While I am more than okay with this happening due to it being a great way to mix the status quo up a fair bit...

While I am more than okay with this happening due to it being a great way to mix the status quo up a fair bit... When I try to explain how devious it is to my boyfriend (who is quite new to comics) he defends the actions of Luthor vehemently.

Is this a common opinion amongst people who have only known his current continuity?

I have tried to show him some interesting reads about Supes i.e. Red Son, Morrison's JLA, Kingdom Come and All-Star Superman but he hasn't finished the last two out of hating Messiah complex.

tl;dr How can adults who didn't look up to Superman learn to see his benevolence for what it is and not see Lex's flaws as too great to live up to the shield? Preferably examples from this continuity.

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Wait, Lex Luthor is the new Atom?

We're all flawed, user. Even and especially Superscout.

What's important is the ideal. The symbol inspires Lex to be the best possible Lex he can be, even with his egomaniacal flaws.

No, he won't be Supes and yes, he will stumble and maybe fall, but the important part is that he's trying.

New Superman along with the old Superman while the old but newer Superman died apparently

When Lex inevitably goes evil like he always does your normie bf will understand. You don't really need to prove him wrong.

But Jurgens is bad anyway. At least have him read Cornell's Black Ring arc


Lex is either saving up his crazy and is going to snap when Superman comes back or WB is trying to build of their villain brands. Probably a bit of both.

But yeah, Luthor is fucking evil and only retards in DC groups on Facebook actually think he's a good guy.

He is a good guy. Superman is a complete dick who squanders his powers in useless ways just to feed his own ego.

>He is a good guy.
Tell that to Atomica.

>Lex is good
weak bait

Good intentions don't make you a good guy.

I do like that this Lex is seeming to do what the old Lex couldn't and actually try to be a hero and improve people's lives. Move on to do some good


Have him read these as for part 1 of your ask:

Superman - Secret Identity 01 (of 04) (2004) (Digital-HR) (Minutemen-PhD)

Superman - Secret Identity 02 (of 04) (2004) (Digital-HR) (Minutemen-PhD)

Superman - Secret Identity 03 (of 04) (2004) (Digital-HR) (Minutemen-PhD)

Superman - Secret Identity 04 (of 04) (2004) (Digital-HR) (Minutemen-PhD)

As for part 2, AFTER he reads those, just fire up your Roku/Apple TV or whatever you use, fire up the search engine for You Tube and insert "Lex Luthor" (with "DCAU" or "SMALLVILLE" if you don't like your initial results) and just have him watch some of those highlight clips, and then patiently explain to him that the Luthor in those clips is essentially the mean/average for 75 years.

Good advice. Thanks.


I haven;t read a lot of DC stuff outside of batman and GL or just funny stuff, otherwise I usually I usually stick to marvel

but uh, why do people think lex is a good guy?

>The Joke
>Your head

DCAU and Smallville really had the GOAT Luthors huh?

If you're being a hero, and your motivation is purely spite, does that mean you're not a good guy? Especially if he doesn't go the route of SpOck and doesn't torture or go full big brother, but his motivation is still "Fuck that alien, I'll be a better Superman than he ever could."?

>how devious it is
But it isn't.

>your motivation is purely spite
Well that's not the case here.

It's Lex Luthor, and he's wearing Superman's symbol on his chest, and a red cape. I don't believe he isn't doing this shit on purpose.

Well you'd be right. He's not doing it by accident.

Atomica deserved that, she's a villain. But Ted Kord's dad on the other hand...

So how many Supermen does this make overall?

People keep forgetting superman ATTACKED first and this is pre-Flashpoint superman who should KNOW better especially after public enemy. you fags kept saying new 52 superman is an ass or he answers everything with violence but now your superman does what you claimed new superman did you fags defend it to death.

Ur bf is a major wanker

Where were you when lex luthor got trunks and pre52 superman had tehm taken away

In one simple sentence, explain the state of current Superman, taking into account how he fits into continuity and what his objective is

>Old Superman
>Lex Superman
>Lois Superman
>Chinese Superman
>maybe Lana Superman
>do you count Kara?

New Superman died and a bunch of other people are trying to save the day while he's gone; some of them got his powers.

You didn't explain why he's new or how he died

you don't need to know that to understand the current status quo

It's only though aspiration that we overcome our baser nature. Yes. Lex is evil. So are we.

Superman is a flat out boring character. Some people just don't like watching an omnipotent being try to not act omnipotent. Some people just don't like Superman.

Deal with it.

>he's going all out dot jay pee gee