Do you ever see Mormons in your country? They are scary

Do you ever see Mormons in your country? They are scary

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A mormon temple is right down my street. I see them riding bikes.

Mormons have a nice aesthetic
Shame about their religion

>they are scary


yes, there are plenty of them

I even have Book of Mormon. It has funny comics tier illustrations

Jesus was American American racial ideology is now religious Canon so you yuro fucks better get with the program and tithe your 10%

Thanks! God bless.

she expresses herself somewhat like a child

It's funny because the only two Mormons that I've met IRL were Americans and were in Brazil to bring people to their church. I listened to them for some minutes and then gone away.

When white man become popular in Japanese TV, they are 100% Mormon or jew so I guess they are nice.

it looks like a casino

Hope she sucks dick like one too.

Yes, we had two Mormons come to our home once and my mum invited them in for tea.

More like a shopping mall. Mormons still sell indulgences.

Her voice is so soothing, makes me horny

No, I think they have given up on converting Norwegians.

fins love ice cream. fags.

kek, good job norway

what a qt

makes me wish i was born mormon not some degenerate amerimutt

Yeah they have a church here (there's a public football field behind it) and it's common to see their missionaries walking around
Most of them are from Utah but there are Peruvian ones and such. Not a bad folk but I don't like the whole 'going to a place to convert people' thing

Most of my extended family is Mormon, they're really nice. Also Brigham Young University, the biggest Mormon school was rated most attractive uni in the US.

The Christianity and Islam have a few billion adherents only because they went places to convert the locals (usually accompanied by a sword). The Jews were insular and have the population to show for it.

Muslim and Christian doctrines advocate the spreading of the faith, while Jews have their whole "chosen people" mom has to be Jewish deal, more exclusive club

>the true faith in Christanity was restored
>1800 years after the resurrection
>by Joseph Smith
>in Upstate New York
OK you may say all religion is absurd on some level but this is taking it to another level. Thankfully I've never met one of these people.

I love you Finland

anyone have her insta?

I head a Mormon boss at one time. In the lab she drew "Jesus loves you" into bowl a of sand.

My favorite Mormon video:

Mormon here: yeah there are some strange members all over the place, but it’s a pretty chill religion. I like it. Though AFAIK it’s more relaxed where I’m from than in the states.

she got a giant mouth

They do some missionary work here, but honestly I have never heard of anyone converting. I guess they just come here to have fun.


Oh, the ones doing the missionary work are clearly foreign as they speak finnish with this stupid american accent.

Yes, I see them sometimes when I go to the city. One time, though,I saw two in a village of about 10 houses and an hour later, I passed by again wen they were going down from the village (it's on top of a hill in the middle of the forest). I was sweating like crazy because it was in the middle of summer but they wore shirts with ties.
They're not too bad, they've spoken in Slovene every time I passed by and they don't seem that pushy.

they open a church in my city lol

I'm a fedora tipping retard, for the most part.
I don't give a fuck about normal religions. Their followers can do anything, even fuck gooses, bit these marmites are fucking reactant retards.
Fuck the marmites. Burn these sectants.
That's what a marmite would say

I like them because, with their work, they help me in my research to build my family tree.

These are lies to lure you into their sect and steal all your property

That's their way of luring you in. Soon you will be the one doing the missionary work.

I don't understand what you mean. I don't have any direct contact with them. I just use their database. It is a website.

come join us for cookies and bible discussion in our compound, anons

i fucked a mormon white boy once. baited him to discuss more on his religion and eventually things happened.

That's the first step.
It's like watching trap porn and then becoming a fag.

just like jesus intended.

I see more Jehovah Witnesses than I do Mormons. But then again, I don't live in Utah.

Most mormons regardless of how strict they are can be pretty chill. There's a lot of "jack" mormons where I live. On paper they are still part of the church but don't strictly adhere to everything. They'll drink alcohol or won't go to church every sunday, not have religion as their center point in life.

the most famous american in sk is a mormon.

Don't want to sound rude but she expresses a little like a retarded person.

>Not a bad folk but I don't like the whole 'going to a place to convert people' thing

That's how many religions work though. You just take it for granted that everything was already christanized.

I think we have few.
I even have that book of mormon somewhere.
Havent seen them lately tough and thats more than fine.

We have many Mormon churches, I don't live near one of those though, but I live near a Jehova's witnesses and there's a girl of my age who I like, but I don't want to get into that style of life.
would convert for her

Bretty gud.

>converting from GOD'S chosen people for some 4/10 thot


How ugly are kikesses jesus
5/10 at most

We have some Mormon missionary
I like them

>ywn do lewd things with her like holding hands


find her instagram please

>live in the middle of fucking nowhere
>one day i see some mormons walking around the neighborhood
>all Euros and burgers

These people really appear anywhere.

They're okay, the only americans who aren't rude as fuck when going overseas, always nice young men who love learning about the culture and peope

Isn't Mormonism like Scientology-lite? Same kind of business model.

Mormons aren't cloaked in secrecy and provide outreach aid all over the world. They are a well established albeit odd religion.

scientology is a money scam

She talks like a kid. its really creepy.

That looks like late game dungeon out of a videogame

Saw like 2 missionaries.
And a classmate turned out to be Mormon. Never had suspected anything. He was your average son of Persian immigrants.