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MOTY 2017


a basic marvel kino with a dc skin

Wonder Kino

A superhero movie better than the MCU combined

Some average capeshit flick

a stronk innocent jew grrl that dominates anglos aka Sup Forums's fetish.

It's obviously Kino Woman

What was she doing here?

the fuck are you guys talking about? the movie is shit.

>dumbass dick jokes that took up time that could've been spent on something interesting
>completely obvious feminist message
>literally who villains
>why did she use the shield tactic to reach the sniper in the church tower if she can just jump as high, if not higher than the church?
>the fuckin gas masks looked horrible
>constant shaming and degrading of men, especially steve the cuck
>predictable as fuck. it's like they make these movies following a blueprint...
>cringe as fuck sexual tension
>ares is basically uber hitler with a full mustache
>fuck him, i couldn't take his goofy ass seriously
>didn't steve mention that he was married, but he still ends up fuckin diana???
>if killing ares wipes the planet of evil, then how come that doesn't last too long and everything eventually goes back to shit?
>most of the fight scenes were horrible
>i would wonder woman

>men are good!
>it's ares fault that they are doing bad things!
>*massacres an entire division of german soldiers without even a hint of regret*

Good capeshit that wasn't a comedy.

Best wonder Woman review so far

Practicing for Pine

one thing that really bothered me was all the depressing scenes that focused on the horrors of WW1 (if i remember correctly they even show a soldier with his leg blown up as he screams). and then immediately after gal throws off her cape and walks across no man's land deflecting machine gun fire in slomo. who is this movie for? i thought it was supposed to be so young girls had a superhero role model or whatever but I wouldn't take kids to see this shit. the tone was so fucking weird, it would be like if captain america 1 had a 30 minute scene where he walked through auschwitz.

>it would be like if captain america 1 had a 30 minute scene where he walked through auschwitz

>we're still talking about this movie

>it would be like if captain america 1 had a 30 minute scene where he walked through auschwitz.

yeah, well, i just saw it and wanted to talk about it. sorry if i ruined your internet experience :(

A little girl sat right next to me tonight during WW and even she didn't know what was going on

it's too deep for children who haven't been redpilled

yeah i'm not surprised. if i was a kid i'd probably be weirded out, especially by the fact that the werewolf professor from prisoner of azkaban is the fucking god of war.

All I could think about during that scene was that she was just fighting Prof Lupin. Then he got his armor and I was pleased.

In some scenes i could see his face through the sauron helmet which made me laugh

haha, yeah, that shit looked so goofy

They could have at least told Thewlis to grow out his beard to look more ancient Greek. Nobody would expect him to be Ares even then.

>>if killing ares wipes the planet of evil, then how come that doesn't last too long and everything eventually goes back to shit?
Areas almost guaranteed isn't dead. He's like the main villain of WW.

i think that's the point and it worked. i never suspected that dude to be ares lol but he's a prankster like the devil

All hollywood movies are littered with propaganda here and there but all movies post 2010 are a relentless mind liquifying stream of propaganda turned up to 11.

Kino on par with Batman Begins.

Pine says in the featurette that it was very, very cold and she didn't wear a coat like the others.

Did you get her number?



this post was shit

>first four lines are crying about le politics
>goes back to crying about le evil women
>more nitpicking without actually talking about what's important in movies
>ends with a positive in a list of things you find shit
>is posted by a cutie patootie

>thinks he has any right to criticize

>tries to deny others their right to free speech
>on Sup Forums

Is this your first day on the block kid?

>responding to tripfags
>not just filtering them and letting them talk alone like the pathetic creatures they are

Why do you MRAs hate this movie? It's not feminist and it was more fun and all around better than anything Marvel except Iron Man 1

what do you mean it's not feminist? it couldn't have been more blatant about it

It's literally anti feminist. The straight white male ends the war and the Amazonians exist merely to inspire mankind.

>it would be like if captain america 1 had a 30 minute scene where he walked through auschwitz.

That was in Spider-Man, though.

he was sacrificed. the message behind that scene is that the death of the white man will rid the world of evil

and there's a line in the movie where she clearly says that men are only good for reproduction lol

>didn't steve mention that he was married, but he still ends up fuckin diana???
Holy shit, didn't register this. Shows how much I gave a fuck about the characters.

Aside from all the political nitpicks, I agree with this overview.

>and there's a line in the movie where she clearly says that men are only good for reproduction lol

>it would be like if captain america 1 had a 30 minute scene where he walked through auschwitz.
I see you read the Captain America script that Raimi wrote

>but he's a prankster like the devil
so they just saw how popular Loki was in the marvel fandom and decided to design their evil god after him?