>Green Goblin (Willem Dafoe)
>Doctor Octopus
>Kingpin (Vincent D'Onofrio)
>Magneto (Michael Fassbender)
>Magneto (Ian McKellen)
>The Joker (Jack Nicholson)
>The Joker (Heath Ledger)

Debate me, Sup Forumsmrades.

This is pretty spot on.

No argument there, senpai.

Are you saying those are your top 10 live-action cape villains, or that your top 10 list just happens to be all live-action villains because you don't read comics?

I'd say Zemo belongs on that list now


>best anything

I mostly agree with this list, though only if it is in no particular order.

Back to

shit opinion

What? How?


yall mothafuckers act like you forgot about Bane

Yes, yours is.

Dafoe really is incredible as Goblin. He goes so far past the bounds of hammy acting it practically circles the Earth and loops back to being sublime.

>its all movie/tv shit
fuck off and read some comics lad

Bane was not particularly noteworthy. His voice was silly, he wasn't imposing, his dialogue was cliche and Talia cheated him out of a worthy finale.


>The 10 good cape movie villains
Now here's a more appropriate name

>no Bane

Just because he gets memed doesnt discount him from being a great fucking iconic villain

>no Zod

The best villain fight in capeshit doesnt get on the list??? Really




>a non-intimidating old man
>good villain

>2 dosages of literal autistic manchildren Netflix villains
>but no Bane or Zod

>not imposing


He succeeded in his goal.

>hasn't seen X2

Replace Ledger with Ultron and you've got yourself a deal.

Now I want a Baneposting parody of Forgot About Dre.

>No Zod
>No Lex
>No Red Skull
>TV villains

Who wins in a fight, McKellen Magneto or Fassbender Magneto?

Apo Mag > Old Mag > Fag Mag