Was anyone really looking forward to this film?

Was anyone really looking forward to this film?
Tom Cruise is like Vin Diesel. The only thing keeping their careers alive is a big franchise that critics have a soft spot and makes a ton of money. Furious Franchise for Vin and MI for Tom.
Outside of that they're hopeless. He should just quit and take a cue from Brad Pitt. Do a War Machine type deal or some shit like that. I was going to say he goes all John Wick but Jack Reacher 2 bombed.

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Cruise needs to go back to actually acting. His best movie is still Magnolia.


I'm looking forward to it.

You're a faggot and rottentomatoes is double faggot giving a ~96% to superhero movie number 50.

Also, Jack Reacher sounds like the name of a gay pornstar so it was destined to fail

>The only thing keeping their careers alive is a big franchise that critics have a soft spot and makes a ton of money
cruise hasnt made a movie that legit bombed since rock of ages, hes leagues better than any actor in capeshit that plays a hero

I didn't really expect anything out of this movie aside from a few fappable scenes with the mummy, but it's not like I was ever going to pay for a ticket for that

His best movie is born on the fourth of juli

I wanted it to do well so that we might get new Wolf Man and Black Lagoon movies.

>Cruise is like Diesel only keeping their careers alive are big franchises

He did Edge of Tomorrow and Oblivion that weren't big. The fuck you talking about?

Neither need the money, they both have piles of it. They just do it for fun and don't give a fuck if critics like it or not.

Honestly, with Tom, I think he'll sign on to a project just if they let him do a cool stunt. With Vin I think he feels like he birthed and nurtured the FF franchise and watches over it like a parent.

I could be way off, but that's my opinion.

I recently re-watched Jerry Maguire. I forgot how completely awful it is. Cruise and Zellwegger have absolutely zero chemistry. At no point in the movie is his character shown to develop any feelings for her. But in the end he randomly decides he loves her for no particular reason.

Vin also uses the FF money to finance his Riddick movies.

It's already out in my country and I just compared the booked tickets for it and Wonder Woman at 6 tonight

The Mummy had 18
Wonder Woman had 52

The funny thing is Mummy is being shown in the bigger room. This film is fucked

As with all dreck, China will save it

based cruise

They wouldn't have been the Wolf Man and Black Lagoon movies that you wanted

Has his shit been unfucked?

The curse had been lifted and transferred to another

>They just do it for fun

Tom Cruise delayed the production of the next Mission Impossible by 3 months over a pay dispute and wanting more money.

Cruise is more of a movie star than an actor. Whether it's good or bad, he is bigger than any movie he is part of.

Don't compare him to Vin "Got my franchise stolen by Dwayne and Statham" Diesel

Cruise will undoubtedly be the best part of this movie. Respect the Cruise.

You aren't excited for the DuCU?

Eventually they'll just stop releasing movies in the US and just release them in China where it makes all the money. Happened with the Warcraft movie, and with Fast and Furious. Will likely happen with Mummy too.

The fuck happen to this board?

Dude has been in some entertaining movies even in recent times. Edge of Tomorrow is still one of my favorite recent sci-fi movies. The only bad one was the last Jack Reacher just because the story was pretty boring. But yeah OK, I guess you only watched Mission Impossible. He's not after money or fame. Just let him fly a plane or hang off of one and he's probably on board.

He made the wrong move trying to move in on Brendan's franchise

Brendan's franchise is the JUST meme now

Tom Cruise will always have a career. You do realize that he does still in fact print money. Tom basically is a Paramount flagship actor. Listen to Bill Hader talk about him. He basically is such a pro they knocked 2 days worth of work out in 45 minutes because Tom wanted to get Bill home to his wife.

A concept so flawed even Cruise could not save it.

> Romantic movies females will never understand.

Dracula Untold was better, and Dracula Untold was a shitty movie!

This "Dark Universe" is fucked, I pity Universal.


Chinks love the two C's

Cars & Cruise

Three C's:
Cars, Cruise, and CGI

What are they doing trying to make Big Budget Action Horror.

Push it to Rated R, make things actually scary/creepy. Why emulate capeshit audiences are already getting weary of DC and Marvel.

>tfw unironically enjoyed dracula untold

I feel like the subject matter of these movies is worn. The Del Toro Wolfman was a load of hot shit. It's almost as if Hollywood makes these films and goes " well maybe this time it will work"

When Hollywood goes back to the 1930-50s remake they are always so bad.

> in b4 The Thing

> four C's

Cars,Cruise,CGI,and Chan

>Reddit: The opinion

Having Tom Cruise settle for Jewflix shit at this stage would be such a disfavor to the viewing public. I don't know how much he has left in that tank, but I'm gonna enjoy all his movies while I still can.

Also his movies rarely ever bomb. I don't even remember the last one that did, unless you like listening to Sup Forums for financial reports, in which case, everything bombs, so don't worry about anything.

Well Kong seemed pretty well received.

>hey I remember that guy from top gun/mission impossible/whatever better see this movie now because I remember
Nostalgia: the actor

Look at his last few films. He's not a huge draw anymore

>hey I recognize that hollywood person!
really makes you think

>tfw he just doesn't wanna do Kino anymore


Tom could get that Oscar if he really wanted it.

>It will be argued that this one was made not for the critics but for the fans. Which is no doubt true. Every con game is played with suckers in mind.

>Tom Cruise is like Vin Diesel. The only thing keeping their careers alive is a big franchise that critics have a soft spot and makes a ton of money. Furious Franchise for Vin and MI for Tom.
Yeah has nothing to do with all the other fantastic movies Cruise's made.

Can't bruise the Cruise, don't even try.

>he didn't see Oblivion, essential Cruisekino

I was agreeing with you until you said Fast and Furious instead of Riddick

Hell, I haven't even seen a single F&F movie.

>five C's

Cars, Cruise, CGI, Chan, and Computer Game Movies!

>You're a faggot and rottentomatoes is double faggot giving a ~96% to superhero movie number 50.

You know RT doesn't give scores right? They aggregate scores from all kinds of media into an average.

>Cruise needs to go back to actually acting.

This. The guy sure as shit doesn't need the money at this point in his career, he should quit it with all these shitty action movies and just do smaller projects of some actual artistic merit.

I wanted this to do good so we could get a Universal Monster CU but if this bombs, all others will probably get cancelled too. What a shame.

>What are they doing trying to make Big Budget Action Horror.
>Push it to Rated R, make things actually scary/creepy.
No fucking shit. These movies are going to bomb due to not being R Rated.

>giving the keys to your universe to Alex Kurtzman

I honestly wish this was a standalone movie. The other movies of this series I am not interested in.

They should have just made this a new series of Cruise hunting caves and ancient digging sites

>The Mummy : Lair of the Dinosaurs
>The Mummy: Inter dimensional Ghosts of Time
10/10 would pay to see every one

Amazing Spiderman 2 is one of my favorite films no joke so this guy being behind this new Mummy movie is great news

i mean is there a built in audience of mummy fans?, what are these dumbasses thinking. theres plenty of way decent scifi books. just mine that shit well. computer animation is a dime a dozen these days. bradley cooper shrikeverse. hershlag spooky lighthouse areax verse. dune super low expectationsverse. literally and neal stephenson book. why keep giving these fucking shit lost people money. read a book jews