So where was she?

so where was she?

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secret sub basement of acme headquarters since you know she was still a frikken agent.

On Earth.


So of a bitch, well now it can be in your head to.

Seriously though how hasn't this been rebooted yet or gotten a shitty live action movie.

In my dreams, those lips goddamn.

>Seriously though how hasn't this been rebooted yet or gotten a shitty live action movie.
I've heard Jennifer Lopez was trying to get a movie off the ground, with herself as Carmen of course. But that was ages ago.

San Diego.


Ran off with Waldo and Yehudi.

In the world.

London Zoo

>Seriously though how hasn't this been rebooted yet
Trying to make any sort of Carmen Sandiego game would just cause everyone to wiki the answers, not bother remembering anything, and then call the game disappointing. Trivia games are dead.

>that nostalgia for the gameshow theme

Remember when Rockapella did that coffee commercial?

>tfw everyone's always asking WHERE you are, but never HOW you are
Carmen San Diego... Lived a hard life...

No, but thank you for mentioning it.

I'd like to give her a hard life with my penis.

>Where In The World Is Carmen San Diego's Clitoris

I'll give you a hint:

I sometimes ask WHEN she is.

I already know why in the world is Carmen Sandiego: Lips, hips, ass and tits.

Is it in her purse? Because she's always losing things in there.

Back of the knee?

Very nice, both of you.
Dinner for Schmucks is fucking 10/10

You could get around that by requiring the information that can be wiki'ed to be required to figure out the clues while not being the answer itself.

fucking Waldo

There's no point in asking because Carmen is always doing well.

>where in the world is
>san diego california


Living the rich whore life.

In the Batcave

Hard? Nobody even asks where you are.

I got DVD set for the show. I regret putting it in storage, I want to watch it now.

She wanted to jump Carmen's bones and Carmen knew it, right?


This woman is what made my best friend from school turn into a "lipstick" lesbian and not a butch one. Which was a spectacular move; butches tend to be more aggressive and hateful about everything


Licensing issues.

So how does the show hold up nowadays?

I never played the game, but Carmen Sandiego is so iconic that I'm surprised I've never given the cartoon a watch

Is she really just that good?

She stole herself and ceased to exist

I don't know what the hell you guys see in these shitty Carmen Sandiego games. Yeah, I said it.

>only about a half hour long
>the 39 expansions are same price, same length, and come out every week
>damn near zero gameplay
>nothing but looooong cutscenes where the characters in the game outright tell you the answer to where Carmen is
>all you do is teleport Zack and Ivy whenever they tell you to
>only like 2 or 3 pop quiz questions a game
Redpill me on this shit, anons.

>Where is Carmen Sandi-Oh there's her fat ass.

>Carmen had real back-and-forth conversations with the Player every episode
>when Carmen goes back in time and alters history by stealing the key from Ben Franklin's kite, the Player's computer shuts itself off
This was no ordinary game.

>well now it can be in your head to.
pfft, have some mindscrew

>Carmen stole one of Mozart's songs for there theme
Fuck, that's what happens when you let her get away!
Agents, do your jobs!


Did that bitch steal the statue of Liberty?
Fuck, and I thought Lupin III stealing Christ the Redeemer was impressive.

hey you don't know what she's got under her coat

plus her name is Latina as fuck

>Did that bitch steal the statue of Liberty?
You have no idea.
>Uluru / Ayers Rock
>The Strait Of Magellan
>The Nile River Delta
>All The Goulash
>The Island Of Bali
>Nairobi International Airport
>The Abominable Snowman
>The Trans-Siberian Railroad
>The Headwaters Of The Amazon River
>The Ngorongoro Crater
>The Dykes

>all the goulash
>not even the original goulash or the best goulash or anything like that
>all of it

She apparently stole the Trojan Horse, Mardi Gras, and the Internet as well. Or, at least, her and her organization did.

Carmen has stole everything on Earth, at one point or another, except user's virginity.

So she's only stolen everything of value on Earth?

Damn PBS, I doubt they'll ever release this on dvd or Blu-ray.

With Waldo

Yes, that was what was implied.

That's how the Brexit happened.

>UK having value now
tell me another one

Who would you cast as a live action Carmen?

J. Lo would have been good. Might still be.

And if not her then probably Sofia Vergara.

but can Sofia Vergara be just impossibly smug

So let's just get the obvious out of the way.

Agent Orange Carmen.

but she wears red

shes on the moon
every cancelled project ends up there

>The Fish From Half Of Lake Titicaca

This one always makes me laugh, because it creates hilarious imagery surrounding exactly how she managed to do it.

She once stole the shine from the Hope Diamond, the Mona Lisa's smile, and the rules of baseball.

>plus her name is Latina as fuck
Yeah, it's never really been ambiguous that she's a Latina.

>tfw they'd get a white bitch to play her in a movie

Literally how the fuck

What kind of reality warper is she? Last time I heard of such bullshit, I was reading norse mythology

Filename related.

She also time-travels.

Came here to post this, you mah nigga