How would you make Apocalypse great again?

How would you make Apocalypse great again?


When was he ever great?

I'd make Evan Apocalypse and his JGS friends his Horsemen

Except he isn't out to destroy humanity or conquer the world. He's actually heroic

Build a wall around the X-Mansion.


Build a wall around Apocalypse!

Make him a sexy woman who uses her pussy power to control her "horse"'men

There was a period in the '90s, before and after Age of Apocalypse, when he was lurking in the background and genuinely menacing.

Literally every part of his visual design needs to go. Drop it in the fucking garbage and start over.

>I am Apocalypse, I have every mutant power ever known and am thousands of years old.
>Oh dear, I've been defeated by some weakness I should've fixed millennia ago that nobody should really know about in this era. D'oh.
I'd stop this shit from happening. Either he's an all powerful, hyper intelligent mutant or he isn't.

Why don't we take the X-Mansion and push it somewhere else?

I'd read it.

First I would have to free you from the delusion that Apocalypse was ever good.

I only ever took him seriously during Age of Apocalypse. It never occurred to me that he had a chance of actually taking over the world seeing as he's a big blue jobber.

Came here to post this.

Age of Apocalypse was pretty much the only time I remember thinking of him as one of Marvel's Big Bads. That and the animated series.

I think Oscar Isaacs gave it a fair try, but there's really only one scene where he feels like a big threat, all the other scenes had him as more of big bully.

>Apocalypse is a jobber
find me a comic book villain that never jobbed
Is Joker a jobber?
Is Doom a jobber?
Is Red SKull a jobber?
According to you, yes, they are jobbers

>He doesn't understand that the disdain for Apocalypse isn't because of the number of times he's lost, but because of how incompetently he is written, how transparent the attempts to boost him as a huge villain worthy of notoriety are, and how fucking boring he is.

Like, I get that anyone who would actually defend Apocalypse is a moron, but he fails on so many levels that he's really only good for jobbing. Your other three characters you listed have great stories and extremely memorable appearances/traits. Apocalypse is more like Doomsday, just more articulate.

Once we got to the point where he gets OHKO'd by Magneto he's no longer redeemable as a badass.

Apocalypse was greatly written in original X-Factor, he also had great X-cutioner Saga appearance, Blood of Apocalypse, AoA, Rise of Apocalypse mini.

His motivation goes beyond "lelel I want to piss of Batman, because I'm KRAAAZY, and I will rip my face off", or "fuck you reed richards" or "fuck you steve rogers it's my cube"

Try harder.

When was he ko'd by Mags?

Idk, I was reading through some storytime where Magneto, Apocalypse, and a bunch of others were working together (maybe in Mighty Morphin' SCOTT IS ALWAYS WRONG) and they were talking shit to each other about whatever the plan was and Apoc told Mags that he was powerless with no metal around and Magneto reminded him that his brain is a magnetic field. The hard way.

>"fuck you steve rogers it's my cube"
>Apocalypse defender is an MCUfag when it comes to things that aren't X-Men.
Not surprised.

Listen, there's nothing wrong with liking bad things, but you need to develop some actual standards if you think Apocalypse is any deeper than being the Broly of X-Men.

GenderSwap Galacta esque

I see that I touched the nerve. I'm not even an mcu fag. You however, have literally NO argument. You didn't refute anything, so my point still stands.

>I see that I touched the nerve.
What, because I'm pointing out you have to be a casual to think "muh cube" is Red Skull's character?

What is Red Skull's character? He's basically a cliche nazi. He doesn't even have a classic story.

>What, because I'm pointing out you have to be a casual to think "muh cube" is Red Skull's character?

Thats literally his goal in everything ever.




Guess what RS was doing in nowadays CA #2?