Faces of Sup Forums

faces of Sup Forums

Im ginger






You look like a conquistador. Probably the closest image to my image of Columbus or Cortez

But conquistadors were white

go back to london paki



o braço dela é da grossura da minha coxa

high trabuco

*her arm is the thickness of my thigh
sorry, I thought I was on /luso

Is there anyone retarded enough who actually unironically posts his face in these threads?

I hope not

not all of us are insecure autists like you user

just be urself bro

Largate! Vete! Nunca mas! Jamas, Lucio Mendoza Perez Martinez!


Posting my face to instagram of facebook is a whole different story... but posting it to fucking Sup Forums

I would never ever do it.


I’ll never post my face onto here.
There could be someone who’ll recognize you or even worse someone that you know.
And even then you really can’t trust that they won’t dox you.

I'd ratter post it on Sup Forums where it don't have my name attached to it. Not that I have a facebook

Where do I meet japanese trapfus online?

anonymously validate me pls


Be prepared to see your face here every once in a while now on

El chado

I'd banter your bum.


Why can't I be handsome like that?

Some people have all the luck.
God didn't make us all equal.

Femanon here.

Femanon here.

He's not that handsome. Those thin lips make him look like he's got something to hide.

>Those thin lips make him look like he's got something to hide.

>poop eyes
nordestino spotted

OP looks like a fucking rapist

Are you the South Brazilian?


>Putting your face on Sup Forums
>Local autist blackmails you for blowjobs

No thanks

Iberian superhuman.

you look like a dude I used to sniff glue with

are you a bottom?

No i'm from SP.


Holy fuck Chris Cornell is alive.


Braço de merendeira de escola primária, cara de vagabunda de quinto escalão. Como.

australian shiskin

you look like young Vicente Fernandez

>virgin mustache

that Bigodinho Cafajeste

I've seen this pic before. Is this you or are you memeing?

100% Sicilian

My friend posted my photo of me drunk sleeping in a Santa Claus, some user came to my inbox saying I'm a cute

I don't even know how the hell the fucker had my instagram

at least you know you're cute


Me approximately

it's already dangerous posting on cuteboys, I can't imagine posting here

on what?


El Goblino...........

desu senpai I've been checking this thread for updates every 15 minutes because I crave attention

hola beautiful people
que lindo


am i wh*te?

people are really creative with these 56% meme


it's an irish-sicilian mutt neet that lives in kansas, if you ever see an american flag (or uk flag when he's banned) on rage filled tirades against mexican or muslims or talking about how much he wants to see her sister blacked or just cuck shit in general is more likely than not him. we call him terrone btw

Preparing for the mutt memes...


dios mio..


Cute :D


r8 my comfy

el boliviANO

why, the threads get purged eventually

me on the right

polish diaspora?



el moro


cuddle me

that guy posts in our general


b-but muh mongols...
stop ruining the memes you haven't created

chilling out with my hommies, me on the left


Post more pics of your mom, she is really hot


le 100% face

100% Testosterone level

Jack Swagger

Dubs and I finally post my face to 4chins after all these years since I'm drunk as fuck

Nobody cares cowboy


Post yourself?

No bully, please and yes I'm a girl(male).