X-Men Evolution

What did you guys think of this show?

Liked their depiction of Juggernaut.

>You think you can stop me!?
>Nothing can stop me!

I thought it was neat in a neet sort of way.


had some fillers. but still good to watch.

Best Rouge
Best Gambit
Best Nightclawer
Best Toad

I really enjoyed this in my own language. But it's just so abysmal in english, everyone sounds like a retarded caricature

What's your language?

Kinda agree with you, sometimes they sounded good and sometimes they didn't, like the VA's half-assed it some episodes.

Danish. Everyone just sounded like regular people, and I especially liked nightcrawler. But when I tried rewatching it a few months ago, I wanted to kill myself every time he opened his stupid mouth

It has the best Cyclops ever.

Well Kurt Wagner needed to have a german accent in english , so those always sound funny

I haven't watched it since it first aired. How does the show hold up?

Blob and Toad will never be bros like this again.

Everyone in the Brotherhood suffered a bit of antisocial personality(because mutants). It was cool to see even if they weren't the best friends at least they could lean on them. Really says something about Charlie's "dream" that there were mutants who would never be accepted in his school or boarding house however Evolution had it.

It's not like that's a high bar.

Hated it. There are better X-Men shows out there. If it had had some competition to compare to, like Gotham High, maybe I could have given it more of a chance. But as is, I prefer Wolverine and the X-men.

Very good show save for the Girl Power episode.

I liked it, wasn't difficult to follow like the 92 cartoon.

Ending felt rushed as fuck though.

Best Incarnation of Toad.

Granted there's not much competition but still.

Why did you have to remind me? That one was godawful

Not as good as TAS better the every other xmen animation.

That's why your opinion is shit.

Best non comic cyclops, he'll never surpass RightClops tough

>All those jobber literal who X-Men in the back

Maybe I should re-watch thid

That's why it's called an opinion.
I watched the entire show, but could never care enough about any of the characters. And would I have liked Gotham High if it had come out? No, probably not. The idea of "characters you know and love are now highschoolers" has always seemed like a cheap and boring way to put a twist on general TV trope plots. I just would have preferred something different other than the high school setting.

>the lower classes of Xaviers in this show are filled mostly by the first younger team from the comics
Fucking shocking.

>The idea of "characters you know and love are now highschoolers" has always seemed like a cheap and boring way to put a twist on general TV trope plot

Different user. I see what your saying. But I think with the X-men it kind of works because in every other incarnation (at least at that point) The X-men were already be formed and controlled their powers around their 20s. For them to meet in high school actually felt right. For me the only thing was the time frame.

Batman in highschool was great it just needed context like Batman Beyond.

Thanks, at least I can see why people like this series. Not my cup of tea, but I'm glad that others can enjoy what I can't.