring the philosophies underlining every part of the scripture, which is where all the meet and potatoes is at

So let me get this straight, you think that not believing in a personal intervening God who cares about human affairs, takes sides in human wars, and depending on which version of God you're talking about, sacrificed his own human incarnation to slow death in the most backward and illiterate part of Iron Age Palestine is stupid?

That comic is fucking retarded

>So let me get this straight, you think that not believing in a personal intervening God who cares about human affairs, takes sides in human wars, and depending on which version of God you're talking about, sacrificed his own human incarnation to slow death in the most backward and illiterate part of Iron Age Palestine is stupid?
why is it stupid

That is wrong

Well, the subject matter is creationists, so....

>Abrahamic gods

>Obfuscating the point with an appeal to parable and philosophy.

I'm dismissing the metaphysical claims of Christianity as fantasy, I'm not debating the philosophical or ethical importance of the Christian faith, which aren't particularly unique to Christianity, nor are particularly moral.

>while completely ignoring the philosophies underlining every part of the scripture, which is where all the meet and potatoes is at

Because that actually requires knowing what you're talking about and theology studies aren't exactly on first name basis with most people. Not to mention it's material that priests have been studying and debating since pretty much forever.

>implying Christianity didn't kick off because it's ultimately a lazy man's religion that's very easy on user end

You could basically summarize it with "be a good guy and go to church every now and then".

>You could basically summarize it with "be a good guy and go to church every now and then".
That's a pretty poor summary. More accurate would be "Help others and live your life in prayer"

Why is Sup Forums a magnet for the contrarians? When Sup Forums started it was all edgy liberals and now that Obama became popular, Sup Forums swung to the right and adapted conservative beliefs such as believing in God.

Pathetic. The only thinking they can do for themselves is thinking what would make them stand out and make people notice them as they go against the grain.

Those martyrs, ever the layabouts.

despite what people say, you are not here forever. There is a pretty steady cycle of people coming in making the age range consistently 14-24. Part of the appeal of this site to younger people is to get away from mainstream opinions everywhere and be contrarians. This is just where contrarians congregate, its not that this is the same group from 06' flip-flopping over and over

The anonymous image board was founded on the concept of being contrarian. That the threads are temporary and posts anonymous so you can say whatever the fuck you want with no downside. Many people use this as a place to test their arguing abilities by playing devil's advocate.

Why is believing in it stupid?

1. Because it's increadibly arrogant and self centred to believe that a God takes a personal interest in your life, can be appealed to by prayer and who will perform miracles by suspending the natural laws in your favour.

The universe existed long before we were here and will continue to exist long after we are all dead when the andromeda galaxy collides with our own (assuming we live that long and the sun doesn't have a heat death).

2. If God exists he is either infinitely capricious and inept or either infinitely cruel and callous. 98% of all species that have ever existed on earth are now extinct and at one point in humans distant history, after our close cromagnun cousins were killed off we numbered about 20,000 on our exodus from central Africa to South East Asia and only barely survived as a species. The infant mortality in the ensuing years was about 60% and the basic life expactancy was about 25-30, the most common cause of death was toothrot and subsequent brain rot.

3. The central claim of Christianity is that Gods only son Jesus Christ would be born of a virgin, vicariously redeem the whole of the human race and then be resurrected in a region which at that time resurrection and claims of divine revalation were so common that they bordered on banality, and in a region full of illiterate stupified peasants and hysterical women. Meanwhile China has a thriving literate population and revolutionary advances in science, mathmatics and philosophy.

I'm willing to grant the virgin birth first, and the resurrection second, neither of which would prove that Jesus of Nazereth was either the son of God or that his teachings were moral.

Do you need more?


Preach it, brother.

The central preachment of Jesus and thus Christianity was "take no thought for the morrow".

If what you describe is the central message of Christianity then how is it any different to any other religion? They all basically have that same message.

you're forgetting the important bit.

>Do you need more?
A little bit, yeah. From what I can understand of this post, you're not entirely familiar with the bible or Christian doctrine. The whole part about Christ redeeming humanity really reveals it. Jesus was never sent down to redeem man, but to usher in a new covenant with God that man might find redemption through

>You only grow out of atheism, never into it.
I fully agree, this is a great quote.

An omniscient God would, by His nature, be aware of us. As all powerful, nothing could exist against His will. Consequently, He must not only know us, but will us into being.
>too small to care
God is omnipotent. His faculties cannot be exhausted, He cannot be exhausted nor overwhelmed by the minutia of the universe.


Are you arguing its absurd, or that it is contrary to logic. The latter speaks for itself. Despite its humble origins, christianity is ubiquitous. Chinese philosophy from the era is esoteric at best. "Alls-well..." etc. etc.

>Chinese philosophy from the era is esoteric at best. "Alls-well..." etc. etc.
I wouldn't really call Confucianism or Legalism esoteric


uh, about 400 and 200 years to early bub

Apples and Oranges, you're arguing symantics. And I am familiar with Christian doctrine having been brought up a catholic with catholic education.

Jesus came both to create a new covenant with man in order that they can find salvation and redemption through him and also to atone for a redeem the sins of human kind.

Argue against my points not by appealing to my apparent lack of understanding of Christian theology.

not the dude you are debating with but here is a thought...not original but a thought none the less...

why not both, Relative and absolute, a relative condition illusory self that perceives separation and pain, that when the knowledge arises it dissolves revealing the absolute truth. No separation, all knowing, omniscient cleaning a dirty window, you are not adding anything to get to the clean window, its always there the whole time just obscured by dirt(ignorance).

now as to why this ignorance s there, I don't know, evolution perhaps, animalistic self preservation giving way to ignorant survival mechanism perhaps.

maybe its just a game we played on ourselves (noselves) just because we could.

All rational adults are agnostics

This movie was intellectually bankrupt cancer, all the way down to including a five-minute plug for some horrifying "Christian rock" boy band. Anyone who has studied philosophy or theology for real will wince with pain when they see the utterly retarded "arguments" that the brainwashed teen and the logically-challenged "professor" exchange over the course of the movie.

Among the worst movies I've ever seen in my life. It basically reminded me why American protestant and evangelist churches are all nightmarish charisma cults, completely devoid of theological rigour or respect for the millions of man-hours of intense study that have been poured into decoding the Scriptures by the European and Middle-Eastern sects.

>hurr durr you can't prove God doesn't exist! Checkmate, atheists!

I wonder if they pulled that genius line from a translation of Voltaire?


How do you know, what source of information do you have that is denied me.


Christian scripture doesn't sufficiently address this problem as it pre-dates Christianity. Inb4 muh Noah's ark.

3. Both

>You only grow out of atheism, never into it.

This choice of words is very telling of the mentality behind people who push fedora memes. They're former fedora-tippers themselves, proving they'd rather do the mental gymnastics required to go back to religion rather than risk association with the stage of their lives in which they were a cringe-worthy vocal atheist.

Every insult they fling at the irreligious isn't truly directed at their opponents at all, but at an earlier version of themselves they will forever be embarrassed by.

>More accurate would be "Help others and live your life in prayer"
No one does any of that though.

t. Christfag

Just like OP

These sorts of movies were never really about winning arguments. They're basically the theological equivalent of porn for the kinds of people who do shit like post that Einstein student thing unironically. I just wish they were treated with the same stigma as porn


he is saying one goes from hard nosed denial to a sense of curiosity as one matures. That is not to say one becomes so open minded their brain falls out.
It just means that one's faith in man becomes less than one's faith in the unknown over time.

>How do you know, what source of information do you have that is denied me.
speaking out of both sides of your mouth user. The initial argument was not the debate over God's nature, but the apparent absurdity of something all knowing or all powerful caring about us. I explained that neither would allow for a insufficiency in concern, as it would invalidate power, nor an imperfection in knowledge, as it would invalidate omniscience
>Christian scripture doesn't sufficiently address this problem as it pre-dates Christianity. Inb4 muh Noah's ark.
i don't know what the Noah's arc illusion is, but again the beatitudes. Temporal suffering is blotted out in the face of eternal reward. The fact that the rich and well fed tend towards atheism while the poor and inflicted cry out for God only confirms the utility in temporal suffering for the obtainment of this reward

It really enforces the idea that it's the same faggots ruining everything no matter what side they happen to be on,

I quite honestly believe that porn is better for your brain than that movie. The endorphin and dopamine rush from masturbating is, at least in small measures, pretty positive for your psychological health, whereas sitting through a mere 90 minutes of God's Not Dead is probably enough to knock 2 or 3 points off your IQ.

Good goy. Just make sure its interracial


basically this.

The movie sucked for the above reasons and I cringed in the theater with my youth group watching it when I was 17.

I'd rather be caught watching porn than reading the bibble. No one wants that kind of stigma attached to them.

That's why a BUNCH of people are prolly going to hell. Including most churchgoers, tbqh

t. Christfag.

I would have more respect for a philosophy professor instructing his class to study the theological implications of a 90-minute interracial porn video than if he did the same for God's Not Dead.

should have converted to islam and grow all the way to stupid

This guy gets it.

projection much? I know you're lonely being an atheist and all but there has to be another way.

>You only need to look inside yourself to find god, because you are god.

so god jacked it to interracial tranny scat porn 5 minutes ago?

God is capable of anything and everything. You bet your ass he jacked off to interracial tranny scat porn.

If you honestly believe that these proddy made-for-tv circle jerks are the epitome of Christian philosophy and are the reason you choose Christianity over atheism, I feel bad for you.


No Christfags actually think this movie is good, besides "1 like = 1 prayer" autists on Facebook

Christianity was never meant to be the subject of a low-budget feature film featuring the Newsboys™ and the cast of A&E's Duck Dynasty™

Is capable of doing =/= has done

He is the ultimate standard for morality, not the product of all that he could theoretically do

No, Zod.

its the fault of born again Christians, out of all christians i know, they are the worse. my brother in law was born again and a creationist, i can understand belivin in something bigger than you but when you start saying humans and dinosaurs lived together im done with your crazy ass

Which one?

>God's Dead

As in his dead? He owns them? Is it God is Dead? As in he's deceased?