Is this the most mediocre theme song in cartoon history?

Is this the most mediocre theme song in cartoon history?

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everything was going so well

we went from this

to this

but then that hapenned

What's New Scooby Doo was a failed abortion of a television show that makes the original look like a 10/10 show. Be cool Scooby Doo is at least a decent comedy show.


Regular Show's theme would like a word

>Decent comedy show.


Regular Show literally just has a title card with a sound effect attached. It shouldn't even count.

I don't know what to tell you guys, I think it's pretty good, but setting that aside, are you seriously going to defend "What's New Scooby Doo?"


wait, there are more episodes out?

Huh, I never really thought about the fact that the show has no theme song, it's odd considering how much music the show does include. I like the quick opens though, they work.

Yes, I think they just aired overseas though.

Nothing wrong with that!


where can I find them?

Be cool is great, try actually watching it faggot.

... are you seriously defending the What's new theme? it sounds like every rock song from the early 2000, shit.

>What's New, Scooby-Doo
You have terrible taste. At least Be Cool has good chase scenes.

Thats kinda why I like it too. Whats new was the embodiment of the 2000s and the theme song brings me back to that era. Like how shitty 90s dance music takes me back to my childhood.

It counts just like Gumball's theme which is edited down to a recorder whistling.

I agree.

Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! - S01E21 Eating Crow

Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! - S01E22 I Scooby-Dooby-Doo

Be Cool Scooby Doo 123 El Bandito

Be Cool Scooby Doo 124 Into the Mouth of Madcap

Be Cool Scooby Doo 125 The Norse Case Scenario

Be Cool Scooby Doo 126 The People vs. Fred Jones

Christ, i just can't get over this fucking Family Guy style art. I constantly expect sudden violence for no reason when i watch this.

It's kind of amazing how Be Cool can be so good in spite of being so shitty at every superficial aspect.

>it's odd considering how much music the show does include
Thats actually probably why.

You never get over it. It always take 5 or so minutes into the episode before it isn't blatantly offending my senses.

>Family Guy style art
People are still saying this?
You know you're way off right?

Yeah, I don't know why they don't say Brickleberry, it's just as bad.

>Like how shitty 90s dance music takes me back to my childhood.

I think it only looks like family guy in stills. When you watch it its closer to Regular Show


Its good were it counts, the writing, characterisation, voice acting, chase sequences and music.

The animation is even alright in motion, its fluid and a hell of a lot more ambitious and fluid than you'd think.

But the artstyle? Sucks. For so many people thats enough to never give it a chance. Pretty shallow but you gotta deliver what people want.



I feel fortunate to have been pushed by morbid curiosity to give it a chance. It's not the Scooby Doo we wanted, but it's a lot better replacement than some shows get.

looking at you beware the batman

Annnnnnd there we go. Thanks guys, I'm gonna go stare out my window and think about the good times

I honestly think people will come back to the show in the future and bemoan how it wasn't given a chance.

Speaking of Scooby Doo and songs that make you feel like a kid

>tfw we'll never get another piece of scooby doo kino

truly zombie island is the peak

camp scare, stage fright, and abrakadrabra doo were good


I'm really looking forward to the second WWE crossover. I hope it's as good as the first, and hopefully the movie after it Wild West is good.

>hulk hogan replaced by the undertaker

But Witches Ghost was great


>remembering listening to that song while laying on the roof with my high school gf

we all know that feel, right?

Awesome. Thanks, user.

Kisscartoons hadn't been updated with any new episodes.

Also does anyone know if the future episode list that showed a crossover with Steven Universe is real? It sounds pretty weird, but I'd definitely be interested.

Remember listening to that song in the background as I kissed my ex for the first time.
Listening hurts in a good way.

By the time I had my first girlfriend in high school Ke$ha was popular

Reminds me of being a kid and playing pokemon

holy fuck how old are you

Not him, but it was the same for me, and I'm 24



Im 23 and Kesha wasn't even a thing until I was in Sixth Form

Nigga, I know less about the britbong school system than I do about metric. I have no idea what that means.

>"The animation is as bad as family guy"

Name a currently running animated tv show that has "good" animation.

That move they make is so damn random, I can't help being annoyed by it

I'm not a fan of the show, but I wont lie, Steven Universe has pretty decent animation.

Besides, I was saying the clip shows that a hell of a lot more effort is going into Be cools animation than people are giving it credit for. It aint no Family Guy (hence the qoutes)

Diff user, kill yourselves. Theme song wise, WNSB is the GOAT of all Scooby themes next to pup and the original.

actually it reminds me of adverts, i remember them playing that song over and over
p-pls no bully

Be Cool is currently in an awkward position where the animation isn't too bad, but the art style is atrocious. When I first saw the designs I fully expected it to have Family Guy tier animation, but when I watched a few episodes it was nowhere near as lazy, even if it didn't look that good.

This man knows what's up. What's New Scooby Doo used the early 2000s punk-pop sound just like the original series used the sugary Beach Boys/Beatles sound that was popular in its time.

A Pup Named Scooby Doo is on a whole other level of sound design. Shit was jazzy and fun with great sound effects and timing.

fuck you

>A Pup Named Scooby Doo

that theme song immediately makes me nauseous cause I would only see it on TV when home sick from school

The latest ep had a pretty good chase song

the latest episode is episode 26

That was a good episode
"So, you want to go grab a drink or..."
"You just sent my father to jail"

Wander over Yonder is straight up gorgeous at times. Episodes like My Fair Hatey really show it off too.

Christ, the finale was today wasn't it?

Hadn't caught up

how do you go from Mystery Inc to that?

where else can you go? after making a show with an overarching plot, mysteries and characterization it makes sense to dial it back with some light hearted comedy to go in a new direction

It would have been fun to get a direct sequel, as they roadtrip across America

Am I the only one who hated the character interactions among the main characters in Mystery Inc?

Even aside from the romance drama it seemed the rest of them just put up with each other.

Why is it so hot that both of them are bald.

Yes. It was so good.

It looks like this shit was animated in GoAnimate. Does this show have any production values?

It looks much better than that in action, it's just the artstyle. Don't be a fag

>Scooby Doo and pro wrestlers in a Wacky Races-style plot
I LOVE goofy shit like this. Plus, it's got based Rusev in it.

The roadtrip across america was the original series

The Venture Brothers.

Scooby doo crossing over with Steven universe? God, I hope not.


I doubt it.