Diana Princess of Themyscira is the cutest superhero ever

Diana Princess of Themyscira is the cutest superhero ever.

Why aren't her eyes a dirty mud color



Is she our Gal?

Yes. Queen of Sup Forums.

No thanks to Godorot

Lynda was beautiful but she looked more like a pinup. Also it's always bothered me that she never threw one (1) punch.

>but she looked more like a pinup

like Wonder Woman


SHUT THE FUCK UP. Daisy is our queen.



>mfw I have every scene she's ever done on my hard drive
it's a smug face

Daisy Duke

contrary to your jerkoff fantasies, in real life not everyone in hollywood is sleeping with each other

Casting couch is real though.

Since Gal was already cast, you mean that Pine had to fuck her?

My gal is perfect and adorable.

>Galposter won the shitposting against Evansposter
Hot damn, didn't see this one coming.

Evans already bower to /ourgal/


Evans treats women and blacks like little kids that deserve special praise for doing something good.

As always, liberals are the biggest douchebags.

>he's just learning give him a break

Fuck her.
Felicity is way better.

She seem to be so happy about her life