Would you volunteer for medical experiments that have a 1 in 4 chance of giving you Captain America's physical...

Would you volunteer for medical experiments that have a 1 in 4 chance of giving you Captain America's physical abilities?

There is also a 1 in 4 chance you get the abilities, but also extreme schizophrenia, delusions, anxiety and hallucinations. Dubiously treatable, as your now superhuman body is very resistant to drugs.

And a 2 in 4 chance you die.

Well I'm already schizophrenic

Might as well honestly.

I don't know what I want to do with my life and I'm just wasting time and money at college anyway. Got nothing to lose.

So 1/4 of chance of staying crazy, 1/4 of chance of stop getting crazy and 1/2 of chance of being free of this dark world?

so, I'd be deadpool.

I would volunteer for the latter attempts when they improve the method and reduce the side effects. Maybe I could even get spiderman level powers by them.

No. If I'm risking mental trauma and even death then I at least want some real superpowers out of the deal, not just peak human shit. If it was for Spider-Man's powers (organic webbing included) then I'd do it in a heartbeat.

If the process ever worked I'd just put the first few successful individuals on figuring out the kinks with their enhanced intelligence. Steve only hasn't because the doc didn't want the Super Soldier Serum getting spread around knowing its effects on the psychology of individuals.

That'd be ideal, but the problem is that the serum has an ill-defined effect on the human brain. It's implied that it greatly enhances a person's ability to learn and process information, but it doesn't seem to turn them into super geniuses or anything unless I'm wrong.

Rolled a four sided die, and it came up one. Call me Captain, Sup Forums.

It enhances the the recipients personality traits as well. It's one of the reason why anger triggers the Hulk transformation.

Yes. I want my chance to become Green Goblin

I'd wait for experiments with better power payoffs. Like Id rather get Parasites powers than Caps. Sure youre insatiable like a crackhead, but you get to play with the big boys


Hello Captain Sup Forums! Weird name for a hero, but okay.


Sign me up!

A white knight who defends even the most pathetic and underage waifus of all the nerds with no life outhere. Truly the embodiment of this shit board.

Why not, in the best day, I'll become Cap, in teh worst, The Green Goblin like this user said , it works for me anyway

Or maybe he's a supervilain who stalks and rapes underage waifus. Truly the embodiment of this shit board.

You, I like you

Will there be Hayley Atwell dying to grab my tit?
It's an important parameter.

Yeah, without hesitation. I mean, it's not like I have anything else going for me.


>yfw no nazi scientists around to experiment on you

Would having Cap powers cure
>Type 2 diabetes
>tinnitus, uneven hearing
>foot drop
if so, then fuck yeah. I don't want to waste into nothing over the next few decades.

I'd volunteer for a chance to suck Cap's voluptuous titties.

Back to furmula?

God damn, those man titties are so huge that as I was scrolling by I honestly thought this was a pic of a bull dyke lesbian. I stopped to read the text to see why it hadn't been deleted yet.

Anyways, to answer your question, yes. Yes, I fucking would. And I say this as someone who has three direct living relatives who all suffer from schizophrenia.

You could just roid man, or you know, work out for a couple years.

So, 1 in for chance for abilities, no problems,
1 in for chance that my life won't be any more miserable than it is now, but I'll have powers
and 50% chance I die?
There are no downsides to this.

Neither of those will ever make me strong enough to bench press a helicopter.

Sure, but only in case that the more severe my ailments, the more powerful I'd become. So basically I'd be Cap or even if I'm deranged and crazy, I'll still be the Sentry.

50/50 is good odds for those stakes.

Odds a bit too low for me.
Drop the death chance to 25% and add a 25% of nothing happening and I'd do it.

No. Without the shield, I'd be too vulnerable. And as far as I can tell, he's yet to get laid in the movies. Probably wouldn't help me in real life either (abilities doesn't = attractive). Rather have $$$. That will get you laid.

25% of becoming a physically perfect male, 25% of that plus being (more) mentally unstable and 50% that I leave this shitty world behind?

Hell yeah.

Are you stupid? He's strong enough to stop enough a chopper from taking off and he's faster than an olympic sprinter. With his abilities you can dominate any sport you wanted, you'll become famous and rich as fuck. Hell, with his recovery and endurance you could dominate multiple sports at once.

Peak everything means everything. I'd just go be an actor, singer or con artist.

>tfw no German good guy to shoot the shit and drink with pre-experiment

Erskine was a bro. Fuck you, Hydra.
