"What are you looking at you mangy gook? I used to stack fucks like you 5 feet high in Korea!"

>"What are you looking at you mangy gook? I used to stack fucks like you 5 feet high in Korea!"

Woah, how did Eastwood get away with this during the Obama era?

Other urls found in this thread:



Neck yourself, redditor.

Contrary to popular belief racial slurs are still allowed in movies.

hey what the heck he didn't say that

The only funny one was where Uncle Ben is dying and lamenting that it was a white guy that did it. Just because of how drawn out it was and also with the punchline from Peter.


Well he did say a ton of racist shit in that movie

>this times the memes were real

The thing is he did say that but not in that specific scene or use the word mangy. Op is paraphrasing slightly but it's in the movie.

holy shit lol its actually worse than OP

Holy fuck, did Raimi ghostwrite the script?

>Woah, how did Eastwood get away with this during the Obama era?
Sweaty, please......


great film


Go back.

this is the greatest fucking movie ever made. clint is the man.

t. i hate fun

>not realizing that's all in the movie
i can't believe there are people on this board who haven't seen gran torino


He didn't. Movie got snubbed at the Oscars.

Know why? Was it "muh ebil racism"? Because everywhere else it got critical praise.

The thing is, he says shit like that in that movie.

A great, mature film, actually anti-racist as fuck, but assuming that non-whites can be treated as adults, not as children to pussyfoot to.

>when we were in korea and a thousand screaming gooks came across our line we didnt call the police

Not every movie can win big, and it was too modest in scale and metatextual to do well. You might think "metatextual, wtf faggot, this is Clint", but half of the point of the movie is you expect a classic Dirty Harry-style thug massacre that never happens.

love the way he says it too like "what point am I even trying to make lawl"

>I was only pretending to be retarded

Dude it helps if you actually watch something yourself dumbass.

Here's another (you).
Don't jump before you know what you're gonna land on. Faggot.

Probably. Eastwood was already burning bridges by the time this movie came out.

Not about winning. Didn't even get nominated. I thought it deserved at least a nod.

Literally kill yourselves. You're worse than Sup Forums when it comes to shitting up this board.

Good evening, redditor

>trying this hard to mask you being a redditor

I've seen reviews that are essentially that: complete refusal to sympathise with Walt because he said "those words", as though not throwing slurs was the ultimate human virtue.

Only patricians have seen it, user

you know when you are wrong and multiple people prove it you should probably just humble yourself a little and leave

What are you screaming about, if you are the user from then you were wrong.
You jumped to the concusion that this was some sort of edgy racist post and got pissy when showed how wrong you were.
Also what does Sup Forums have to do with you being wrong?

>what are you spooks looking at?

As the man himself said in Unforgiven, deserve's got nothing to do with it. The Oscars only ever recognise great films by accident or because nothing they like better is ahead in the queue. Clint would be a great director even if they'd never recognized him, so whatever, is my view.

>literally I was only pretending to be retarded the user

You baited me good but now I'm actually worried for you.

Was it autism?
>get off my lawn
I thought that was a meme.

No not really, the guy just wants to be left to his own devices in his twilight years yet all these shitheads won't leave him alone.

>hur hur only because I usually post in reddit and have a bull to fuck me woman don't mean i'm a redditor

seriously dude just look up some scenes on youtube and stop embarrassing yourself. it would only take a few seconds from your precious fucking day and would spare me all this secondhand embarrassment

The thing is, he wasn't really a racist. He used it as a defense mechanism. I re-watched it and it's kind of odd how they just go along with him calling them jungle people and fish heads

I thought that the movie was making a nice point about tolerance, the neighbors don't get worked up about his racism because they can see that he's a good person fundamentally. at the end of the day it's not about what you say but what you do, which is proven by clint's sacrifice.

>When you're a reddit tourist that thinks Sup Forums is sfw Sup Forums and can't comprehend that people actually discuss movies here, because they have to be memes that send you into an autistic fit

>"I used to stack fucks like you 5 feet high in Korea, used you for body bags"

wew lad

Naw. They saw through his edgy Sup Forumstier "bantz" and felt bad for him for never growing out of his army teenage days.

If you can read this your reddit hahahaaj

fuck off reddit you stink up the place

'Pew pew'

"What the hell are you spooks up to?"

why didnt spooks take off like nigger did?

Man, you sound like a nigger.

>why didnt spooks take off like nigger did?
unfortunately it did

>Sup Forums takes Sup Forums to get a haircut