How does Sup Forums feel about this comic? Apparently an animated series of this is supposted to be made for Netflix

How does Sup Forums feel about this comic? Apparently an animated series of this is supposted to be made for Netflix





This is my first time hearing about this

Never read the comics, but I love the art style at first glance.

i want porn

this looks fantastic. like that other user said in that other thread very moomin inspired. i'm ready to get comfy.

Shit, I love these! Comfy as they get. Hope they make a series!

No, Hilda is pure and not for sex. Hilda is for hugs, not fugs.

that makes it even HOTTER

looks comfy af, I'd give it a watch

Why do all cartoons look the same now?

i really hope they can capture the look, when a cartoon looks like the comic is based on is one of my favourite things ever, that´s why i loved persepolis

storytime it faggot


Link to the other thread please?

>What if Adventure Time was a girl????????
the comic

I hate Sup Forums so much. Jesus christ

That's literally what this is though.

I've heard nothing but good things.

That was me. I just sent the news to all my scandi friends, everyone seem very positive about it.

Pearson has worked on AT and this is basically yhe extension of that. It's also incredibly generic

Well, shit.

Looks interesting, looking forward to it.

You're a faggot.

Op here couldn't find a torrent to storytime it but I found some various pages from it




oh god this is adorable

Hilda is so cute.

did they announce the cast for this or is that still a long ways to go?

Never heard of it. Looks comfy.

can someone storytime it?

alright gonna make some porn of it.

Show's not out until 2018

I remember seeing this a while back at the comic book shop I go to. Read it, pretty neat. Just wish I got the figurine.

how is that a troll

I love the first one but the others are too short and too expensive to warrant a purchase, and I can't find them online anywhere.

Seconding a storytime.

I would watch/read this.


I love those dog-balloon-tadpole things

Looks like something I'd actually watch.
Too bad It's coming out in 2018, though.

That was me, too.

No issues on libgen.
This is fucking obscure.

>Hilda is a child
>people still want to see porn of her

Remove yourselves from society.

Fuck, this is cute.

I have not read it but the character designs intrigue me and look very charming. I like what the title page is doing with the multiple backgrounds there, it's colorful and kind of cool, and is a hint about where the story will go without giving too much away.

I probably will not read it anytime soon but I will keep an eye out for it nonetheless.