
Trailer is out, guys. How much depression can we expect this time?

Oh shit, nice. I've been waiting for this.

Holy shit New York city is underwater. That's a cool concept.


>Straight from the horse thumb
What did they mean by this?

Interesting. Looks like Princess Carolyne may be the main love interest. Could be good. They have their flaws, but it's hard not to see them as suited for each other. She just needed him to step up to the plate and swing for the fences at least one last time, and he just needs to realize that she's better than he deserves even if she isn't a good person.

Do you guys think that Bojack might try suicide this season? This is the most successful he's been, so I already have this sense of dread he might try something before or after the Oscars. He'll fail, of course, because he fails at everything, and that will make him feel even worst.

PC has always been the main love interest.

Well, yes, agreed but she hasn't been the romantic focus except for half of season one.

Does Bojack VA sound weird for anyone else? The "What do you mean what's next" line sounded wrong and high pitched.

MiaxTod shippers in suicide watch

What I've been dying to know is whether Bojack will be the one to reveal to the public that he wasn't actually in the movie, or if someone else will. We know that Bojack is going to feel guilty over taking the credit for something he didn't actually do, as evidence by "I don't know if I deserve an Oscar." It'd be really surprising to me if the story didn't lead to the public finding out the truth somehow, and if Bojack feels guilty, will he be the one to tell them?

It'd be weird to me if the producers of the Secretariat movie didn't have any desire to make their advanced computer graphics known to the public. No film studio in our world can perfectly replicate an actor digitally, and I assume no studio with in the world of Bojack could either before now.

Will the information already be public when the season starts? If so, why the fuck are people giving Bojack the credit?

>It'd be weird to me if the producers of the Secretariat movie didn't have any desire to make their advanced computer graphics known to the public
Fucking New York seems to be an underwater city. Don't think too much about what technology is unheard of or not in this fictional world.

Tthe show is about Bojack and people in his social sphere, not the studio's CGI department. The focus will be on the fact most of the movie doesn't really star Bojack, and how he feels the fame is undeserved.

Maybe he gets depressed when "Secretariat" becomes a cash cow franchise and they use his cg actor to make more and more terrible sequels that also continue to miss the point of what he was going for.

I think some of that will factor into it. The producers have said that this season Bojack will be trying to be positive and make a go of it, and it will be others trying to sabotage him rather than himself.

Clearly a flashback to when he was young

no he's perfect fuck you

Sure it is.


Look at his face. He's much younger than he is now. Doesn't even have facial hair

Isn't it just Arnett's normal speaking voice anyway.

Thought the same thing.
I warned them, she wasn't going to appear again, they didn't listen.

>Tfw he get Pedophilia allegations from Charlotte

>Clearly explained that she was 17 in New Mexico
>Stated several times that what they were doing was legal
Are you just retarded

His face probably hasn't even gotten so fat that he has a pronounced cheek at the end of his lip constantly

Nope that line was really great.

That shit with his cheek pisses me off to no end. It looks so fucking terrible.

Plot twist: what if she has become angry with Bojack? Or Penny is still cool with it but her mom isn't?

Age of consent in the US is very shakey. Although the official age is 17 in New Mexico, if Charlotte and her lawyer really wanted to, they could pin him for tangential things instead of just statutory rape.

Besides, even if legality isn't the issue, it could still hurt his reputation. Leeches like TMZ live to make celebrity lives hell.

I don't think Charlotte would do that, though; as long as Bojack stays away, she'd probably keep quiet. The real New Mexico issue is the intoxicated minor.

I'd either have it she's mad that she was interrupted and tries again

Or she runs away from home, and they fuck for real and he shouts her mom's name in bed

Back in the 90's

Depression for what? He' s a negative douche who was once famous. Were you people famous enoght to relate you with him? I don't get a fucking shit about this "muh feelings"
You people are really dumb

>Depression for what?


I JUST got an email from Bojack as I opened this thread. Damn nature you scary

>I JUST got an email from Bojack