At what age do you think Lynch lost his virginity?

At what age do you think Lynch lost his virginity?

The day his daughter was born



he had a daughter by the age of 22 so probs sooner than you user

sex is overrated. get over it.

Given the portrayals of women in his movies I'd guess he was date raping girls as early as high school.


This. It's great at first, especially with someone special, but it soon turns into any other vice that you just do out of habit.
t. recovering sex addict

Do you have an addictive personality?

you are just bad at it

I do. Had to give up everything cold turkey to survive.

Addictive personality is most likely strongly linked to the hunter instinct, which the kikes have hijacked in order to murder everything natural.

He shifted into another dimension while transcendentally meditating in his mother's womb and lost his virginity godlike alien being in the 6th dimension. The orgasm he had is what we call The Big Bang and set into motion all that would ever exist and happen in our universe. We are not made of stardust, but of Lynchjizz.

I honestly don't know what woman, or wanton whore, would willingly want to sleep with Lynch. He's weird, but worse than that what woefully worries me most is the wicked or wrongfully perverse way his mind works.

how many women do you think Lynch has had sex with?

According to a number of sources, Lynch was very popular in his younger years. I'd say he had a lot sex, and given his free-spirited nature, I assume it was not only women he had sex with.

He had the attitude and confidence of a chad, but unquestionably the strange artistic quirks of a queer.

Sex addiction is a meme.

Is meme addiction also a meme?

Many, many.

I think he's straight as a die, to be honest, but kinky. I've always assumed that Jeffrey and Frank in Blue Velvet are both him.

No, it's an addiction.

Kathryn Bigelow was 36 when she lost her virginity (to James Cameron).
Who are some other older celebrity virgins? Sarah Silverman was 24 I think.

>straight as a die
What a bizarre simile. It's almost Lynchian.

wtf I love Zero Dark Thirty now!

poor girl

adriana lima was 20ish years old when she lost hers, maybe even late 20s, I forget.

>Sarah Silverman was 24
HOW can this be true? So bizarre.

Indeed. I love his use of old-fashioned language.

Tina Fey was 24
Enrique Iglesias was 25
Lisa Kudrow was 32

Jeff B. Davis was 25. Blew my mind cause he's a total fucking player now.

Tina Fey

Addiction is a meme.

how does fugging a pusy feel like?


Like bags of sand

Depiction ≠ condoning
When will people finally realise this

I thought Lynch was gay

Stephen Merchant 24

>tfw 23 yo virgin

should I just give up on life?

I've already started going completely mentally ill and will probably have serious breakdown soon

everytime I cook food I stare at the sharp blade and want to pierce my skin

Kill some muzzies or antifa at least frend

gave me a sensible chuckle

I lost my virginity at 23 and am living in the happiest period of my life so far at 24.

With Silverman, we are talking about anal virginity, right?

If anyone wants to go this way they should kill prominent radical muslim spokespersons, not random brown people. Killing randoms just makes you another "muh Dylan Roof" retort for liberals to use.

Warm apple pie.

How did you do it?

So she was playing herself in 30 Rock?