ITT: non/co/ characters that should have their own comics

ITT: non/co/ characters that should have their own comics

As much as I love Earthworm Jim, he had a short comic. And a cartoon.

EWJ had a cartoon series. Wasn't too bad, I would have liked it to be a bit more serious with the continuity instead of this wacky thing happens this episode and that's it format. The game was a little bit more high concept. Like for fuck sake, they managed to make an epic assed show out of Teddy fucking Ruxbin why couldn't they do one for Jim?

It already had one but BRING BACK SAM AND MAX



>non/co/ characters
He had his own cartoon show

I wish there had been a Fallout comic in the 90s with this aesthetic.


I can't confirm this, but I heard that the creator of Earthworm Jim hated the cartoon because it didn't fall in line with the tone of the game he created at all.

I'd still consider him a non-comic book character because he is primarily a video game guy (well he was a long time ago)

>inb4 they had a short lived comic in their magazine 20 years ago

i've heard a lot of conflicting stuff. I know tennapel had little to do with the cartoon, yet the writers DID do a pretty good job of channeling some of his humor, and keeping the basic story and premise working.
basically the entire franchise, some say even the games, was just something playmates funded to sell some toys. and said toys were on the shelves so briefly i barely had a chance to snag three of them.

I really liked the cartoon, it was one of those cartoons with self aware actually smart humor.

Also the Casper cartoon based on the 90s movie was actually well written with a similar self aware style

Wasn't the comic terrible? Never had a chance to read it.

"One again, evil is as grass beneath the mighty lawnmower of justice!"

"'re creeping me out, Peter."

Yep I'm gonna say it. Everyone is familiar with the Super Mario Adventures comic, but what's gone practically obscure is that Valiant ran a Mario comic in the early 90's too that was very enjoyable and with a tone and style I'd like to see recaptured today.

>Marvel Absurd

Now that's an imprint that needs a revival

This. I miss it so much.


Wasn't the cartoon enough?
Oh, apparently not.

Then again, he was designed by a comic artist, so why not.

pretty sure they started out from the comic, which is a masterpiece

I would jizz for a legit Kamen Rider comic.

Fuck, I would die if it was a legit sequel to Black/RX.

>tfw everyone shits on RX but it's unironically one of your favorites

Western capeshit writers and fans alike can't understand Rider

>Colorful mutants and kaijin become generic gray monsters like in Faiz

There's some Manga, but that's it.

The Kuuga one is written by Inoue


>we will never get a comic retelling of the first 2 games and tactics


Written by a young Dan Slott, of all people.
Man, I loved the 90s Casper cartoon.
It was alright. Based more on the games than the cartoon (don't think it was airing by then) and sort of captured the tone of the comics.
>tfw you imagine what a 70's Marvel Kamen RIder comic would've been like, purely as a thought experiment
>covers by "Big" John Buscema and Herb Trimpe, with absurd amounts of expository verbiage for the villain of each issue
>maybe Steve Gerber would've written an issue, inbetween taking a shitload of pot
>they might've gotten Frank Miller to do a pin-up or guest cover
