Try and post a cooler movie vehicle

Try and post a cooler movie vehicle

You cant

Other urls found in this thread:

Nolan's Batmobile.


Let's do this

5th elements flying taxi

probably not cooler but deserves a honorary mention

Better hope you dont end up with a bump in the road



The bikes from Judge Dredd

>mfw they have a lambo one in BR2


pic related = thread /




Well it was known for a fact that LV-246 had perfect autobahns.


Not a movie vehicle. Knight Rider was a TV show.

well, they did made bunch of movies after show ended
but yeah this car is from the series

These two.

Still mad this got so little screen time in fury road.
At least the war rig was pretty based.

What do I win?

Oh, movie vehicle, sorry.
Now, what do I win?

Bitch please.

came to post this. it's always going to come down to DeLorean vs Falcon

"nerds" and their pop culture delorean.. lel
You know it counts

"nerds" and their pop culture delorean.. lel
You know it counts

Cobras Mercury



The GOAT live action Batmobile

The Bond Lotus

>it's just a normal car with a bunch of blinky bloopy lights tacked on


Honorable mentions:
>The Dip Truck from Who Framed Roger Rabbit
>Mad Max's interceptor
>The Ghost Busters Ambulance
>Hitler's car from Rat Race
>The Lexus from Minority Report
>The Gremlin from Horns
>The yellow Beetle from The Shining
>Cameron's father's Ferrari from Ferris Bueller
>The Mystery Machine
>Dumb and Dumber sheepdog
>Owen Wilson

Don't forget



Can it outrun a T-rex?

You could make a whole thread out of all the cool vehicles in Mad Max


>Ghostbusters car
>89 Batman Batmobile

that's basically the trifecta you filthy motherfuckers

>implying Falcon or the Mad Max Interceptor is remotely on the same level

just fuck off, you edgy tryhards

>Mad Max Interceptor

I agree but the Interceptor is GOAT

>no mention of the actual GOAT
baka desu

I entered this thread expecting it to be here. Glad at least one person here was on the ball.

Literally came here to post this






Those trucks were so cool. They were practically characters.

Also, this.

This, you fags.

The new Batmobile's pretty badass.

It would be good if it didnt murder people

It now also has more guns in JL

you have to be 18+ to post here


>Le epic 80s cars ftw!!!
Absolute foolishness. No one cares about any of those movies anymore. They are bygone relics, and have only been ironically cool for the past 10 years thanks to memes

The one and only.

it probably has a adjustable hydraulic (or what ever future tech they got) suspension.

Also came here to post this. Excellent taste, user.


I loved this Batmobile. A good mix of the practical "tacti-cool" Tumbler shit and the actual style of a Batmobile.


nice choice nice dubs user

The Dodge M4S from The Wraith

>Try and post a cooler movie vehicle's a selection of cool op


Nothing will ever top this.

>Still mad this got so little screen time in fury road.
Pretty sure it was intentional.
It gets trashed at start for a reason, to give the movie a different dynamic.

The famous 1974 spiral jump of an AMC Hornet X over a twisted, broken bridge in Thailand


VIN # 1F05M160938 there can be only one anons

Il Tempo Gigante

nice, reminds me of this user

I like the 7 series in tomorrow never dies

The Wagon Queen Family Truckster. You think you hate it now, but wait till you drive it.

I really like the low, wide stance, like a chop-top tank. If you haven't seen it, you should watch the special featurette on it. It's a work of art.

Ah, finally.
It's got a cop motor, a 440 cubic inch plant, it's got cop tires, cop suspensions, cop shocks. It's a model made before catalytic converters so it'll run good on regular gas.
People here clearly don't know what cool means.

It's such a masterpiece of ugliness. It's like a screaming brick.

Probably not the bean but can't believe nobody posted these

That tiny diesel disappearing behind the wheel.

Seriously? Not one single mention?

Stupid Raimi and his stupid Delta..