Sup Forums characters that made you question your sexuality as a kid

I know I'm gay now but as a kid I had no idea what the fuck was going on.

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im gay now

oh geez i thought i was the only one with a 'woman' fetish.

Now i understand why i'm attracted to black women ! Saw it when i was a kid and it was kinda awkward since it was my first time seeig boobs.


Who is this and why do I remember that face?!

Wasn't the ice queen a woman?
Why are you gay then?

Decent taste Dykenon. I too now like authoritative cold women.
Snow Queen, probably saw it as a kid.

I'm ashamed to say Elsa still makes me feel things.

Don't know why but I was always very atracted to this guy when I was a kid.
Can't quite put my finger on it.

What's OPs pic from?

"I-It's not gay that I want Venom to make me his bitch!"

seek help

Goddamn Ping was a fine lookin' man. Wish the movie made more sense though, I mean after that mountain battle scene Mulan is just there all of a sudden and Ping never gets mentioned again for the whole film. What the fuck?

I only saw it last year
I was 24 and it was the first time it'd happened

Yeah it's eastern big deal wanna fight about it

don't even know what this is called, but later that year I found myself some crime scene photos.

forgot pic

> Do i like alien girls?

Question answered.


(pic also related)

have you considered that OP is a lesbian


You mean dyke. I really wish carpetmuchers would stop calling themselves "gay".

then stop calling them 'gay rights'

Kaworu is literally "baby's first gay crush".
Everyone is gay for him, even the women.


If you were going to be a lesbian, shouldn't you have been attracted to Frollo?

About half the population is female.


That's dark. She killed him - probably seduced him and put something in his drink - and then took the credit for all his actions...

Is Venom even male? I don't mean the host, I mean the alien. The relationship it had with Peter, Eddie and Flash is really more like an obsessed woman than a domineering man. (Of course, technically the Klyntar have no genders because they reproduce through fission).

>Woman dances sensually
>This arouses me
>I am confused


I was entranced by her dancing, beauty, kindness and ability to stand up for herself.
The movie really accentuates all of her positive qualities. This is a type of woman I would like

>ability to stand up for herself
Huh? She gets accused of witchcraft, breaks immediately under torture, and is burned following her confession.

Yes, user, that is exactly what happens in the movie she was talking about.

They're only called that by the media beacuse english speakers are lazy fucks. Most of the world calls them "homosexual rights"

>im gay now
Not OP, but it's obvious the now refer to the state of knowing, not to the state of being Gay.

It should be obvious.

btw,OP is a fag

Not on the internets and especially not on Sup Forums

>that part where the little bandit girl realizes that if you love them, you have to let them go

In the real world maybe.

So now you have a boner for giraffes?

Little bandit/gypsy girls are my fetish

t-thanks Astrid Lindgren

I read elfquest when I was like 9.
Whaddya think happened!?

You have a fetish for dominating twinks?

wow, not bad.


Not with that voice

What the fuck man, Tony Jay sounded like God. You never yanked one out to Megabyte?

delete this

I'm too lewd for my own good.

So many lesbians in this thread

Or gay guys.

>a hot skullfaced girl will never bite your thighs

You have yet to know true feels. I've gone full skelly, there's no coming back from that.

too bad that she's a gypsy.

what a waste.

where is this from? Episode as well if possible. I wish to give it some extra viewing...

Are you aware of monster girl gamu?

no, user
let me fantasize

One of the many, many shows I watched mainly because of a cute guy in it.

It didn't make me question my sexuality. growing up I believed you were supposed to get married and have a boyfriend on the side.

Old families..... we're screwy.

I feel the urge to be your friend

im now zoosexual

When I first saw the pilot I absolutely loved it and couldn't get enough of the show when I was a kid. Zone's flash reminded me of how tingly she made me feel

>growing up I believed you were supposed to get married and have a boyfriend on the side.

Well, the OP is a lesbian asking a question directed towards gays and lesbians

Man, eveyr time I watch this video, I am impressed with the quality of animation as well as the (excellent) art direction and scripting.

I agree. It's one of the best animated videos imo.


Narcia from Jojo?

The joke is that Frollo looks like an old lesbian

gay guys who were confused about their sexuality when they saw pretty girls, huh

Fucking everyone here "questioned their sexuality" and "had the weirdest boner" and developed "fetishes" when they were eight years old.