Post em Sup Forums

post em Sup Forums



The italian spongebob woke up this morning and got himself a gun

> Vento aureo

Too perfect


Hi tumblr!


I don't get why that image was chosen for Monogatari.

Yeah, other than the crab, I don't really get it, unless it's just insulting the girls by implying they're all whales.

Wrong. All of them are the crying one.

Crab and girl with weight issues

> being this triggered over a children's cartoon

That's a real stretch, especially since that's largely dealt with in the first two episodes.

The Hajime no Ippo one doesn't really fit. At all.

>Two manly men fighting in a ring
>Not like Ippo

They're wrestling and not boxing but it's close enough

That boku no pico one doesn't make sense. the trap didn't come until the third one.


Yeah but Crab was first and first poster girl

This. SU is nothing BUT crying. Even SpongeBob cries less then them.

What's next in your clever observation? They sing, too? Haw! Such witty and biting criticism.

>defending tumblr cartoons

Does SpongeBob ever sing?
Fuck SU.

Technically Cat's panties were first.

Yes, plenty of times.

As DW once said, "you cried more than me! And I was the one who got stitches!"

Not as much as Special Needs Universe.

> Neo-SpongeBob

Frequently, he also plays the Ukulele like Steven Universe

The new Spongebob episodes are good though. People here don't like them because of memes.

Then SpongeBob has been fucking shitty sjw progressive bullshit all this time?

This. SpongeBob only cries when it's appropriate.
Steven cries every time he pisses his Huggies.

Wasn't there an entire episode based around the fact that spongebob cries too much and squidward bets him that he can't go a day without crying?

I guess so

No. Unlike Jewniverse, SpongeBob doesn't bash white straight men and it treats gays as they're supposed to be treated.

Still less than Stupid Universe.

Yeah, he cries 43 times before noon.

People don't like it because of SU.

>New Spongebob episodes

Pick one.

>no cory in the house

>Being b8ed this hard
Anyway nice thread

The hajime no ippo needs to be changed to spongebob being hit over and over again.

As immature manchildren?

It's pretty funny how nobody points out it's the same two guys from other threads.

>hasn't watched new Spongebob

That's definitely more than SU. I'm almost certain there's more crying and singing in Spongebob than in SU, it's just more spaced out in one than the other that it seems like it isn't. On another note, I really don't see what's so SJW about SU at all when people are constantly saying Spongebob and Patrick are in a relationship. I think one of the rocks loves their master, but as a servant drone that's to be expected, and one feminine rock is in a relationship with another, but even then to the casual observer Ruby kind of looks like a guy, and all that's thrown out the window when you consider they're all genderless. I don't love SU, but I really don't see what's so SJW beyond people reading WAY too into things and making ridiculous theories out of nowhere that any sane person would tell you aren't true.
To conclude, I've watched a LOT of Spongebob, and every SU besides the newest 4-5, and although I prefer Spongebob, I can definitely say without bias there's more crying and singing in Spongebob, including at LEAST two episodes that were musicals.
TL;DR: There's more crying/singing in Spongebob, and despite what people say neither show is progressive.

That's an extremely astute observation, and one I must admit is quite true.

It's a shame people will just ignore it and call it wrong anyways, but what can you do about it.

Hi Rebecca!

Called it.



What do you expect from an SU fag?

And the award for the fastest time a thread got derailed thanks to Steven Universe goes to..

More like thanks to people who get an aneurysm when they just see Steven Universe

Why hasn't Stephen Universe been banned yet?

>Being this triggered over children's cartoons

To be fair, who wouldn't get an aneurysm from SJW propaganda?

The two autists,the b8er and the b8ed

The cancer is just as bad from both sides of the argument

>defending radical left wing trash
This really is Sup Forumsmblr.

Do you think Sugar cares that Sup Forums hates her guts?

Moreso from the pro SU side really.

Considering she's a hardcore special snowflake Tumblrina who gets triggered with mayo, probably.

SU is not even that visible unless you go looking for it.
It's MLP all over again. People haven't learned a damn thing.

Oh please. I don't even like Steven Universe. But everyone getting triggered over someone mentioning it is getting out of hand.

That's true but if the other side didn't get so triggered at any mention of it then maybe we could stick to the fuckin thread topic

this one kills me every time, but you gotta know the band

This could've been a great thread.

Again, not their fault. They have right to get triggered with SU and it's leftist bullshit.

I don't see a problem.
We got the horsefuckers off our board.

SU getting their own board when?

Not really. We have to defend the board even if a few threads get derailed.
You can't have an omelet without breaking a few eggs.

I think it's more of a problem of people not ignoring the shitposter , I mean come on, can it be any more obvious that it's the same guy every time?

I can't even tell who's baiting who anymore.