So, serious question:

So, serious question:

Did the Cyber Squad ever beat Hacker at his game? Or is Hacker still wreaking havoc across cyberspace and motherboard is still fucked to this day?

How often would you have to be left at your grandparents' cable-less household to have had the opportunity to find out?

THE Hacker, to you.

This is honestly better discussion than capeshit threads

I remember this one time when I was little my step dad threatened to throw the cable guy off the roof and they cut our cable and all I had was mexican game shows, some dvds for some reason The Pacifier with Vin Diesel was a favorite, and PBS. I almost knew The Pacifier word for word and for some reason the show with the fat ass sloth was a personal favorite.

That's The Hacker to you

>be 7 year old me
>watching new show on PBS, Cyberchase
>during live action segments, cute black girl
>crush hard
>feel guilty because she was black
>turn my attention to her male counterpart
>am gay now

Really gets the noggin a'joggin, doesn't it?

They look different than I remember, anybody else feel the same way?
Also didn't the bird die or something?

>Googled the Gilbert Godfrey bird because I forgot his name
>It's Digit
>Turns out he had a last name
>Its "LaBoid"

Fuck government funded broadcasting

Cyberchase was good as fuck, reboot when?

According to the internet, the series is (2002 - ) meaning it's still being produced.

According to Wikipedia season 10 finished in 2015.

No thanks to you

>my step dad threatened to throw the cable guy off the roof
Im gonna need some more background on this.

Who was the cute I think she was a biracial actress at the end of the show


You sound bisexual with a bad taste in men. That guy wasn't good looking but that girl was cute.

You missed where it says season 11 is supposed to air this year.

Oh yeah, what an uggo

He said "I'm gonna throw you off." The car door was closed and we were two blocks away. Did I mention my stepdads is Black?

I didn't think they last that long. You know what's a good kid show? Oddsqaud

Objectively incorrect

Is that him now? He looks worst.

You shut your beautiful face if you think oddsquad isn't good.

Unironically kiddie math show kino