Hey you nerds, i know you want to talk about comics instead of tumblr and Sup Forums shit

Hey you nerds, i know you want to talk about comics instead of tumblr and Sup Forums shit.

Let's make this clear: I have no knowledge of Thor outside the MCU movies and the EMH cartoon series.

Is he nerfd to hell compared to the comics or vastly overpowered compared to the movies?

What's his endgame? No powerlevel faggotry or company war shit. I just want to know where Thor stands in terms of powerhouses.
I read something about an "Odin mode" which includes 2 hammers. Is this bullshit?

Enlighten me, Thorfags.

we haven't seen anything in the movies that comes close to what he can do in the comics

EVERYONE in the MCU is nerfed

Iron Man and Cap aren't.

In the MCU hes just a fucking alien with a magic hammer
In the comics hes a fucking God

But what does that mean? He surely can't create shit, can he?
Let's compare it to the movie Ultron. When he, Vision and Tony fired their beams at him, could Thor slow him down all by himself?

At the moment Jane (The woman from the Thor movies but she's a medical doctor in the comics) has the hammer and Thor Odinson is going to show up again soon (probably with a different hammer, long story) but things you need to know.
Thor is one of the top powerhouses on Earth.
The Odinforce is the power that Odin draws from and if Odin dies Thor gets that power and becomes more powerful.
He can call upon the power of any storm (including solar or that spot on Jupiter).

Comic thor woul've destroyed movie ultron in less than 1 minutee.
But also comic ultron would've anihiliated movie avengers
Comic thor vs comic ultron is an even match up

Then where is Tony's space adventure with nanotechnology armour

>The Odinforce is the power that Odin draws from
Is it some shit like the Speedforce? Never explained, it's just there to be an explanation?
Would Thor even be feel the hits of movie Ultron? Like standing there and laugh it off?

Also what Thor stories would you recommend where he really shows his powers?

The Godslayer arc of Jason Aaron's Thor is honestly one of my favourite Thor stories ever.

Rune King Thor is basically top tier in the Marvel universe.

Read Thor God of Thunder: God Butcher . It is a good story with great art, can be enjoyed even without previous knowledge of the character and the powerlevel shit is pretty clear there

When your skyfather tier dad mates with an elder god you get a Thor. And yes he does do godlike things like guiding souls.

Thanks, will check it out soon.
I googled RK Thor, but all that came up was him vs Superman Prime. Since i don't want to start company-PL-shit, just simple questions: Could he destroy a city and how can he reach this version?

Sorry for asking like a retard, but despite all the Sup Forumsmblr memeing, Sup Forums actually seems like a good source for comic knowledge.

>Could he destroy a city
Oh boy.

Remember Thor vs Tony in Avengers? They were pretty much even. This is how that shit went down in the comics

Regular Thor is on world cracking level, RK Thor is existence cracking level

That sound ridiculous overpowered
So are there other powerhouses in Asgard besides Odin? And can't they interfere with earth's shit or don't want they to?

Well he IS a god.

What do expect of elder god and skyfather spawn that learned a coding of the universe while amped on sky father power source

I've always wondered how WWH would have gone down if Thor was on Earth at the time

Sorry, i don't know shit about the Marvel Gods. That's why i asked.

>allblack the necrosword, the slicer of worlds, the annihilablade
thats so dumb

Of course Iron Man is. His armor is mostly made of Vibranium now, and is as strong as the Hulk Buster.

Read it, weeab.

Long story short, Comic Thor is a dude who could tangle with Apocalypse, The Hulk, Thanos, Superman, etc. one on one, and have a decent chance of winning

Rune King Thor is basically Superboy levels of fucking up reality.

He basically deleted Ragnarok from continuity.

that aint gonna change the fact that the name is stupid

Thor can pretty much fuck the Hulk up if the Hulk didn't have batman tier plot armor.

Superman and Thor is always exactly equal, with either one losing due to being lucky to land enough blows in.

>In the MCU hes just a fucking alien with a magic hammer
Tech hammer. They aren't even magic in this universe.

>Rargh I am angry
>Thor throws him into the Sun

It basically depends on how much the story is Willing to let Thor flex his muscles.

Thor is Martian manhunter levels of jobber usually.

What the hell is up with that art?

>His armor is mostly made of Vibranium now
Umm no no its not

I really hope they retcon that with the Dr. Strange movie.

>Thor can pretty much fuck the Hulk up if the Hulk didn't have batman tier plot armor.
that's something that always bothered me with te Hulk. if he gets stronger as long as the battle goes, why not simply knock him out wit a suckerpunch?

That's why Thor is and always will be stronger.

Thor could just fucking Power bomb him from orbit and KILL the hulk in one blow.

But comics don't work like that.

>Thor could just fucking Power bomb him from orbit and KILL the hulk in one blow.
Just stop. Thor straight up told hulk that he always knew he could never beat him.

I actually find it kinda awesome in an endearing way

Oh? What book?

Because that's hilarious wrong.

Strongest Hulk has even been is "Worldbreaker"

Thor can break worlds anyway.

OP here, thanks for your answers.

One last question: Could Thor beat Thanos with the full Infinity Gauntlet? Could Rune King Thor with Odinforce do it (if that's even possible)?

Fear itself. Thor said it right when he was about to pass out while hulk was still raging. He said he always knew deep down he could never beat him so in a last ditch effort, he just sends hulk flying to another country and then passes out. Meanwhile, hulk lands and starts to continue to rampage.
>Because that's hilarious wrong.
Fucks with your fanfic?

It's even simpler than that. Hulk can't fly. Just get someone with telekinesis to pick him up and wait for him to calm down.

>Asgard besides Odin
Odin > Thor > Volstagg in his prime > Balder the Brave
Then you have very powerful magic wielding people like Loki

I can't believe I haven't seen it mentioned yet in this thread but read Walter Simonson's Thor. It is one of the best comic runs ever made and really establishes the characters around Thor as well as Thor himself.

>Fear Itself

So badly written shlock. Ok.

I'll just take actual facts over one badly written phrase.

Thor could beat Thanos if he had another universe's Infinity Gauntlet instead of his own universe's

>Normal Thor

>Rune King Thor

>I'll just take actual facts over one badly written phrase.
.....so basically "I don't like this, I'm going to pretend it never happened".

>read Walter Simonson's Thor
Is this bait?
>It is one of the best comic runs ever made
Okay, it's bait. Sorry for asking.

>Thor Odinson is going to show up again soon (probably with a different hammer, long story)
Don't know if I would like that but I'll wait and see. I wonder how long they'll keep FemThor going.

>another universe's Infinity Gauntlet instead of his own universe's
Sorry, what?

it read like a black metal band I love it

Pretty much.

Comics are a bad medium for judging characters.

On one hand Thor has casually destroyed dead worlds with a flick of his hammer

On others he's getting overpowered by street level mooks.

Spiderman has beaten the Hulk in fights, does that mean Spiderman can beat Thor?

To go cross-company, what would happen if you replaced Tony in the fight that is from, with Barry Allen?

as an example, lets say Thor and THanos are in universe 616, but Thanos has 1610's Gauntlet
Thor could beat him then

>Fear itself

>does that mean Spiderman can beat Thor?
Probably, considering he's beaten a herald of galactus.

I'm not that user but I'm also lost a this

I think we should leave alternate universe for another chat.

no this is bait

It happened. Deal with it.

Not exactly making a counter to my point are you?

Comics fucking suck for judging characters.

Otherwise Gorilla Grodd would have beaten the flash ages ago with an Atomic bananna peel



>Vibranium now

I love casuals

I don't like these discussions that much, regardless of what some 'power level chart' says, Thor is obviously an idiot, and would get dissected in minutes by nearly any intelligence character

In terms of raw feats, speed force characters could potentially beat Thor or Odin also

I tend to think of magic characters and reality warpers being below actual gods however, not sure if the comics back me up on that

>Is it some shit like the Speedforce? Never explained, it's just there to be an explanation?
I'm pretty sure it's just a variation on the power cosmic
He's a god and his powers are mighty, that's about it

Infinity gauntlets only work in their native universe so if thanos in 616 had 1610 gauntlet it wouldn't even work so I'm unsure why that user even mentioned it at all

because thats the only way that normal Thor could beat a Thanos with a Gauntlet
i-i thought i-it was clear w-what I was s-saying...

Just seems silly to say "sure Thor could beat gauntlet-wielding thanos if the gauntlet didn't work"
Just say no Thor can't beat thanos w the IG