Please, Dan. Just go back to writing Warhammer 40,000 novels. Stop doing... Whatever it is you're doing to Herc

Please, Dan. Just go back to writing Warhammer 40,000 novels. Stop doing... Whatever it is you're doing to Herc.

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What was wrong with his Hercules?

also you're in luck, the book is cancelled and Abnett isn't doing any more Marvel

Isn't he in charge of the Herc CWII tie-in?

What are you talking about? Dan's Herc is fine, actually one of the few good Marvel books around

We're talking current Marvel books, right?

Herc himself wasn't the problem with this run.

That is a horrible, horrible lie. The book reads like an anti-drinking after-school special, and Herc has none of his personality that made him fun to read about under Pak.

How anybody likes this ongoing is beyond me.

It's also doing a ripoff of American Gods as it's main plot and it's not a good imitation at all.

Most writing teams are writing teams for a reason.

I go into a bar and buy a drink to stare at and not drink it because that is a clever thing for an alcoholic to do

Holy shit, Abnett wrote for Marvel? I need to start reading comics

Abnett is DC exclusive now so the CW2 tie in is his last Herc and marvel thing.

>buy a drink to stare at and not drink it because that is a clever thing for an alcoholic to do
Didn't Sherlock literally do that in one episode of Elementary?

Wait, are you kidding? Dude wrote the GotG comic that inspired the movie. I figured even newfriends had read it if only for that reason.

He's been writing comics for years, man.

The book has been good. I was hoping he would continue writing it, not leave.

This series was Bendis-levels of character assassination, god damn. I'm just glad it's over. I'll always love Guardians of the Galaxy but whoo boy, this was a stinker.

How was this character assassination?

Herc is basically nothing like what he previously was? He was "srs bsns" now and aiming to "really be a hero" because he never had done anything worthy before.

You know, completely discounting literally everything involving the history of the character, from his time in the Avengers to the time he saved reality from Amatsu-Mikaboshi.

No, I like it.

Do yourself a favor and read the DnA cosmic stuff from marvel

said. Him and Andy Lanning teamed up to make some of the best comics ever. GotG was amazing beginning to end.

So, he can't be a real hero now? He can't even try to fix himself? You want the character to stagnate forever? How about we try something different than the average herc?

His DC stuff is also legitimately good too. Aquaman so far is one of my favorite parts of Rebirth.

I think the issue here is that the shift was very sudden and without warning which makes it feel jarring to readers. If they had put in some big event where Herc fails to do something because he gets drunk/distracted that would have lead into it more

>You want the character to stagnate forever?
Where do you think you are?

Well I mean I guess we could just have ANY character start acting wildly out of character, so much so that it is entirely opposite of everything established for them previously, and it'd be okay because they aren't "stagnating", huh user?

It's okay to admit it was a shit run. Sometimes good writers have them. Herc already was a real hero. This run was more like a real ZERO.

And his former sober companion told him that's dumb as fuck

>some of the best comics ever
Let's not exaggerate, Mephisto. Just because they hooked you up with Magma doesn't make their comics among the best ever. They're solid cape books though.

He did, he's doing better at DC anyway.

>doing better at DC
>first issue is literally retreading John's "Everyone doesn't realize how cool Aquaman is and just think he talks to fish!" schtick
>bad guy is Black Manta again

blech, no thanks.

Are we ignoring Titans Hunt already?

>It's okay to admit it was a shit run. Sometimes good writers have them. Herc already was a real hero. This run was more like a real ZERO.


I actually liked the story being told, but the way it happened sucked. You don't need to throw all previous Herc stories under the bus to tell yours, make him sound like he was a useless drunken wreck when he was a character plenty of people liked, if not loved.

That's better than the the Titans shit we've gotten for the past decade and a half at least, so he gets points for not making a shit Titans book.

Well the deal is no one is telling him he is shit but himself. He feels guilty for his past actions and how being a superheroes drew him away from his labors (he is the god of labor, after all). Now he's trying to adapt to the new age. It's a fun book other than the TERRIBLE designs for the new gods.

He was the God of Heroes, dammit!

He's the god of lots of shit. If he's slacking in any of them he should feel bad.

Having the other heroes shit on Herc is awful

Well, that wasn't really Iron Man.

Rescue Me did it too

It's a pretty common trope

Name one hero that has shit on Herc.

Chulk and Shulk basically told him he wasn't invited to the Celestial Destroyer fight because he's a liability

Not like he's saved THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE before or anything

Hah hah! Fish stick.

It was a reaction to how common 'BREAKING NEWS: Hercules is drunk and fucking in public AGAIN' as a gag had gotten in other comics. That's all his reputation is these days, a joke in the background, a has-been you only call if Thor is too busy.

This is the exact shit that ruined the Star Wars prequels. Red Letter Media talked about it. They were made in response to the fandom of Darth Vader, not to be good films.

I thought the news gods were great. They were perfect designs for a god of nsfw and a god of social media.

Everyone was talking shit about how it was just ripping off American Gods. I read American Gods and the new gods in it were scarcely more than background characters. Everything revolves around Odin and Loki.

Then there were the Manchester Gods in Journey into Mystery, and they ended up being just patsies of Surtr then immediantly got forgotten about when Surtr was thwarted.

Why is this story so hard to tell properly?


Got a link?

Did Brad walker get shitty or does the inker suck? I really liked aquaman, but something about the art looked off

>He can't even try to fix himself?
There was nothing broken in the first place. He was a fun character. Now he's not.

Just like current Marvel pretty much.

>People caring about continuity in marvel comics
>Specially for a b-lister like Herc

Anyway, his books are the best thing in the new civil war.


No prob.

And he was undercut by having the Wally return pulled from it for Rebirth. Managing to keep the story decent with that kind of interference is a little impressive.

His book is one of the best Marvel has right now. Although that's not saying much, since most of Marvel is shit.

>completely discounting literally everything involving the history of the character
You mean like any other character that gets a new writer?

Oh thank fuck I thought I was the only one.

>Implying he wasn't already a real hero
>implying anything needed fixing
>implying it was stagnant
>implying "but it's different!" isn't the excuse for some of the worst fucking creative decisions in comics atm
My instinct are telling me you're either an intern or a Mormon. Either way get out and stop pretending to care about Herc.

How the fuck did he even get his powers back? Wasn't he mortal after Chaos War?
dammit Ab you haaaaack

Is this still going on? The last issue I read was the one where a guy impersonated Tony Stark in order to drive Herc to drink.

I'm all for character development, but it has to come from somewhere, you cannot just ignore how the character was without giving any reason. if Abnett like gave us any reason why Herc is suddenly so mopey, like I dunno, failing to save somebody because he was drunk, it would work. One page would be sufficient and it would make much better story.

Believe it or not, most good writers don't need to pull a Bendis or Slott on characters to tell their mediocre little stories.

Name one book that did this gag. Because I cannot. I only get his apperrance in Superior foes and She-Hulk where he is more a jovial guy who goes a bit too far when he beats the bad guys.

Ongoing is canceled, but it will get wrapped up in a Civil War mini.

Maybe with Abnett out we can get someone who actually gets Herc to come in.

I'm not him, but the only thing I can think of is that page I see with the black Captain America from 2099 or whatever saying he was behaving very badly and what would Zeus say if he saw him, upon which Herc actually apologized and said she was right.

I mean, Sup Forums did an edit to show Zeus giving him a thumbs up which is hilarious, but I can't help but think there are certain "moral crusaders" at Marvel who have picked out Herc to be their next "project."

And why should it be a goo thing.
Hell, look at Tom King's Vision that builds on what others did with him, even the bad stuff. Unless the thing in history was super toxic like Punisher as agent of heaven or Huntress sleeping with a fat nerd or everything one to characters in Avengers Arena and Undercover, there is no reason to throw it under the buss.

Oh. That sucks. I don't read tie-ins because all events eat shit.

I kind of liked the Herc mini. It was an interesting take on him, making him a modern hero in an era where the old heroes were dying or being killed.

I've always felt Sup Forums misunderstood that page. Herc wasn't ashamed because Zeus wouldn't approve of his behavior, but because he would. Zeus is an asshole.
And honestly, I find it hard to consider Abnett a moral crusaer, although that would depend on the defition you're using.