Who had the best card?

Who had the best card?

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I hate this fucking movie

They're all equally readable. If I were handed all these cards the only thing that would make me favour any over the rest would be that some names are easier to remember (which has nothing to do with the formatting or colour of the card).

This is just going by visual, though; perhaps the materials of a given card feels better than the others to the fingers, but no way to know that.

David's and Patrick's are tied for best. The other two are complete disasters.


Paul Allen

Simple, legible, smooth and creamy

Allen > Bateman > Bryce > Van Patten

Paul Allen font + Timothy Bryce card stock

Carruthers and the fact his card is never included is evidence that it's in a category all it's own.

Paul Allen

Nice flat texture and eligible text

The Font on bateman's is shit it's all over the place and the spacing is all fucked. His is the worst.

I hate people who hate things people don't hate

not gonna lie, paul allens card is truly amazing and clearly a cut above the rest


Paul Allen.
Not even up for debate.

I incline towards Timothy Bryce.


>Van Patten
What a shitshow, why would anyone design such an eyesore?

You okay, user? You're sweating.

am i seriously the only person who legitimately, unironically thinks that bateman has the best card and paul allen has the worst? is that the meme?

I like Van Patten's.

How can you have 4+ vice presidents?

They're all the fucking same that's the fucking point you IDIOT

Patrick has the best texture and color, Bryce has the best font.

They were all vicepresident???


Allen's card is clean. Splitting the address and fax numbers onto two different lines allows the text to be slightly larger, more readable, with a clear distinction.

It is objectively the best card, without any over the top texturing, and Bateman knew it the moment he saw it, as should any respectable man.

They're really not, are you blind?

Allen's card is easily the best

Perfect colouring, neat yet bold text.

Van Patten's card looks like a 10 year old printed a word document onto toilet paper, very poor effort

Bryce>Allen>Bateman>Van Patten

each card succeeds and fails in certain areas.

Bateman's phone number looks the best, Van Patten's name looks the best, Bryce's looks like it'd be the best to the touch, Paul Allen's doesn't look overblown and too fancy.

How can they all be vice president at the same time?

Impressive. Very nice.

t. suburban and rural retard

Paul Alen is the worst

>no dubs

Different divisions you fucking NEET

speaking of, not a single dubs post in this whole thread.

Allen. Hands down.
It's effortlessly classy whereas the others seem like they're trying too hard.

He might have been wrong, but

>Paul Allen
>decimals instead of dashes in a fucking phone number

he deserved to bleed all over copies of the style section

David > Paul > Patrick > Bryce

You KNOW this is true.

Allen > Bryce > Bateman >David

Paul Allen looks smooth af

paul allen easily

I've just now noticed that their last names are all caps. I never knew this was a thing

huey lewis

Do Americans really spell acquisitions without a c?

David's has too much of a texture, looks like cloth.
Patrick's is the best.

They're all M&A you retard.
The answer is easily. The title means absolutely nothing. I work in banking.

Just to clarify, the hierarchy is

>Analyst > Associate > Vice President > Partner

But depending on the size of the firm you could have a dozen VPs

I like the texture on Bryce's card.



Allen>Bateman>shit>the other two

seriously, why even get a job if your name is gonna be that awful on a business card

do you also hate these dubs?


>pierce &pierce


Paul Allens is clearly the most visually aesthetic and legible. Clearly the reason why Patrick wanted to kill him.

oh sorry friend, i think you dropped these


that's the fucking point, holy shit, god.


Why do they all have the same number?



>green and orange

because they are all vice president

It's the general phone number of the office, who will then transfer the call to whoever they're looking for.

Why do they all have the same phone number?

Van Patten or Paul Allen.

Those are impressive, like these.

this thread stinks