Is he right, Sup Forums?


Batman btfo Superman...Iron Manlet literally can't fucking subdue Cap or Bucky...

Does Batman have prep time?

longitudinal thinking
batman is a master chess player
while tony is in a cave designing a powerplant bruce is thinking fifteen steps ahead of everyone

Yes. Iron Man also has prep time but he uses it to prep Penny's bulls.

I wouldn't put money on me in a fight between myself and batman just because I make my own coffee in the morning while Batman has Alfred making his.

>meme black scientist man doesn't believe batman could rig an emp to incapacitate Tony

Batman also creates stuff, he is no way as mart as Stark or other super smart people but he doesn't just pay people to build things

Batman is the most boring mofo right next to superman, with the power of my pointy bat ears, information pooped out of my bat ass and infinite bat money I can defeat these cosmic gods that used to rule the universe.

Batman uses an EMP sort of bomb to disable Tony's suit.
Batman wins.

this. science nigger knows only about nolan's batman. what a retard

>The greatest detective in the world
>Does almost no investigation


>TempleOS could beat Ubuntu because Terry invented everything that OS uses, while Ubuntu has compscientists

>Iron Man wouldn't have 50 Marc automated suits at 30.000 feet ready to descend on Batfleck in seconds.

Hey bros, whats going on here?

>Batman has engineers

Bruce designs and builds all his shit himself though.

There's very little chance Tony could prep enough to take on Batman properly.

EMP's don't work on Iron Man but Batman does make stuff and it's some OP shit. Like his gauntlets that have miniature red suns in the knuckles.

Tony isn't adverse to killing so he'd wi- OH never mind, Batman is a murdering psychopath now. Thanks, Snyder

>tony has 5 more suits fly in and rape Batman to death

Tony wins

Da Grease has only seen the Nolan films

They wouldn't even see him.
Batman wins.

The answer is simple, whoever the author wants to win. If you want "insert character of choice here" you have him prepared with 50k plans for every possible scenario prepared by himself, his A.I or w/e.

Batman: Haha, I have an emp.
IM: Haha, I have this shit that protects me from an emp.
Batman: Haha, my emp is special bat emp.
continue pointless child level dialog with your own imagination.

Even without their suits or tech, Batman would beat the living fuck out of Iron Man.

Does Iron Man have anything on par with the Hell bat armor? Batman can fight Darkseid while in that thing.

that didn't save jason. nor rachel. nor barbara from getting into a fucking wheelchair

Who wouldn't the suits see?

Tony? They can have up date gps tracking, and if he stops transmitting (like getting hit by EMP) they would automatically fly to his last known location for backup


God uses TempleOS, you fucking CIA nigger.

>iron manlet beating batman

bleeding edge armour is pretty bullshit

neil needs to read more.

Maybe not as mechanically smart but doesn't Batman have a genius level IQ? Thats why a guy in a bat costume is actually worth something to the Justice League, because he's a master detective, tactician, body-language reader and so on.

But didn't Nolan's Batman fix an airplane's autopilot system that science Morgan Freeman couldn't?

>emp's don't work on Ironman
>magnets don't work on Ironman
>hacking doesn't work on Ironman
>mindcontrol doesn't work on ironman
>physics doesn't work on Ironman

If we're talking composite comic versions of both then Bruce curb stomps Tony with prep.

Bruce duped Braniac 5 into submission during earth fire arc. Braniac 5 is 12th level intellect. Lex Luther is close to 7th level, and I'd wager Tony is just below Lex.

Besides Tony was beaten at chess in 616 X-Men crossover by fucking Gambit. A street leveler retard who throws flaming cards.

Shouldn't this shit thread be on the shit board that is Sup Forums?

With prep time Batman is unbeatable. It's his power. He used it to beat Superman who could beat all of the Avengers with the possible exception of characters with op and vaguely defined capabilities like Scarlet Witch or Doctor Strange.

Iron Man couldn't even beat two people who aren't even superhuman, just the absolute limit of human capabilities.

This basically comes down to the Batman vs anyone thing. Does Batman have time to prepare? If so, he wins. If not, commence debating.

Do we have to call him Bucky? Can't they give him some cool code/hero name like Battle Fighter or Armguy

>>Besides Tony was beaten at chess in 616 X-Men crossover by fucking Gambit.
I don't read comics because I'm not 5, but surely Gambit just cheated? It's not that hard to move a piece here and there with slight of hand.

He does have a cool one "Winter Soldier"

You're posting in a capeshit thread but trying to act superior because you don't read comics? Wew lad. That's like, manlet levels of insecure.

they both get triggered by dead parents like faggots

everyone on the JL is a genius except for Hal

I don't even watch these movies, I'm really just around to laugh at manchildren.

Besides, isn't it "acceptable" to watch this trash these days? I don't think these movies are doing that well on just the family audience.

No because if Tony loses the suit or something should suit it down, tony is dead. If Bruce loses his gadgets, he's still Batman. Batman wins.

Yeah but that's the brainwashed him. I dunno, calling him Bucky just sounds so stupid.

>Bruce Wayne isn't his own lead engineer
>Tony Stark doesn't have engineers

He is a brain surgeon or w/e so we can't honestly fault him for not knowing this stuff

The most OP ironman in the comics is cosmic level. Other than that version id give it to batman

reminder that batman could kill superman if he wanted... iron man doesnt stand a chance

>>physics doesn't work on Ironman

Deus Ex Machina's outta the ass !

Batman may not have sufficient fire power on his person but he could have a Batmobile operated by Alfred shoot rockets while Batman momentarily EMPs Iron Man.

Iron Man making his own stuff is actually the very reason he would lose because he doesn't have enough time to train.

Because The Joker is his perfect foil. The Joker could probably btfo with more ease.

Iron Man defeated Hulk and Hulk >>>>>>>>>>> Supercuck

why do people ask this stupid nigger questions about fake movies? why does he give answers like they're real life?

Batman would have already planned ahead and had Tony incapacitated before those suits are called in. Batman wins.

haha wtf? superman would either melt hulk to ash or throw him into the sun

Damn, that's profound.

>implying Batman doesn't have suits too
the guy is autistic, he has to be when your city being attacked by kajus is something that can actually happen

Yet you actually come here to discuss what superhero would win in a fight. You are deluded and retarded.


Man, you sure are defensive just because I laughed at you for not understanding a children's comic.

>guy with fucking nukes in his flying robot suit can kill a person dressed like a bat
Wow Neil, you must have really crunched the numbers on that one.

As a followup, could the Canadian military defeat a cougar?

>could the Canadian military defeat a cougar?
Probably not

Batman lso invets a ton of stuff, Batman has degrees in chemistry, biology, physics, and basically any science, Batman is beyond human peak, and Batman knows a ton of martial arts and fighting techniques.

>that nose
her family tree got blacked a long time ago

t. Bruce Wayne

Characters that can beat Batman

>A-Bomb, Abe Sapien, Abin Sur, Abomination, Abrades, Absorbing Man, Adam Monroe, Adam Strange, Agent, Agent Bob, Agent Zero, Air-Walker, Ajax, Alan Scott, Alex Mercer, Alex Woolsly, Alfred Pennyworth, Alf, Alien, Allan Quatrain, Amazo, Ammo, Ando Masahashi, Angel, Angel, Angel Dust, Angel Salvadore, Angela, Animal Man, Annihilus, Ant-Man, Ant-Man II, Anti-Monitor, Anti-Spawn, Anti-Venom, Apocalypse, Aquababy, Equaled, Aquaman, Arachne, Archangel, Arclight, Ares, Ariel, Armor, Arsenal, Astro Boy, Atlas, Atom, Atom Girl, Atom I, Atom II, Atom III, Atom IV, Aurora, Azazel, Azrael, Aztar, Bane, Banshee, Bantam, Batgirl I, Batgirl II, Batgirl III, Batgirl IV, Batgirl V, Batgirl VI, Battlestar, Batwoman, Beak, Beast, Beast Boy, Beetle, Ben 10, Beta Ray Bill, Beyond, Big Barda, Big Daddy, Big Man, Bill Harken, Billy Kincaid, Binary, Bird-Brain, Bird-Man, Bird-Man II, Birman, Bishop, Bizarro, Black Abbott, Black Adam, Black Bolt, Black Canary, Black Canary, Black Cat, Black Goliath, Black Knight III


Black Lightning, Black Mamba, Black Panther, Black Widow, Black Widow II, Blackout, Blackwing, Blackwulf, Blade, Blaquesmith, Bling!, Blink, Blizzard, Blizzard I, Blizzard II, Blob, Bloodaxe, Bloodhawk, Bloodwraith, Blue Beetle, Blue Beetle I, Blue Beetle II, Blue Beetle III, Bolt, Bomb Queen, Boom Boom, Boomer, Booster Gold, Box, Box III, Box IV, Brainiac, Brainiac 5, Brother Voodoo, Buffy, Bullseye, Bumblebee, Bumbleboy, Bushido, Cable, Callisto, Cameron Hicks, Cannonball, Captain America, Captain Atom, Captain Britain, Captain Cold, Captain Epic, Captain Hindsight, Captain Mar-vell, Captain Marvel, Captain Marvel, Captain Marvel II, Captain Midnight, Captain Planet, Captain Universe, Carnage, Cat, Cat II, Catwoman, Cecilia Reyes, Century, Cerebra, Chamber, Chameleon, Changeling, Cheetah I, Cheetah II, Cheetah III, Chromos, Chuck Norris, Claire Bennet, Clea, Cloak, Clock King, Cogliostro, Colin Wagner, Colossal Boy, Colossus, Copycat, Corsair, Cottonmouth, Crimson, Crusader, Crimson Dynamo I, Crystal, Curse, Cy-Gor, Cyborg, Cyborg, Superman, Cyclops, Cypher, Dagger, Danny Cooper, Daphne Powell, Daredevil, Darkhawk, Darkman, Darkseid, Darkside, Darkstar, Dash, Dazzler, Deadman, Deadpool, Deadshot, Deathlok, Deathstroke, Demogoblin, Destroyer, DL Hawkins, Doc Samson, Doctor Doom, Doctor Doom II


Doctor Fate, Doctor Octopus, Doctor Strange, Domino, Donna Troy, Doomsday, Doppelganger, Dormammu, Dr Manhattan, Drax the Destroyer, Ego, Elastigirl, Electro, Elektra, Elle Bishop, Elongated Man, Emma Frost, Enchantress, Energy, ERG-1, Ethan Hunt, Etrigan, Evilhawk, Exodus, Fabian Cortez, Falcon, Fallen One II, Faora, Feral, Fighting Spirit, Fin Fang Foom, Firebird, Firelord, Firestar, Firestorm, Firestorm, Fixer, Flash Gordon, Flash I, Flash II, Flash III, Flash IV, Forge, Franklin Richards, Franklin Storm, Frenzy, Frigga, Galactus, Gambit, Gamora, Garbage Man, Gary Bell, General Zod, Genesis, Ghost Rider, Ghost Rider II, Giant-Man, Giant-Man II, Gigantic, Gladiator, Goblin Queen, Goku, Goliath, Goliath II, Goliath III, Goliath IV, Gorilla Grodd, Granny Goodness, Gravity, Green Arrow, Green Goblin, Green Goblin II, Green Goblin III, Green Goblin IV, Groot, Guardian, Guy Gardner, Hal Jordan, Hancock, Harley Quinn, Havok, Hawk, Hawkeye, Hawkeye II, Hawkgirl, Hawkman, Hawkwoman I, Hawkwoman II, Hawkwoman III, Heat Wave, Hellboy, Hellcat, Hellstorm, Hercules, Hiro Nakamura, Hit-Girl, Hobgoblin, Hollow, Hope Summers, Howard the Duck, Hulk, Human Torch, Huntress, Husk, Hybrid, Hydro-Man, Hyperion, Iceman, Impulse, Indigo, Ink, Invisible Woman, Iron Fist, Iron Man, Iron Monger, Isis, Jack Bauer, Jack of Hearts, Jack-Jack, James Bond, Jason Bourne, Jean Grey, Jennifer Kale, Jesse Quick, Jessica Jones, Jessica Sanders, Jigsaw, Jim Powell, JJ Powell, Johann Krauss, John Constantine, John Stewart, John Wraith, Joker, Jolt, Jubilee, Juggernaut, Junkpile, Justice, Kang, Katniss Everdeen, Kevin 11, Kick-Ass, Kid Flash, Kid Flash II, Killer Croc, Killer Frost, Kilowog, King Shark, Kingpin, Klaw, Kool-Aid Man, Kraven II, Kraven the Hunter, Krypto 5, Lady Bullseye, Lady Deathstrike, Leader, Leech, Lex Luthor, Light Lass, Lightning Lad,

Gonna need more than 4

>flying robot

Batman has flying shit too. Batman wins.


Kek this is spot on.


Lightning Lord, Living Brain, Liz Sherman, Lizard, Lobo, Loki, Longshot, Luke Cage, Luke Campbell, Luke Skywalker, Luna, Lyja, Mach-IV, Machine Man, Magneto, Magog, Magus, Man-Bat, Man-Thing, Man-Wolf, Mandarin, Martian Manhunter, Marvel Girl, Master Brood, Master Chief, Match, Matt Parkman, Maverick, Maxima, Maya Herrera, Medusa, Meltdown, Mephisto, Mera, Metallo, Metamorpho, Meteorite, Metron, Micah Sanders, Micro Lad, Mimic, Misfit, Miss Martian, Mister Fantastic, Mister Freeze, Mister Mxyzptlk, Mister Sinister, Mister Zsasz, Mockingbird, Mogo, Molinder, Molten Man, Monarch, Monica Dawson, Moon Knight, Moonstone, Morlun, Morph, Moses, Magnum, Mr Incredible, Ms Marvel II, Multiple Man, Mysterio, Mystique, Namor, Namora, Namorita, Naruto Uzumaki, Nathan Petrelli, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Nick Fury, Nightcrawler, Nightwing, Niki Sanders, Nina Theroux, Nite Owl II, Northstar, Nova, Nova, Offspring, Omega Red, Omniscient, One Punch Man

Onslaught, Oracle, Osiris, Overtkill, Paul Blart, Penance, Penance I, Penance II, Penguin, Peter Petrelli, Phantom, Phantom Girl, Phoenix, Plantman, Plastic Lad, Plastic Man, Plastique, Poison Ivy, Polaris, Power Girl, Power Man, Predator, Professor X, Professor Zoom, Proto-Goblin, Psylocke, Punisher, Purple Man, Pyro, Quantum, Question, Quicksilver, Quill, Ra’s Al Ghul, Rachel Pirzad, Rambo, Raven, Razor-Fist, Red Arrow, Red Hood, Red Hulk, Red Mist, Red Robin, Red Skull, Red Tornado, Redeemer II, Redeemer III, Renata Solid, Retro Girl, Rhino, Rick Flag, Riddler, Rip Hunter, Ripcord, Robin I, Robin II, Robin III, Robin V, Robin VI, Rocket Raccoon, Rogue, Ronin, Rorschach, Sabertooth, Sage, Sandman, Sasquatch, Scarecrow, Scarlet Spider, Scarlet Spider II, Scarlet Witch, Scorpia, Scorpion, Sebastian Shaw, Sentry, Shadow King, Shadowcat, Shang-Chi, Shatterstar, She-Hulk, She-Thing, Shocker, Shriek, Shrek, Shrinking Violet, Sif, Silk, Silk Spectre, Silk Spectre II, Silver Surfer, Silverclaw, Sinestro, Siren, Siren II, Siryn, Skaar, Snake-Eyes, Snowbird, Sobek, Solomon Grundy, Songbird, Space Ghost, Spawn, Spectre, Speedball, Speedy, Spider-Carnage, Spider-Girl, Spider-Gwen


Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, Spider-Woman II, Spider-Woman III, Spider-Woman IV, Spyke, Stacy X, Star-Lord, Stardust, Starfire, Stargirl, Steel, Stephanie Powell, Storm, Stormtrooper, Sunspot, Superboy, Superboy-Prime, Supergirl, Superman, Swamp Thing, Swarm, Sylar, Synch, T-1000, Tempest, Thanos, The Cape, The Comedian, Thing, Thor, Thor Girl, Thunderbird, Thunderbird II, Thunderbird III, Thunderstrike, Thundra, Tiger Shark, Tigra, Tina Fey, Tinkerer, Titan, Toad, Toxin, Tracy Strauss, Trickster, Triplicate Girl, Triton, Two-Face, Ultragirl, Ultron, Utgard-Loki, Vagabond, Valerie Hart, Valkyrie, Vanisher, Venom, Venom II, Venom III, Vertigo II, Vibe, Vindicator, Vindicator II, Violator, Violet, Vision, Vision II, Vixen, Vulcan, Vulture, Walrus, War Machine, Warbird, Warlock, Warp, Warpath, Wasp, Watcher, Weapon XI, White Canary, White Queen, Wildfire, Winter Soldier, Wiz Kid, Wolfsbane, Wolverine, Wonder Girl, Wonder Man, Wonder Woman, Wondra, Wyatt Wingfoot, X, X-23, X-Man, Y, Yellow Claw, Yellowjacket, Yellowjacket II, Ymir, Yoda, Zatanna, Zoom, and Zora

Probably more but thats enough


>Cap or Bucky...
Ellipses aside, he was beaten by Cap and Bucky.
Without BS prep time, Captain America would destroy Batman in a straight up fight.

Another user that takes the "limit of human capabilities" thing way too literally. You can't train up to Cap's level. Cap is the limit of human DNA, not the limit a person today can become. The super soldier serum is basically years of eugenics in a bottle. Batman could never be as strong or fast as Steve Rogers.

I bet the manchild smugly watches every 2 dollar Korean cartoon DC puts out.

Kill yourself.


Dude you could just say Deus Ex Machine, that's how you kill Batman.

>Captain Britain
hehehehe hohohoho

Batman is basically Trump
All the autists hate him but he keeps winning while they screech about how "this isn't fair! he shouldn't be supposed or allowed to do that!!!"

Batman is just way more powerful than Iron Man in ways that can't be measured by technology. Batman is just more of a man than Iron Man. He has more grit. He has more drive. He believes in doing what is right and fighting the very bitter end. If they came face to face Tony would blink first.

Iron Man only exists in that 2008 movie. Iron Man in all the following movies should be called Paper Man because his armor has the strength of paper.

No, you.

Why does anyone bother debating about comic books heroes power levels? That shits reserved for kids in playgrounds.
> Oh, Blackedwidow is about to lose to Batman's ingenuity?
> Kapow! Blamo! She pulls out a concealed cold war era plasma pistol!
> How will Batman combat this? Find out in the next issue!
They literally pull shit out of their ass.

>In order to stop the glaciers from melting it seems to me that we need to figure out how to stop frozen h2o from turning into its liquid state

No fucking doy. Everything he says is a captain obvious statement. It this asshole for real?

It's obvious he's picking the obvious answer that's overlooked because it's obvious you silly twat.

Take your example, how much money is spent on reducing green house gases to reduce global warming to preserve glaciers verses something you do directly to the glaciers to keep them from melting?

No he didn't cheat. He was beaten because of his hubris. 2 panels before he was laughing at gambits notion of even playing him.

That's Tony's problem. He always thinks he's the smartest man in the room, when in reality he's anything but. He's kind of like Braniac in that regard, his downfall is always his hubris.

Which is why even with prep, he would lose to Bruce 10/10 every time.

Cap is superhuman. They list his stat level as that, then show him lifting more than his supposed max strength, then show him doing things that require significantly more strength than that.

Not to mention he can dodge bullets and never tires.

He was basically given eugenics in a bottle. He's not as strong as the strongest man on Earth. He's as strong as the strongest people on the planet breeding for generations upon generations. And as fast as the fastest, etc.

Plus he's a better fighter, and willing to kill. The only way Batman doesn't get fucked up is if he uses his superior stealth abilities to hit him some with some gadget. Any other scenario he gets rekt.

>muh preptime

The preptime argument for Batman is retarded because it always assumes Batman is working tirelessly to outsmart his opponent while they sit there obliviously with their thumb up their ass. Its because people like Batman so the writers need to come up with some ridiculous scenario so he could win against characters he normally has no chance against. Most characters with an equal amount of preptime would still fuck up Batman. Especially if they're willing to kill.

>batman plays chess
>joker plays checkers, monopoly, and mouse trap

bats can't always anticipate the joker's moves or even his motivations. that's why he gets btfo so often

except batman almost kills superman in the movie

Weak bait.

If Patton Oswalt fought Conor McGregor there's a chance Conor could slip on the blood leaking from Oswalt's pulverized face and break his neck.

Do you want to put money on Oswalt?

>The preptime argument for Batman is retarded because it always assumes Batman is working tirelessly to outsmart his opponent while they sit there obliviously with their thumb up their ass.

Maybe if it was an outlier, you'd have a point. But he has in almost in every major encounter against opponents outside of his tier which he has won, was due to prep. So there's a solid case to be made for Batman + Prep = Win.

Also cap never tires? What... Taskmaster literally beat the brakes off cap until he was a bloody mess unable to get up.

More? Aleph the android who was essentially street leveler curb'd cap into KO.

>Maybe if it was an outlier, you'd have a point. But he has in almost in every major encounter against opponents outside of his tier which he has won, was due to prep. So there's a solid case to be made for Batman + Prep = Win.
Because he's written simultaneously like an underdog AND Mary Sue.

Writers like to favor weaker characters and popular characters and Batman in vs pairings happen to be both.

Nobody can resist those levels of pandering to see the stars in eyes of their readers when Le Batman takes down a planet busting bad ass. They fucking soil their pants at the prospect of such juicy controversial next level writing.

Maybe. Blame the writers if you want to, but fact remains based entirely on feats, a strong case can be made for batman with prep.

Also if you want hilariously bad writing, just take a look at Squirrel Girl.

So whats stopping Cap from hitting Batman with some ridiculous SHIELD weapon when he's not expecting it.

When Batman gets 'preptime', what almost always happens is he gets his ass kicked, some Deus Ex Machina saves him, and he spends the next week in his cave working something out and surprises his adversary when he's not expecting it.

>Also cap never tires? What..

Thanos got beaten by Spiderman and Black Cat

You can find lots of weird outliers for times characters have been jobbed.

We're talking about the basic outset of the characters, and one of the trademark things the super serum does is slow down tiring, so Cap is supposedly able to fight in top form for hours.