Where do you see Cinemassacre in the next 5 years?

Where do you see Cinemassacre in the next 5 years?

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James will be completely bald and forcing out terrible AVGN videos.

Mike will be living in a decrepit apartment and spend all of his money on booze and NES games.

Ryan will be a hundred pounds heavier but no funnier. Maybe he'll even try to get Pat the NES Punk or AlphaOmegaSin to try to join Cinemassacre and breathe some life into it.

>people still care about Cinemassacre

Taking me back to the past.

Bootsy stuff was kino and even Mike was tolerable when Bootsy was around it's like he was a filter for Mike's autism

James will be doing reviews of every old hard rock album ever made until every subscriber jumps off a cliff

Those videos are so fucking bad. James seems like a defeated old man now. Even Mike and Ryan vids get higher view counts.

>Sup Forums makes fun of James for years because he's a cuck and his movie was shit
>James says he's not going to see some shitty movie that literally no one else was going to watch anyway (Ghostbusters)
>Suddenly James is "Based" and Sup Forums acts like they never made fun of him
>James praises this feminist trash movie that's already been proven to be shit
>Sup Forums is already turning on him again and calling him out for being a cuck

So are we gonna start making fun of him again? Or when are we gonna start praising him again in a year?

He admitted he saw that Ghostbusters movie anyway his wife probably made him

He isn't doing a good job adapting to how YouTube has changed over time, all he has left is AVGN and they're terrible now


Ryan was a mistake.

What is the source of this? I would hate to be in this man's predicament; to be not only fat, but also vomiting upon oneself must truly be a sad thing to endure. I hope he's alright.

Hey, without Ryan I wouldn't get to hear detailed technical explanations of graphical glitches on the NES that I never would have noticed had he not pointed them out.

Please for the love of God just let Cinemassacre die I can't stand to watch how they are now. I stopped watching it in like 2011 or something when James stopped caring as much, now it's 2017 and I still see their videos recommended on Jewtube and sometimes I check them out and they clearly are well past the point of giving one iota of a fuck, James is a father and husband with a bitchy wife, he's not an angsty early 20s geek anymore, that man is gone. Just put them out of their misery man.

He also doesn't care about video games very much. Now he's just talking about old heavy metal stuff nobody cares about.

Exactly man that's what I'm saying. It's a fucking charade he hasn't cared about this whole thing for many years, it's just sad to watch it go on. He has no passion for it but all the little retards keep yipping for more content so he plays the dancing monkey and gets a few extra shekels by uploading iceberg lettuce content. It's embarrassing.

the man who killed cinemassacre

the number 1 trending meme for the past week has been how unlikable mike matei is. and it doesn't even mention his embarrassing racist comics

I was about to say, why no mention of the racist comics yet? Have they not reached the normiesphere?

I unironically liked this vid. Minecraft kids are just mad.


It shows how irrelevant Cinemassacre has become that no one even cares

You unironically like it? You sure?
Because I ironically like it, in a so bad it's good way. It makes me laugh every time.
But if you unironically like it, as in you genuinely believe it was a great use of time and mental energy and came out as a good product... I have some bad news about your place on the spectrum.

I'd love to get inside the head of the Mike spammer. I want to know what made you dedicate your time this way.

10 feet under brown bricks

>James will take his life and his wife won't even care and will remarry some other cuck to suck the life out of within a few months
>Mike will spiral into a deep depression without his lifelong butt buddy and probably off himself too
>rest of the guys will go their separate ways and probably be better off for it

i think ryan's company is running pr all over this. they're spamming Sup Forums, Sup Forums, reddit, and youtube trying to put out the fire that mike started. but the comics will eventually reach the normiesphere. how could they not?

I can't even imagine where Cinemassacre will be in the next 5 days with the rate that Mike's downward spiral is going. He makes dumb mistakes and then even dumber mistakes as he tries to hide those dumb mistakes