Finally making a movie about the best DC character

>Finally making a movie about the best DC character
>He's going to be fucking CGI

>giving a shit about Cyborg

>DCfags will defend this

Come on, humor me.

>Not ok at best
>Not only decent when with the titans
Also he's not going to be all CGI, at most the changing body parts will be CGI along with the parts that light up

Should have used him the Titans movie but no, we got to have our token black guy.

>titans movie
keep dreamin. i hope i eat my words but look in your heart, you know it to be true

I guess they gave up training apes


Don't fucking dare to answer me with bad words, I'm easily triggered.

Are you the same type of retard that spouted the Bat Armor was CGI?

>Finally making a movie about the best DC character
Quit lying, there's been plenty of Batman movies already.

>finally introduce long lasting new members of the Justice League
>it's just two Green Lanterns OC made for diversity points
Fuck you Geoff. If you really wanted diversity you could of brought back Vixen, Black Lightning, Fire, or Vibe...but Noooooooooo, we just needed another pair of fucking human Green Lanterns.

>This is what you're going to say next-man

There's going to be a cgi Booster Gold movie? No mere human can hope to match his dazzling physique in real life, I guess.

god damn I hate Green Lantern. The whole fiction behind them. all the fucking other lanterns that spawned from them. Red, Yellow, Black, Blue, Grey, Beige, Off-White. I can't put my finger on why, I just fucking hate them.

He was going to be awful no matter what.

Who the fuck cares about Cyborg outside of Teen Titans?

Probably because the Green Latern mythos is autistic as fuck. A color coded emotional spectrum that features "emotions" like will is something that Chris-chan would have created.

Dc is terrible at live action movies. It is probably better this way.

Someone go to the Netherlands and find Paul Verhoeven.

>best DC character

I can't believe that anyone thinks this. Not even you, OP.

I guess that's why they don't have the highest rated live action superhero movie of all time, right?

broken clock is still right twice a day.

Christopher Nolan is a fucking hack
I had no idea anyone unironically enjoyed the Dark Knight movies until I started posting on Sup Forums. What a fucking joke.

Are you joking? They're some of the most beloved and highly praised movies both critically and with audiences ever, The Dark Knight is literally in the top 10 on IMDB, how could you not know that was popular.

I have never heard of anyone liking Cyborg outside the Teen Titans cartoons.

>Finally making a movie about the best DC character
They announced the Swamp Thing movie?

Hopefully he's as Badass as in justice League: war
Looks like it with the cube his dad had

The opening scene of the second movie was used as an example of near-perfect cinematography in my film studies class

You idiot, it's a doctor fate movie.

people pretend they like him because he's black

Cyborg is just boring. Who are his friends? Who are his foes? What are his character defining traits?

There is literally just "am I human?" That's it.

The character ages like milk too because what is future high tech bullshit now will probably look stupid in the future. Go read an old cyborg comic, the guy could "connect to the internet", wow, cool ability.

Does he even have a good story?

*Because he has a sound cannon on his arm

>Friends and foes
Shazam and Deathstroke, off the top of my head.
>The character ages like milk too because what is future high tech bullshit now will probably look stupid in the future.
I don't see how this is a flaw right now. The shit Batman used to do is lame, too. "I used DNA Forensics to match the blood at the scene to this criminal!"
Wow, so impressive.

What's wrong with CGI? How do you expect them to do really cool effects with practical costumes?

>Shazam and Deathstroke, off the top of my head.
And Shazam can't live in Cyborgs book, so what good is that? You have Deathstoke (and Grid). How many arcs can you eak out of that before it's stale?

The batman comparison doesn't really work. Batman isn't just a forensics guy, his character isn't just a guy who uses most up to date forensic techniques. Cyborg is defined by being a future tech android, you can't go back and read old runs because he is no longer that.

Zod's suit was CG, it's gonna turn out fine

They're rated so highly because they're not superhero movies. Nolan's Batman isn't even anything remotely like every other Batman iteration. They're just crime thrillers with a man who happens to dress up as a bat.

Oh please. Deathstroke has much bigger fish to fry than that loser. Cyborg doesn't even get mentioned in his latest books.

I don't disagree.

I thought it was because he was a robot?