What are some good comics about single moms, Sup Forums?

What are some good comics about single moms, Sup Forums?

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Don't know but I've seen a few /ll/ pics

You already made this thread today and on Sup Forums as well now fuck off

Seriously, fucking stop it already

I'm not even kidding, vendettafag, I want you fucking dead because of how much of an enormous prick you're being.

It's annoying, capeshit does't know what to do with women to they knock them up in a lazy attempt at storytelling, but then doesn't do anything once they have the kid.

For every single thread you make, it only shows how much of a decreased intelligence you have for even knowing that people like you are the reason GR15 even exists, because you won't stop being such a bunghole about the show, forcing it on boards that aren't yours.

What's the name of that French cartoon that has that mom kiss her daughter that launched a shit ton of fan art

I only see one shit poster and I think it's you

You seem to want everyone you hate to die



Well, yes, they're constantly breaking GR15 and have enough of a low intelligence to keep doing it.

I highly doubt OP was even serious, he already made the same thread with the exact same picture this morning.
I called him out on his shit and got deleted, and here he is again.

>What are some good comics about single moms, Sup Forums?
Are there any comics about single moms to begin with? I honestly don't know of any.

Also, nobody would've known that was a humanized Derpy if you hadn't pointed it out, retard.

Seriously, I want OP dead for his fucking bullshit and his goddamn hypocrisy and just his bullshit in general

Seems like you want to exchange blades, sir.

On your guard!

funny enough, im learning to draw to do just that
i have my ideas and stuff, just need to not suck at drawing.

Use Google Image Search. It really helps sometimes.
Also, if you see the generic "what are some" low-effort thread template, then it's most likely to shill something off-topic like you see on Sup Forums all the time.

I don't see a pony I see a cartoon lady

Looks pretty Sup Forums to me

As for adventures with mom and daughter how about aunts and niece

Are you having a bad day Barneyfag? :^)

Did you really think OP is actually serious? He just wants to shill Barneyshit.
This is literally the only purpose that he made this thread.


No, you're just being a faggot is all and I'm getting SICK of your bullshit.

>He just wants to shill Barneyshit.
But fucking nobody knew that was humanized ponies until you told us.

well, if it is a repeat thread like Ruggs shit, ive never seen it before.

now that i have, i can avoid it. still don't know what the OP post has to do with barneyfag though

You seem upset maybe you should go yell at your mom or something and let off some steam.

Again, see my other posts, the only reason OP made this thread was to break GR15.
He won't listen to your recs or anything.

Not going to. You're the one causing the problem.
You brought this on yourself.

And refer to this post for sauce

As an animation loving dude, I watch mlp. Do I get into the fandom? Fuck no, fuck those people, they're the worst of the worst and it's sickening to how they've effected the show. user mark my words, everyone in that fandom is a fucking moron except for a select few who acknowledge the sadness that has become the "brony" movement. Basically all bronies and /mlp/ need to get gassed.

I watch the show like I watch certain children's shows aimed at a younger audience, (both aren't obscure here at all too) because something new is on, it's animated, and it is aimed at me (now after years of fan abuse). It's nice to look at. Kinda.

I'm not the one with mental problems tho

>What are some X about X?
>anime image

I thought this was a Sup Forums meme

That's why I'm here so you can call him out on his degeneracy.

But I'm not the one who continually has a vendetta against someone so bad that they continually have to break GR15 to try to project their own insecurities onto another being.

Even worse, he's breaking GR15.

>But I'm not the one who continually has a vendetta against someone so bad
You visit all his threads.
You've saved all these screenshots.
You keep making these same posts over and over.
I think it's time to admit you're not so different, and that your frustration over your lack of control of this person is just an extension of your lack of control of your own personal life.
If you gain control of your own life, I promise you this random internet person won't bother you again. He can make this thread again and again and a thousand times over and it won't bother you.

I'm just a troll that's baiting you to be honest family. How many times have you been told this already?

>Basically all bronies and /mlp/ need to get gassed.
Wow, never thought I'd agree with someone on the dark side about something.
I may not like your kind, but as long as you don't try to deliberately antagonize me by breaking GR15, then I'll at least try to be civil with you.

You're still a degenerate and reevaluate yourself if this is how you go about posting on the site.

Cool I'll do that reevaluate thing once shitposting and baiting you stops being fun.

Listen, I didn't do jackshit. This guy is continually antagonizing me by breaking GR15. Anything I do is only in response to these degenerates who deserve each and every ban they get.
I'm only as bad as the degenerates who continually break the rule.

But the problem is you're still being a fucking faggot who's so goddamn obsessed with me that they continually go out on a fucking vendetta against me. You're not just annoying me, you're annoying everyone else who sees your shit and recognizes it as GR15 faggotry.

Refer to here

And you just said right here that he is going after you

If you didn't reply to this thread he would have failed and moved on

But since your severe autism is keeping you from doing that

Go outside watch a movie this thread will die without you

These threads are fun

I wonder if they'll ever end.

Well, I have to do what I can to get this fucker banned since he so rightfully deserves it for continually trying to antagonize me.
And I did watch a movie yesterday, The Shallows. It was ok.

Condense your threads.

Most likely when GR15 ends and the bait becomes ineffective when it becomes allowed again, but I don't think that'll be happening any time soon, especially with assholes like OP who continue to justify its existence.

I'll just reset my router after I get banned like most people do

And how do you claim to be the almighty superior being in this case?
I'm actually curious.
I want to see just how much of a superiority complex you have to think your shit is any better than I am.

You do not ban people. Mods ban people. You aren't a mod.

I mean, you PROBABLY aren't a mod. If you were, you couldn't tell me.

You seem to be the one with the superiority complex trying to be a mod and all

An interesting question. I'm sure there are SOME which do, although none are immediately coming to mind. I mean, I know that Our Super Mom is a thing (thanks to being local) but I'm pretty sure that there dad is still around. He's just a background character to everything Mom needs to handle.

I really wish I could though.
Then I'd make this site a LOT better.

Don't try, just call out OP on being a degenerate breaking GR15 and report him.

You know these threads are an example of why you'll never become a janitor

your not supposed to make it personal

Are you still waiting on your janitor acceptance email Barneyfag? :^)

Hey, I'm just trying to stop you degenerates from breaking GR15., because you're the ones who think you have such special privileges that you deserve to post your shit outside of containment, but in any case they never deserve it because they never post anything of quality, only to flaunt that they're posting that shit outside of containment.

Calling out idiots isn't b&worthy. It's very nearly the point of the site.

I wouldn't if I was a janitor since I wouldn't post, I'd just remove their post.
No middleman involved since I can just do it right away.

>janitor acceptance message isn't there anymore

>An interesting question

Hey yeah did you completely ignore the part where I said I'm baiting and trolling you?

>click on thread because I'm interested in the topic
>get this

I know, but it helps point out when someone's being a degenerate doing something like being a rule violation or whatever so that others can know when to report them.

To add, it probably doesn't count because it's anime, but Wolf Children is a very good 'cartoon' movie about a single mom


And that's still very degenerate of you.
You're still being a fucking faggot who thinks he's so much better than anyone else by CONTINUALLY making these shit threads.
I don't think like posters like you belong on this board or any board that's actually serious if you're going to keep doing this shit.
is more your kind of place.

what, it's a anime pic tho

This, so you can tell OP wasn't even serious at all.
This is why these kinds of people should be fucking rangebanned because they don't deserve to be on the site if they're going to do this shit.

Think again
Humanized Derpy.

>he takes Sup Forums very seriously

yep, still a anime pic

what if he makes these threads for the sole purpose of getting you to respond like this

This guy gets it yet Barneyfag never will

He makes them himself to post these caps in.

Well, then he's like a fucking lemming.
He falls for what seems a more pleasurable experience for him, but ends up under the risk of causing harm to his own being (in this case, getting banned).

I didn't say this site was completely serious.
It's very simple, you don't try to antagonize me like this and I won't be a problem.
Unfortunately, many people don't seem to realize this.

You have literally no proof of this.
This is just a meme that people keep throwing around to make it seem like the containment board isn't the guilty party in which case, you're worse than I can even imagine and have no sense of deduction or common sense.

Says the guy who gets 30 day bans daily

>he'll still be doing this for years to come
let that sink in for a bit

>yfw barneyfag gets banned more than the OPs of threads he shitposts in

One that breaks Rule 15 though.

Dude, come on. You know as well as I do that's just gonna get whatshisface going.
There's no other purpose.
Just...yknow, step up your shit, dude.
As everyone from that /mlp/ thread said, nobody cares about single moms other than cucks

You're still not much better than I am.

Or at least until GR15 gets removed, at which maybe I might just post my mindset pic in threads at most and leave it at that.

>it's a barneyfag gets baited by shitposters again episode

Right now I have a folder that shows the times I've seen GR15-breaking fags in the bans log, most of which are trying to assert their dominance over me, but failed miserably. It's almost at 200 pictures now.

Says the guy who has a severe mental illness

Is barneyfag some kind of sperg batman or does he stage these threads?

I'd like a screencap.


They're still degenerates breaking GR15 who must be stopped.

That's really nice sweetheart do you feel very superior and important with that collection of images?

This is just pisspoor

At least make it somewhat convincing you twit.


Post a screencap of the folder.

>most of which are trying to assert their dominance over me, but failed miserably

They literally manage to steal hours of your life by posting a single picture.

“You should never feel embarrassed or ashamed over something you have no control over, whether it’s a mental illness, your skin colour, your sexual preference, don’t you let anyone ever make you feel like you should be ashamed, guilty, or embarrassed for that”. - I Hate Everything

The former.

Pic related

We're like everyone else on this board who rejects their existence, which represents a majority. The minority is trying to sneak its way back.

But in the long term, they still failed.

>he's quoting e-celebs

>It's an I beat my little sister up for liking a show for little girls because the cool kids from Sup Forums told me to screencap.
It's like I'm really on Miiverse.

>As everyone from that /mlp/ thread said, nobody cares about single moms other than cucks

How am I a cuck if I want a 2-for-1 deal? It just makes good sense!

Pedophiles are mentally ill. If they admit that and get help though, there's no problem. Don't keep this guy from reaching out by ridiculing him. He'll just keep doing this shit some more.

Show some of the bans you retard I wanna see if I made it into the collection

>Severelt autistic person uses Appleshit
Surprise, surprise.

>modified today, 10:32

No, it's an "I rightfully tell off a degenerate for posting their shit where they don't belong" screencap.

He'll never get help tho

are these screen cap's from YouTube?