Why are Haitians so small and scrawny?

Most Haitians are like 5'6" chicken bones, small peanut head, weak jaws, and pencil neck, they got no mass. What causes them to be so weak and fragile? Aren't blacks supposed to be big and strong?

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but still he is BLACK so dont you ever talk shit again you assmad wh*Toid scum
the most big animal on earth is elephant, but the king of them is a LION (KARA BOGA)

Ahhh are you retarded? It's because of malnutrition and poverty in general.

>Most Haitians are like 5'6" chicken bones, small peanut head, weak jaws, and pencil neck, they got no mass.

they are malnourished

Stop invading them when they have a democratic election would help.

Lions? Haitians look more like cockroaches.

All bl*Cks are really just weak pathetic cucks, fearful of their WHITE masters (and yet enthralled by them)

Haitians descend from the weakest African tribes. The French colonizers brought in niggers by the bulk, they chose quantity over quality as opposed to English who brought the fittest and strongest Africans and also had breeding programs to improvise genetic quality. That's why Jamaicans are so athletic, for example, Haitians are the lowest of niggers.

mostly this
with a little of this
also eating dirt does not help

Because blacks, like any other people in a poor country, grown outside Europe or NA don't have the facilities needed so a bunch of short people is produced.

Aren't haitians the most dangerous gang in florida now?

Haiti has the least intimidating prison inmates. youtube.com/watch?v=JXzj_z0u-dk

that sounds like made up bullshit

That's because it is.

>haha guys i read it on Sup Forums it must be true xD

the real reason why they're so short is because they literally cant eat.

please, refrain from replying to me

please, do the same.

Haitian soccer team. They have the facial features of Pygmy nigger midgets.

he's not buff but he doesnt seem to be on the verge of death at all
cool cookies
side effects? beside the obvious no calories intake

>side effects?
pic related

i doubt is all cookie magic

>The fact is that many Haitians, especially the five million who live in the countryside, believe that many illnesses, including Aids, are caused by magic rather than microbes.
>Because of this magical view of life and sickness, Haitian peasants suffering from HIV or Aids are more likely to go and seek help from their local voodoo priest than from a government clinic.

never doubt haitian voodoo magic

well, not at that level but some sort of supersticion is still present here too
if a kid gets worms some of the elders take them to this woman who melts some lead over fire, the kid is on the bed with a bowl filled with water on his belly, drops of lead are thrown in water by the lady and this is supposed to remove all worms from the kid
they mostly do it with non relevant diseases tho, if something serious happens they will go to hospital

thats a far cry from animal/human sacrafice

how do we turn haitians into proper BLACK BULLS

Why do you assume all look the same.

Haitians don't do human sacrifice l. Also vodou still faces oppression in Haiti especially due to charismatic protestants among others being even more aggressive

He's not wrong tho, you're taking it to the opposite far end of the spectrum. They've had terrible diets and farming for decades, and their non existent economy means they can't really import a lot of food either.

Ok buddy