DCCU Wonder Woman

Why did DC picked an aneroxic jew who can't even build a decent muscle body when there's tonnes of UFC and Crossfit women like pic related who can do actual Wonder Woman shit?

And based on Gal's awful acting, apparently DC doesn't give a shit about good acting so why not just give the role to a Crossfit girl instead?

Oh boy, another stealth muscle woman thread.

It's late, user. You barely need to hide it.

Do your job mod

Did...did i go back in time, i could have sworn we were over this shit when the movie came out?

Listen kid we are sorry your jerkoff fetish didn't get tingled, but you should move on already.

It's Snyder.
Snyder is from the same Joss Whedon, Paul W.S. Anderson school of thought that loves when 90 pound girls can fight a dozen dudes that outweigh them by about a half ton collectively because of flips and "martial arts".

Don't believe me? Look at SuckerPunch.

Op here.

I don't mind

Seriously, Hollywood needs to embrace more women like Gina Carano and that there is more to women's body than just "Plus Size" and "Zero Size"

Too bad Batman vs. Superman reinforces my point.

>I don't mind

It was 100 percent your intention. Don't lie anymore.

whats your deal with trashy dana brooke?

Why does that have Chris Nolan's name on it?

Sucker Punch is a pure fantasy film and while Wonder Woman is a magically endowed demigod she also comes from a warrior society, and her physique should reflect that

I want to smack that ass and stick my face between those buttcheeks and sniff.

That amount of ink would be wrong for Diana. Don't get me wrong, ink could work, but not of the type on her body.

Carano is not a great actress but she can definitely handle the action scenes and I'm not sure Gadot is a better actress.

Honestly, Snyder is also not a great casting person either, if you look at all of his movie. Casting someone like Irons for Alfred is not something he can really take credit for, considering the pool for a British butler, in that age range, for example. This is also true if you look at his other movies.

Mamoa is an interesting choice for Arthur, and I like Miller as an actor but don't understand why he and Victor are kids when we get Ancient Frank Miller Bruce, and centuries old Diana but essentially 20 something.

She makes my dick hard.

>Why did DC picked an aneroxic jew who can't even build a decent muscle body when there's tonnes of UFC and Crossfit women like pic related who can do actual Wonder Woman shit?
Why would DC pick a muscle head who has never done any acting?

Because the comics have totally always done that.

She's toned in the movie, just because she's not a body builder or UFC fighter doesn't mean she doesn't have a proper physique.

>She's toned in the movie, just because she's not a body builder or UFC fighter doesn't mean she doesn't have a proper physique.

She's skinny.

And? You can't be fit and skinny?


You will break your hand and her cheeks will squeeze your skull.

Totally worth it.

Worked great in the heyday of action movies. They could learn a thing or two from that.


>Why did DC pick an aneroxic jew who can't even build a decent muscular body? There are tonnes of UFC and crossfit women (pic related) who can correctly portray Wonder Woman.
^there, fixed that for you.
English not your first language?

>Why did DC picked an aneroxic jew who can't even build a decent muscle body when there's tonnes of UFC and Crossfit women like pic related who can do actual Wonder Woman shit?
Because that's what people want to see.
"People" being the mass viewing public that don't know shit about shit and are slaves to their ignorant passions and animalistic inclinations.

Don't want a protagonist that scares (most) male dicks into hiding.

They don't want to see butchdike mannish women; they prefer someone with sex appeal.

It's unfortunate, but stickfigure model fits that widely held aesthetic these days more than what a real female warrior/athelete would look like.

Also, jewish nepojism in hellywood.

All comic movies should only have wrestlers and ufc fighters for male and female characters. Cos the look is all that matters.

>Don't lie anymore.
I think he meant that he didn't mind hiding it.

To be fair most male actors seem to have been able to accomplish adequate musculature for their role.

You know who they should have hired for Wonder Woman? An actress. Not a model, or a UFC star, or some fitness junky, but someone whose actual profession is acting.


Opinion discarded, Hitler

Nothing can save skinny Wonder Woman. Her movie is going to bomb.

because they can't fucking act

Neither did Gal.

Neither can probably any actress in your dream casting of WW.

Because UFC whores are literally just Soccer Moms who fight for superficial reasons. It's Why that Ronda bitch had a winning streak because her competition was shit.

Most actresses don't want to take PEDS.

>Hey accademy award winning actress. Please star as Wonder Woman for our movies?
>How much?
>*Unspecified amounts of cash*
>How many films?
>3! & you have to stay in shape through the duration!
>Fuck that! Not interested.

Thanos' actor was going to be Batman but didn't want to stay in shape & do multipictures. With MCU he gets a quick check with minimal effort & is done.

You can be fit, but not fighting fit. And WW should be fighting fit.

Skinny fit is commonly called "sexy." Sexy is good. In fact, I personally think sexy is great! But it doesn't really fit the character, y'know? Make Black Canary sexy and skinny with nice tits. Make Wonder Woman an amazon with nice tits.

Why musclefags are the only ones that make threads JUST to post 3d women? Seriously, they can be better than 2d, but this isn't te board for it.

Sorry but do you even read comics? 90% of the time WW is never draw looking like it, there is no reason for wanting the movie version to look like it besides your fetish. The WW tgt we have is still shit tho, but so is yours that is just an execuse to pander to your dick.

'cuz you're a faggot, allright!

>WW is never draw looking like it, there is no reason for wanting the movie version to look like it besides your fetish.

Nigger please.

WW has always been an ideal hardbody figure based on the decades she was based on. Her 1940/50s figure is based on the perception of what people back then thought a strong woman would look like, and Lynda Carter does look tough sexy for a woman in the 1970s (female bodybuilders were a rarity back then).

And besides, Wonder Woman is the contrast of current beauty standards where you have to be anorexic to be a beautiful model. I'd rather have women worship Wonder Woman played by a UFC fighter instead of some skeleton-looking bone chick at Paris Fashion Week. I'd love to see DC Comics starting a trend of women going to the gym as a beauty standard via Wonder Woman instead of them starving themselves to death.


Or exercise or even eat apparently.

>90% of the time WW is never draw looking like it,

Gadot pls go.


>If there is even a 1% chance

he seems to fall short

Isn't it mentioned that Hemsworth and others hate Evans a bit for how easily he does it, because he's always at the candy table or something and just has good genes to help him?

it worked sometimes.
other times not so much. but you don't really remember those.


Opinion discarded, jew.


Isn't Gadot in the Israeli army or some shit?

Most Israeli women have been, because it's a required thing. Doesn't mean they're ever front-line though.

My issue isn't that she's skinny. Its that she's skinny AND can't act.

Tfw when they had the perfect Wonder Woman but fucked it up.

Which musclegirl variety is best?