Holy fuck this show is good. TYP thread. Thread theme

Holy fuck this show is good. TYP thread. Thread theme.


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>season 2 isn't a true "second season"


They call it the Young Kino for a reason.

Because its the greatest show on earth.

Song was so GOAT. Entire show was so fucking kino.

>tfw season 2 not till 2018

Why, what's happening?

>"The New Pope"

so Lenny really did die

since season 1 was all about a reactionary conservative destroying the church and learning at the end to not be such a douchebag, I'm guessing the new pope will be a radical liberal who destroys the church in similar ways who learns at the end to moderate his reforms at the end

they aren't filming until late 2018. it won't air until probably late 2019. maybe even early 2020


Essentially it doesn't follow the Pope directly.

Do you think it would be that heavy handed after setting the tone in the first one? Or would it be a normalish pope and focus on some other character flaws/internal struggle to drive the drama?

Also, I'm not saying it won't be good, but Lenny was such a good one to watch.

From that article:
>The big question, of course, is whether Lenny Belardo is dead. Sources say that a reappearance by Law in “The New Pope,” albeit in a much smaller role, has not been ruled out.

We'll see...


It was for the best, bud. Lenny's character arc was done and over. Trying to stretch it would only sully the show. The question now is what will the new Pope be like?

lol no

It started off good, but it went to shit with the hippy ass conservatism is childish angle.

It ended up being one of my favourite shows.





Song name?

The first half was good. I liked the "what if" angle.

>what if the pope was actually chosen by divine intervention of the holy spirit and was able to commit miracles and see the truth in all things

But the second half was disappointing. Everything after they got back from Africa was kind of boring and straightforward.


Season 2 isn't about Lenny? Might still be good, not sure how they could top the first season without using an entirely new cast of characters

>using an entirely new cast of characters
I think that's the idea

Who was the best character and why was it Gutierrez?

Great soundtrack.


The third and final series will be called "The Last Pope". Screencap this.

>albeit in a much smaller role, has not been ruled out.
le?what do they mean a smaller role? Like a cameo as a new character? Is the next season not gonna be the same universe?

You forgot youtube.com/watch?v=oecHq2neweA

I don't know if I can speak for anyone else, but I felt an unbelievable respect for this show.

A lot of really good television is out there right now, on HBO and other sources, but so many of them take an easy route of cynicism, spectacle, or snark. The Young Pope had the conviction to be a earnest and heartfelt look at faith when it could have garnered similar (if not more) acclaim if it was merely a House of Cards knockoff set in the Vatican.

TL;DR The Young Pope made me think about my own spirituality in a way that no other mainstream tv show has before. I liked it.

do webms have sound now?

>not including that brief shot of the nuns

The webm isn't uploaded to Sup Forums you dofus

Yep. He encapsulates a lot of sheltered, inhibited people who gets brought out of their shell by a friend who values them more than they value themselves.




>all this music I listen to

Gonna have to give this show a watch now

>Gutierrez burgerland quest


Why was the qt ambassador of iceland dancing in that room? Also, aren't icelandic (nordic) women either fat, muscle bound and hairy?

Get ready for Jesus mah man. This is show is 100% Sup Forums approved

>any pope

Learn what words mean, user.

Saint Lenny most likely appearing in a dream/hallucination.

I feel you man

t. Lapsed Catholic

It's posted on /wsg/

She was from Greenland, and Greenland is known for its qts and dancing skills.

I wasn't prepared for the feels you brought up

are you me?

a preachy nu-age libtard monologues
oh i see why you redditors love it, it dictates your group think narratives

why are you such a faggot user?

>Francis: Christians must apologize to gay people for marginalizing them
>Christians and Muslims are brothers and sisters, and we must act as such.

Not uploaded to Sup Forums I meant, lel

link to thread pls

>TL;DR The Young Pope made me think about my own spirituality in a way that no other mainstream tv show has before. I liked it.
Yep, same here. It was one of those shows that genuinely influenced me. Kinda like some books do

>Greenland is known for its qts

Come on, the show was okay at best. If this show is all that it takes to make you think about your faith you're kind of a moron

Just asking the real questions broseph. I stand corrected the other user said she's from Greenland (same difference).

Fuck off. Its okay if you didn't feel the way that I did about it, but I was being honest.


just kill yourself faggot



I won't, broseph.

>being so shallow you call other people morons for thinking about and questioning their own beliefs

bye bye kiddo

>how can people have different emotional responses to a show other than the one I have?
It's almost like art is subjective LOL

you're just so cool user

Why didn't he just ask God to find his parents?

He probably did, the guy isn't a magician

you forgot these kino tracks



Haha very clever reply user

Also from when he enters the Sistine Chapel


He did find his parents though. They left him again at it literally broke his heart;_;

Thanks for the spoiler tag fag, my life would be better if you had never been born.

why are you even here?

because he wants to fit in

I'm legitimately sure whoever did this show loves playing Forza Horizon.

The Flume track is from FH3, and Pnau is from FH2.

I speak from deeply personal experience. I've been on both sides of that relationship.

I remember there being a few threads on Sup Forums when it was coming out in Europe

Yeah, user, so have I. This is why it brings the feels in me.

I can't believe I didn't even notice that in the show.

Oh wow another day on Sup Forums where someone thinks smug derision is an insightful response.

Slow down champ, you're moving too fast for the rest of us

Meant for

He doesn't actually "die" it's ambiguous. He may be in the next "season"

What? Every episode after and including Africa was the peak of the season dude. Literal perfection

Somebody doesn't understand art.

Honestly the entire show was at the peak. This has to be literally the only show I know that's been keeping it's pace from the first to last episode and hasn't gotten neither better or worse because it's already been amazing.

Lenny fucking up the big speech was honestly one of the most surprising moments in modern television.

The show was more about showing that conservative church isn't really all that bad and it has love. It's like that hardass father that's harsh but very just and loving.

Mate we're talking about Sorrentino here

What impressed me the most with this show is how "new" it felt. Sorrentino didn't give a fuck about how a tv "should" be made in this day and age. There wasn't any artistic compromise in TYP and it was marvelous.

Also, Jude Law's performance was amazing.


>Also, Jude Law's performance was amazing.
Also something I noticed. I've never been much of a fan of his, but good lord this was a good performance.

Sorrentino is worthless.
