Thoughts on the nanny?

Thoughts on the nanny?

>inb4 rape

Nannys are for love making not rape!

Although one should put a gag on her in order to not hear that voice have an orgasm

>the nanny with the gaping fanny

What did he mean by this?

Hot but waxed :(

My dad reached a weird point in his life where he would ALWAYS watch this (even an episode he had already seen) over any other show. Including good shit like Highlander or Star Trek TNG.

He must've been in love with her. It got awkward.

those 2 shows you just named are shit and only nerds watch them, maybe that's why.

why she so dank bros?


I jerked off to her quite a bit when I was a young lad.

>It's a Fran Drescher gets her tight jewish cunt ripped apart by big black cock while her husband is forced to watch episode

>she and another woman was brutally raped in front of her husband


Yeah I wonder what the cinematography would be of her rape scene.

He wasn't a virgin, that's why. You still are, that's why you'd watch fuckin HIGHLANDER over a funny comedy show.

>le quirky jewish nanny

Kill yourselves, cucks

Wait what

Actually like her voice desu

I can't find the identity of the guy who brutally raped her and her friend while her husband watched. Was he black? This is important.

They are confirmed black

How is she balanced on that chair?

Then hubby turned gay.

I know I'd be tied down watching this but no rope could tie down my massive erection. FUCK MY JEW SLUT AND HER FRIEND YOU MELANIN ENRICHED GENTLEMAN

He surely got a taste of the meat


Niles was a great character. I love sassy butlers in my sitcoms


>sassy butler ends up with stuck up cunt
>proceeds to outshine nanny's delivery by marrying
They made a great couple.

>never had any children due to uterine cancer

this with the gang rape makes me feel bad for her, she seems like a really nice person

It was better back then.

She was living in an apartment with Jacobson in LA
Til two armed robber broke in for some kinky role-play!
What was she to do? Could she call for help? She took it in the fanny!

So they tied her to the chair after they locked the door
They said to her friend "Now suck it... you filthy whore!"
They tied her to the chair, to the chair, to the chair!
And made Fran watch as they put it in... her Fanny!

Who would have guessed that the scene we described... was just exactly what the doctor prescribed?
Now, she's moved on with her life and is strong, oui!
And now she's actually smiling, such joie de vivre!

She's the lady in red when everybody else is wearing tan.
The flashy girl from LA, the rape-victim named Fran!

This is not what I would expected see in my bed.

Fund it

Is that ms paint in the background?

I bet those guys still jack off daily in their prison cells to the memory

They're probably considered heroes and get special treatment. Maybe they make campfires where they re-tell the rape to other inmates.


were they actually caught?

It says on her Wikipedia page that they did.

>were they actually caught?

Fapped to her regularly. Those fuckin skirts mayne.


Plus, given the year, her panties were most likely High/French cut

Meanwhile, the Kim K robbers didn't rape her and still got caught. Do you think they regret that decision?

Probably not, no pusy is worth 10+ years in prison

>dat one episode when wasabi clears her nasals or something and she gets a deep voice

I would rather go to jail than fuck Kim Kardashian tbqhwyf

One of my earliest faps

It was pretty fun and comfy in the first couple of seasons. But it really lost it's charm when fran and maxwell became a couple. The only good thing about the finale season was niles and CC.

It sort of like bones became stale after they hook up.

Shows based around sexual tension can only get ruined by relationship bullshit.



did they rally catch the rapist? What was Cosby doing at the time?

Show's producer went on to essentially re-make this show with the Disney Channel's Jessie, which over its entire 4 year run failed to ever put prime Debby Ryan in the leather/ latex/ slutty fanservice outfits Drescher constantly wore in The Nanny.
Cardinal fucking sin, unforgivable. When I marry Ryan I'm course-correcting this failure.

I have some thoughts on the nanny

Am I a bad person for having a boner when I heard what happened to her?

Not really, her, her friend and her ex husband probably jerk off/ have sex thinking about it

>people think her laugh/voice is annoying

The thought of two black thugs forciby penetrating a young Fran Drescher is disgusting, vile and not in the slightest bit hot user

Why would anyone live in LA and not keep a gun in their house? Those nigs should have been shot dead on the spot.

Did you know the actor who played the butler wasn't actually British

>inb4 cuck

That thicc butt was unwillingly blacked

I mean it was but tgat was kinda the appeal wasn't it?

We get it, you want to lynch all black people, keep it to yourself sweetie.

yeah because all black people do home invasion and rape and gunpoint. so yeah all of them

The chair is Z shaped, you underage goof

Ms. Fine, I'm Sheffield

>its a Costanza episode

Lol I love this shit board


thanks, Tracey

>tfw The Nanny gave me an intense Jewish girl fetish that still haunts me to this day

Why did Fran have to be so fine, bros?

Very fuckable.