BENDIS PhD. Talks some shit

On killing the Black guy
>I talked to everybody about it, and then the conversation turned around to the plus side and the minus side of the Marvel Universe becoming so diverse -- and it is so diverse, if you compare it to the first "Civil War." You literally look at the line up of the "Civil War" #1 cover and the "Civil War II" #1 cover, you can see the difference. Thor is a woman! Cap is African-American! Spider-Man is biracial. Everything changed.
>The mistake would be, then, to coddle the characters; don't let anything bad happen to them because of representation. But if we do that, we're not telling stories. Still, I can't help but be conscious of the fact that from the original "Star Trek" on up, the black guy in the red shirt is going to die, and everyone knows the trope of the African-American guy going into the ghost house first.

On the real reason why to kill the black guy
>We also had to deal with the fact that, for a completely different reason in the story, Rhodey took a hit in the "Civil War" movie. I actually didn't know where that was going to land in their final edit, so I had to take that into consideration as well.

On being the owner of Marvel comics
>The only thing that annoys me when people criticize stuff like this is, they think I'm sitting here full of whimsy and arrogance, and Marvel lets me do whatever the Hell I want. They think that I don't answer to anybody. I don't know what kind of job that is. The president answers to people. Who do you think doesn't answer to people? And what kind of whacked out creative relationship would I have with the universe if I was putting myself in a position where you couldn't speak to me? That's not what I want. The reason I signed up with Joe [Quesada] is, he told me my art sucked.

On writing Original Sin: GotG
>I've done stories where continuity is just an obstacle course, no matter where you go, and yes, I'm aware of continuity in other people's books.

Other urls found in this thread:

On admitting Secret Invasion was a failure and this could very well be one too
>I think "Secret Invasion" is one of the best examples of the fallout being more exciting than the event. That very well could happen here.

On believing shit you read on Sup Forums
>Some people are mad about stuff that they heard rumors of. There's a lot of rumors, and one website is flat out making up rumors. They're posting them as headlines and pointing at me. You will see down the line what was true and what was not, and I'm completely offended by this.

Just a mod reminder, seeing as how polarizing a writer Bendis is, let's keep criticism to his work and not to his person. Personally I won't label him a "liar" because as pointed out, She-Hulk's story is far from finished here. Oh CBR.

Hello CBR comment section


>On writing Original Sin: GotG
>>I've done stories where continuity is just an obstacle course, no matter where you go, and yes, I'm aware of continuity in other people's books.

And then there's writers like Ewing, who seem to enjoy using the convoluted continuity of modern capeshit as a tool


Didnt haft of the xboard got banned for criticising bendis run.

>Bendis saw Rhodey "dying" in the civil war trailer
>write script for civil 2
>civil war movie comes out and is already too late to change the script

Some user said the exact same thing in another civil war thread, how predictable is Bendis ?

>We also had to deal with the fact that, for a completely different reason in the story, Rhodey took a hit in the "Civil War" movie. I actually didn't know where that was going to land in their final edit, so I had to take that into consideration as well.

You HAD to? Fuck you Bendis. You're not writing stories, you're writing commercial tie-ins.

Fuckers on Sup Forums telling me, always in Marvel threads
"Bendis ain’t bout this, Bendis ain’t bout that"
My boy a scripter on fucking Iron Man and them
He, he they say that nigga don’t be putting in no work


Y'all niggas ain’t know shit
All ya motherfuckers talk about "Bendis ain’t no writer, Bendis ain’t this, Bendis a fake" SHUT THE FUCK UP

Y'all don’t live with that nigga!
Y'all know that nigga wrote Alias and Powers
First good comic adaptations
Nigga been on best-sellers since fuckin, I don’t know when!
Motherfuckers stop fuckin' playin' him like that
Them niggas savages out there
If I catch another motherfucker talking sweet about Bendis I’m fucking beating they ass!
I’m not fucking playing no more
You know those niggas roll with Brevoort and them


Should have had a 'first letter of each line spells a phrase' thing

Why does anyone believe Rhodey is dead
She-Hulk probably is though, and she's part of a monority I guess

You're a bitch if you're a mod, and if you're not you're a double bitch

Is this true?

It usually is more fun, because you need to do really creative stuff to write a nice story, it even motivates, at least, it does for people like me (I enjoy fair hard games too, to be honest). It just is that people not creative enough or lazy, or people who clearly are working in to much stuff at the same time, that think continuity is an obstacle. I wonder which one ius the case: I think it may be that the has a hand in too many comics, and the fact that he's a bit of a one trick pony.

>let's coddle Bendis

who's paying you fucktard?

Never trust a wrestling fan, especially a wrestling fan who likes comic books

>You're a bitch if you're a mod, and if you're not you're a double bitch

He's quoting from CBR.

yeah, it seems to be selling poorly, don't think the inhumans is entirely to blame but probably a factor

>On believing shit you read on Sup Forums
>>Some people are mad about stuff that they heard rumors of. There's a lot of rumors, and one website is flat out making up rumors. They're posting them as headlines and pointing at me. You will see down the line what was true and what was not, and I'm completely offended by this.

Was he talking about Sup Forums or Bleeding Cool? Cause Bleeding Cool was where Rich was pushing the "Mary Jane is the one who's gonna die in Civil War II #3" theory.

Bleeding cool gets all their headlines from here, and he probably knows that and may connect them in his mind

>and yes, I'm aware of continuity in other people's books.
then stick to it

Rich gets 90% of his stories from here. He's probably lurking in this thread right now

The whole "buzz" part is probably fake, but in terms of what we've seen from CMX and BleedingCool listings, it seems like there's less interest in CW2 than Rebirth, as a whole.

Whether that *actually* means there's overorders and readers aren't buying it is up in the air. At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter if retailers keep believing that their Marvel books will somehow sell themselves.

>We can't coddle these characters!
>So let's kill someone who isn't any of these characters.

>even worse, it's about the inhumans

Yeah but no one on Sup Forums came up with the Mary Jane theory. That was him. Someone on Sup Forums came up with the "Hawkeye kills Banner" theory long before Rich mentioned it.

I got banned for criticizing people that were criticizing Whedon due to the BW "I'mma monster " thing, so I wouldn't be surprised.

>The mistake would be, then, to coddle the characters; don't let anything bad happen to them because of representation

How is this the same guy who fucking turned Ice Man gay just to pander to fangirls?

Probably both.

The "clint kills banner" theory has spread to other places.
That said the Mary Jane one and Clint kills Banner one both seem possible to me. Especially since marvel has started to tease OMD being undone again so you just know they're pondering the possibility of killing off half the couple people want together again. And Bendis probably included MJ in IIM for a reason.

>Coates: Marvel was a mistake.

>anons joked he looked like he didn't want to be there
>it turned out that that's probably somewhat true

>On writing Original Sin: GotG
>>I've done stories where continuity is just an obstacle course, no matter where you go, and yes, I'm aware of continuity in other people's books.
Why can't he just say he didn't care? "Continuity is too hard" is the battle cry for bad writers

You're working me here, right?

As soon as we complete the Bingo, I'm going to show it( with date of its creation) to Bendis to make him understand how bad this event was

>We also had to deal with the fact that, for a completely different reason in the story, Rhodey took a hit in the "Civil War" movie. I actually didn't know where that was going to land in their final edit, so I had to take that into consideration as well.
Why doesn't he just admit he killed WM because of the CW trailer?

>Still, I can't help but be conscious of the fact that from the original "Star Trek" on up, the black guy in the red shirt is going to die, and everyone knows the trope of the African-American guy going into the ghost house first.

Wait, when did a black guy in a red shirt die on Star Trek?

Scarlet Witch gets shit on should be crossed off, thanks to "No More Hellstroms". Also, OP's article confirms MCU references, so that really needs to be crossed. On the flipside, I don't think there's ben EXTENDED dialogue about race and/or gender politics.

Need to add new relaunch. The Marvel NOW! teasers already out.

Why doesn't Marvel just admit they're fridging the X-men and Fantastic Four over movie rights?

Okay, just found this:

>one side is comically evil

Which one, Iron Man?

BleedingCool just uses rumors that Sup Forums makes up for its headlines, so he's likely talking about both.

I think Bendis is pretty good at navigating this terrain in his interviews, whatever I think about his writing.

Most comics professionals are liberals but not SJWs (which I define here as being people who think representation of their politics is more important than any artistic considerations). Some of them get mad at the SJ side and lash out. Bendis is pretty good at dismissing their objections without sounding like he's getting angry. He condescends to them and pats them on the head, but he clearly doesn't care.

>How is this the same guy who fucking turned Ice Man gay just to pander to fangirls?

Because he liked that story, or at least didn't give a shit about Iceman any other way and thought this would make him "interesting."

Which is a common trait with Bendis, he can't think of anything better to do with characters so he'll do something sensational with them.

>I had to take that into consideration as well.

You actually DON'T have to take that into consideration.

Does marvel know how big of a draw he is?

Don't you know, user?
comics exist to adapt movie plots, not vice versa

>thread about forgotten comic book video games begins
>user posts about unreleased Daredevil ps1 game
>article appears the next day on bleeding cool about Daredevil ps1 game


>On the real reason why to kill the black guy
>>We also had to deal with the fact that, for a completely different reason in the story, Rhodey took a hit in the "Civil War" movie. I actually didn't know where that was going to land in their final edit, so I had to take that into consideration as well.

Meanwhile, two months ago...

don't work yourself into a shoot brother

I have nothing but sympathy for that man. Finding out what the company that owns your childhood hero is truly like must be so disheartening.

What I want to know is why anyone cares anymore.

Remember when events were once-in-a-while things that permanently changed their world forever? Crisis on Infinite Earths culled dozens of unused Earths and made the focus on just one.

Meanwhile, Secret Wars came and went, the only major change being that some Ultimate Universe characters are folded into the 616 world. The main "nothing will be the same!" moments of Civil War II so far are War Machine, Shulk, and Banner all dying, and you know they'll come back after a year or so. And directly off the heels of THAT, we're getting ANOTHER reboot in the form of Marvel NOW, which will change absolutely nothing.

Marvel wants to make events to drum up publicity? Fine. But don't just sweep the ramifications under the rug. Go out of your comfort zone.


Now THIS is a shill

>>The only thing that annoys me when people criticize stuff like this is, they think I'm sitting here full of whimsy and arrogance, and Marvel lets me do whatever the Hell I want.
projecting this hard

>Oh, boy. Writin' for Marvel
>Get invited out to there big meeting thing
>An egg and this white Muslim lady are there
>They sit me down and ask me how I feel about someone like me being killed off
>tfw Marvel was a mistake

>There's also some fat greedy fuck
>he says it's not his first rodeo there
>at least he saved Spider-man

>continuity is just an obstacle

Jesus christ.

I just fucking want Bendis to leave Cosmic Marvel.

>let's keep criticism to his work and not his person

Comically good/evil shouldn't be crossed yet

Bendis is master of justifying things. To himself, usually, but it does give him experience for social media and interviews. His writing is still lazy and he still doesn't read other people's work.
This whole idea of continuity as an obstacle course is ass-backwards too. Continuity should be a foundation you can build on, instead of something you build around and That you blow up when its in your way.

Tony's side is kidnapping a dude for an illogical reason. Carol's has literally done nothing wrong.

I feel like "obstacle course" is a good way to describe it.
If you can maneuver it masterfully, you can show off and know you're good.
Bendis on the other hand is just lazy and immediately gives up on the hypothetical obstacle course.

It's a a quote from a Chief Keef Stan.

Bendis is lazy with a capital L, hell he's become even lazy when it comes to characters he claims to care about, the new issue for Mile's run is pretty much a blatant copy almost line for line of another scene from his own Ultimate Spider Man run where Peter gets his fingerprints scanned. The man doesn't care, he knows he can shit on paper and it'll sell. He's hollow inside.


>>We also had to deal with the fact that, for a completely different reason in the story, Rhodey took a hit in the "Civil War" movie. I actually didn't know where that was going to land in their final edit, so I had to take that into consideration as well.
Yes, we all know you want your daughter to be War Machine.

...was this supposed to be read like Smash Mouth's All Star?

Nothing would make me feel more smug than Civil War II failing and Bendis' ego is deflated.

even if CWII doesn't do so hot it won't do shit to Bendis's ego

Well, it's apparently not meeting expectations. Wait for Rebirth sales to settle and we'll see how CW2 does. I think this is going until September.

The only people who like CWII are fangirls squealing over Tony being drawn so cute.

>Wait for Rebirth sales to settle and we'll see how CW2 does. I think this is going until September.
Rebirth is releasing line-starting specials and #1s until October. CW isn't going to do better at any point.


Bendis doesn't really give a damn about Civil War II. Even he admits it was done for the movie hype. He cares about his solo books. And yes, for current market standards, they're all a success. Bonus, he beat Dan Abnett and cosmicfags on their own game. Nothing can stop him.

>tfw Bendis will always win

To be fair, every cosmic book that wasn't GotG failed

Why hasn't any supervillain tried to kidnap Ulysses yet?

>On being the owner of Marvel comics
Like a lot of people who bitch about fan criticism, I don't think the criticism is that Bendis does whatever he want because he has that kind of pull. It's that editorial is lazy as to be nonexistant and thus he can get away with doing shit because there's nobody there who really wants to tell him "no".

I mean his tenure probably do0es give him more pull than other writers would get: I doubt whatever it is that caused Rememnder to drop the X-Men and Marvel (the current status quo, right?) would have been merely "suggested" to Bendis instead of forced on him or he would've just ignored it anyway but really the problem isn't Bendis himself. Bendis is merely the symptom of the disease that is bad, lazy, lax editorial.

He's only thwarted a Celestial and Thanos so far. He doesn't seem to be interfering with anything they do. I was about to say he'd see it coming too, but Tony had no trouble kidnapping him.
Also, he's existed in-universe for like 2 weeks, max. I doubt they know about him.

Depending on how you define villain Magneto is in the know now and he's coming for that ass. Supposedly through Nightcrawler's assistance, but I think Kurt's pulling a bluff to get Magneto in a cell without resistance. Erik should have the common sense to ask Psylocke to scan him for that.

Where's the jacked DC pic

Somebody once told me that Bendis done killed Rhodey
And on She-Hulk he put out a hit
Well her death was really dumb, ol' Thanos had a gun
And she took a missle right to the tit


Bendis and continuity:

Fuck you. I have ZERO sympathy. Every other writer somehow manages to deal with continuity and make it work. Some, like based Ewing, revel in it and are masters of making continuity work for the story they want to tell. Bendis says, "wow, that seems hard." and just does whatever. Ya know what else? If you're on a book that's REALLY heavy with continuity, and it's giving you problems, shouldn't you move to another book? Instead of what he actually does, which is just ignore it.

What's worse is having a writer who's obsessed with continuity. Their writing becomes incomprehensible garbage at some point, like most DC events

That's what the Civil War II damage control brigade wants you to believe

you are now aware there's a middle ground between "ignores" and "obsessed with".

if he doesn't like continuity then he should just not write for Marvel or DC

Yes, exactly

None of these writers really get that. Either they want to wank about continuity or they want to make their mark by shilling their own OC

maybe if you put a yellow shirt and go bald, Bendis-sempai will notice you.

I don't think Charlie Brown's gonna help him with this one

>On the flipside, I don't think there's ben EXTENDED dialogue about race and/or gender politics.
We're getting "Black Funeral: the Issue" soon


God dammit user.

That issue of Sam Cap came out last week, but it's written by Spencer, not Bendis.

It'd be better if he wrote his own things that had no barring on continuity.
He very clearly didn't want to write the OS tie-in for GotG. He could have easily dumped it on another writer.

God, I fucking hate Bendis. He's the guy that got you retards to think decompression is cool and not absurdly cheap bullshit.

His personal shill message board got shut down and I hoped he would get pushed out of comics, but no.

If there is anything retards love as much as MCU it's fucking Bendis.