I will never have a girlfriend

>i will never have a girlfriend
>i will never hug a girl
>i will never experience intimacy
>i will always be a autistic retard
hahahahaha how can someone fuck up at life like this

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behind Sven's eyes

I am glad I ain't a northern autist lol

Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with acquiring a female companion?
Here's what would follow you getting there:
>having to stand conversations dragging on for hours with her, in which it will have to dawn on that you're a boring slump that can't be intimate and share secrets with anyone because you're still that paranoid fuck from when you were a paranoid teenager convinced the world was out to get you, and that every conversation with you hits a dead-end twenty minutes because of how autistic and unfunny you are
>having to have sex with her, in which you'll have to confront the fact that the act you so longingly craved for when you were a virgin is nothing more than a dumb shortcut to ten/twenty minutes of shortfelt pleasure, which is always followed by an even longer half an hour where you feel like shit apologizing because you couldn't make her cum and now have to clean up everything
>having to follow her to her outings with friends, and pretending to yourself that you're becoming more and more social when with her social circle, even though everyone there still knows as that "weird guy", reaching a point where even she has to realize she'll never be able to make you break out of your shell like she promised from her grooming you and making your confidence, and that you're doomed to be retard lurking imageboards with other retards LARPing as muh "jaded cynic" even though you're still only in your twenties
Did I get that right Sup Forums? Now go cry yourselves to sleep retards.

Haha loser kys

They didnt fuck up their lives, they were born like that and instead of trying something they said "cool, i will masturbate to anime".

I seriously can't understand how anyone who watches anime keeps asking himself.



I lost my best mate he became popular, started going out every weekend, stopped talking to me on steam all together I'm always going to be a loser.

At least be grateful you weren't born in the 40's
>25 year old ugly sperglord
>no hugs, no kisses, no gf
>girls make fun of you
>forced to go to war
>die to protect the cunts back at home who never loved you
Truly one of the worst fates possible

Nice pasta

In the 20's*
Don't mind the autism

ah don't worry so much

Easy for you to say, you know how fucking hard it hit me when i realized that i will NEVER in my entire existence in life experience what it is to be in love with someone?

bit dramatic mate

maybe see a shrink about taking something to take the panicky edge off

>tfw these are the people who call Americans ugly and use the "le 56% XD" meme.
Fuck, you guys just had to act like submissive faggots.


>see a shrink
yes goyim, see a shrink and give him your shekels

AH yes, got to some fucking doctor and ask him to give me happy pills for 1000 dollars a month to create a facade so i can go around pretending like everything is fine

I don't want to enrage and confuse you but most western countries subsidize psychiatric treatment as part of their universal healthcare plan

I take antidepressants and they helped me a lot... and it costs me like $10 a month.

>tfw everyone on Sup Forums hates each other but can come together and talk about being alone forever

But antidepressants don't help, they make you think things are all right when they arent

Nobody here knows each other. It's an anonymous image board. We are taking our anger out of apparitions of our minds, attached to a few inconsequential sentences of text and a picture.

Maybe you should look at fat girls. It is easy to pick up them.

If you've already given up as you said in this post what exactly are you clinging on to that you don't want to pacify yourself a bit?

Whew lad must be tough, I'm glad I'm not you.

I mean, i have food to eat, a warm bed and house to live in, so of course many people have it worse, and i am thankful for what i've been given as a result of being born here.
Sometimes it just gets to me though

I was not being sarcastic, being lonely does hurt a lot.

I'm exactly the same as him and I eventually stopped taking antidepressants too.
Their effect wore off on me rather quick and I hated the thought of having to rely on them. Some of them can be very expensive too.

There irony is that you think you can't get a gf because of muh autism.

I know, im probably ugly as well. and retarded in general

Now we're talking, it's fucked because I actually try, partake in clubs, parties, online dating and nothing comes out, it's just fucked when you actually try and nothing comes out, it's the absolute proof you needed you're unwanted, being a young guy and not wanted by the opposite sex is just crushing.

I am no NEET
I know quiet a few people and have well sized circle of friends, which whom I go to parties and bars etc. But somehow getting a girlfriend is really hard for me..I am also relatively /fit/ and have hobbies. I don't know, maybe my standards are to high or I am not "aggressive" enough when approaching girls.
Having a hangover and beeing lonely on a saturday afternoon really sucks..
Any ideas outside of tinder, how to get a nice gf?

what is your situation in life at the moment? Are you a student or working?

You don't need a gf, swedes are gays



you 1st world retards are such fucking useless garbage.

>ah booo boo I'm too beta to get gf :(
>ah booo boo I have to live only with 600 neetbux per month

$600 a month might seem like a lot to third worlders but literal homeless beggars make more than that here

whoa.... the cost of living...... goes up..... in.... a developed country.......... damn........... the purchasing value......... of $600.......... isnt........... the same.............. really makes me think..............