All memes aside...what was Iris West's problem?

All memes aside...what was Iris West's problem?

Lois Lane was nicer to Clark and they were just friends

Carol was Hal's boss and she was nicer

Flash's gf was a non stop super bitch to him all the time.

Because Silver Age Barry was a button-down milquetoast with punctuality issues.

He was late but he never seemed outrageously late.
Plus he was a cop scientist which does seem like a reasonable excuse for him being busy.

Because he pulls stuff like this.

No wonder Barry and Hal are friends, they're both clumsy idiots.

Fucking hell, Barry.

Yeah they were basically brothers

>Carol was Hal's boss and she was nicer

She had her ups and downs prior to the 80's. She could range from sweet gf material to a raging bitch who gets mad at being told that marrying an alien that tried to kill Hal was a bad idea. This alien was also an amalgam of Batman, Superman and Wonder-Woman mixed with a Stingray or something. Carol was retarded is what I'm getting at.

Typical female boss

Anyway Carol had a nice set up ...being both Hal's Boss and love interest. It was an interesting situation for silver age comics

It's like if Clark was dating Perry White

My human's unconscious again? Fuck this shit I have the spare.
You know this puts all those human green lanterns in a new context and I like it.

>implying that wasn't Zoom.

Doesn't the ring technically have TWO spares? John AND Guy?

Guy was healing a broken everything at the time. When he finally got to be the true backup, a battery exploded in his face and he got sent to the Phantom Zone.

Was that the first time he got turned into a girl?


>this guy flew billion dollar experimental jets

Wish I had the issue where a letter writer complained that Hal wasn't falling and hitting his head enough anymore

>this guy flew billion dollar experimental jets

Hey, he was on Oprah too don't you know? He's a big deal.

I get coms try to be topical but oprah really feels like someone better replaced by an ersatz

This was back in the 80's where they didn't really have stand-ins for people. Reagan was showing up everywhere.

Well right now it has even more. I like to believe it has a mother hen type personality and wants all the other rings on Earth where it can keep an eye on them.

What does she even see of value in him? I don't see can their couple work well

No, that wasn't until the 90s

Even Lois wasn't that nice to Clark. In the silver age, she tried to blow up Superman's identity. In the Bronze Age, she used to be think Clark was a mess and uncivilized.

>Carol was Hal's boss and she was nicer
She was pretty flaky in the silver age and later on she was a huge bitch

Barry was the luckier one

Iris ever turn into a bad guy?
Carol had two seperate villain persona (though they weren't her fault)

Any superheroes who have a regular life and regular gf but it turns out they are actually arch enemies when in disguise ?