Work On Your Art

not one in the catalog so
WOYA general
post what you've been drawing, post work in progress, post latest masterpieces

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Just finished this Jasper drawing, really wanted to focus on my lines and coloring!

looks sick! interior lines look a little too sketchy tho, was that on purpose?

10/10, i love your style and the contrast between the warm colors used for jasper and the cold/blue bg, it really helps the design pop.

also, is it okay to post oc on here since theres no donut steel thread up?

das what this thread is for

Anatomy is wonky but it looks good.


right now im working on designs for a pitch about three wannabe occultist teenage boys.

those look like them H.A.M niggas from runescape

Trying to get back into practicing every day.

I'm so glad you noticed the subtle reference

We've been having these threads die way too quickly for the past few. Let's make this one last lads.

Once there are about a dozen or so different pics it's usually safe from there. Gonna go work on that now.

I've been working on an animatic all day, I've got about 4 minutes done so far

What kind of equipment do you use to create your art?
I want to start drawing digitally but I don't know where to start

I usually use autodesk sketchbook for rough drafts and SAI for the final product.

its been a tradition to buy wacom drawing tablets with my tax returns every year

i use photoshop for most of my drawings but right now i'm doing a lot of work in toonboom


i can't make smooth linework worth shit and i kinda like my art more when it's sketchier

is this wrong?

could you buy it at store or does have to be online

Cintiq 13-inch. Photoshop. Recently Illustrator.

Intuos is available at most large electronics stores.

Cintiqs must be ordered online, generally. Check Ebay or craigslist for used ones. They're pretty sturdy and last a long time.

Update with basic shading and some more detail on the spear.

Thanks for the advice

Got those no-national-identity blues. Haven't hit the errant maple leaf quota to make this officially Canadian yet.

Nice work. Looks like her foremost hand should either be rotated so her knuckles are to the viewer and parallel to the spear, or her fingers fanned out a bit more towards her pointer. Your hatching is scrumptious though.

I've tried everything Sup Forums, really I have

Since like 2012 I've been making art by literally only using's line tool and its other various tools, and because of me using it so much I've basically mastered it. Doing art in any other was looks awful compared to what I do in my own way. The only problem is that obviously it takes centuries to draw anything, and small details are something I can literally never do

What do I do Sup Forums? I'm honestly proud of alot of stuff I do but yet at the same time I'm not because I'm not getting any better from it

Before you ask, I got a tablet, I practiced on it for hours, and still it's awful compared to what I did before

Blogs, now.

can i post this here?
i'm gonna post this here.

Bump again before finally sleeping


p r a c t i c e


I second this question, but I'd like to be more specific; are there any techniques or drill's you guys have for improving character art? Study official character sheets? Experiment with construction? Or just straight up draw your brains out?

Did another drawing of Reese a couple days ago.

Got the Frenden Brush Pack for Clip Studio recently, so this was inked with the Nib Gritty pen. It's my personal favorite as of yet, since it can create nice thick lines with enough pressure, but with lighter pressure the line becomes thinner and more sparse.

Thanks! The palette was based on the one in Jailbreak, where lots of the background used greens and blues.

What do I need to work on, anatomy wise? Anything helps.

About a 35 minute Plum drawing.


So close to completion I can taste it.

First time posting in one of these... lets see how I fare.

Thanks user, hope this'll help me break the cycle of giving up again - which has been going on for years - and actually start making great stories!

Just finished doodling this.

this is sick
this is also rad

This is my most recent pic

Anyone has a link to the last thread?

OP is forgot to writte the title of the thread.

yeah my bad, i realized that like, as i was hitting post

Some utter trash.

is and, 18+ at hardtones.tumblr.

Sorry for the late reply.

Doesn't look bad man. Really stylish. Two Face is fun to draw.

just doodling some shit, kinda rushed and fucked up the hat, among other things

how to I get my drawings to look like the thing i'm drawing so that way its not painfully obvious i'm using the brush tool in photoshop? is that even a problem or am I just hyper-aware of my own drawings simply because i'm the one who drew it?

Thanks user, is my favorite comic-book villain. I try to do my best.

Don't have one, sorry.

Is there any easier way to do circles/curved lines/etc in photoshop without resulting to making a separate layer, vectoring it, making a stroke, merging it, the editing it as needed?

I've almost always draw physical but recently got a yiynova tablet to switch to digital, but doing tech is so cumbersome. It sucks because I do so much mecha/ vehicle/ architecture and actually like doing so, but it take so long to do it with that method compared to ellipse guides and a ruler. Any other drawing programs let you do it simpler?

Another one.

I'm officially gay for Genji

Would anyone have any tutorials on how to make comic panel's look nice/flow well? And any tutorials on Clip Studio Paint's comic features would be nice too

Yo I heard about this crazy new tool called Google

It doesn't really have much for Clip Studio Paint's comic features, though. and I figured Sup Forums would have some more tutorials on comics in general than just googling it

>Sup Forums would be helpful
Sadly that's 94% never the case

More brush test sketches.

>make comic panels flow well

Have you read Scott McClouds Making Comics? It's an entire book that focuses on how to tell stories through comics - not the "how to draw in a comic style" kind, but one about the sort of things you need help with.

And a furry chick.

Not really. Stuff like Manga Studio has stabilizers that makes it a bit easier. If you're truly drawing mechas/cars you probably have some perspective lines so you can get a good grasp. Draw large scale also helps.

Don't forget to also draw with your elbow/shoulder and not your wrist.

i did this today

What I do, because digital is amazing, is I make a giant blacked out elipse in the shape I need and then erase the center.

Same. Especially if I need perfect circles (Kirby, Mickey ears, etc.)

I'm really out of practice with drawing and have been making an effort to work at it more regularly. I recently did a stream on twitch for a few friends and they requested that I draw pepe.

Criticism of the lighting welcome, It's something I've never quite wrapped my head around.

Was trying to get some sketching in today.

Nice work this is looking great.

You have too many issues to really pick apart. The perspective of the computer is messed up and the values are weird since I would be supposing the idea is the comp is the only light source. It should be hitting his face more directly. That being said, using 2 values to perceive lighting isn't going to give you much direction or help at all, especially when your pepe lacks depth. Try with simple shapes and a light source. Sorry if that's not the advice you wanted.

Shit nigga, you draw fabulous anthro faces.

Danka. I made the face a bit uneven though.

very cool

You got fantastic stuff, bruh.

Gonna turn this into a full background piece with multiple characters. Really should have sketched the background first...

one of the paintings for a gallery thingy-ma-bob

I would but new pokemon have just been announced and /vp/ is, well being /vp/

and another


working with MSPaint and a partially undetermined color scheme

last drawings of the month yall

goodbye june, hello july

spent some time fuckin round in Clip Studio.
think ill probably stick with sai for coloring. it's more flexible when it comes to the shit i like to do.

first sketch of the month, feels good man

You copied the girls design from this



do you use references?
best ITT got a blog?

this was my reference for the top right sketch

everything else is freestyle, no reference

this is freestyle with no reference: sometimes i will warm up with a quick reference like this: and then just do freestyle sketches for the rest of the day without any reference because i honestly dont need it but it can be fun sometimes lol

anatomy is way off, why would anyone want to copy that

Nah, and I really should. My anatomy is terrible. Just have a really hard time putting what I see onto paper.

i saw it and was like, those are some funny poses, i also want to draw those funny poses, and turned those bitches into cute goth girls, lol, because cute goth girls are the best desu

It seems pretty accurate to me thats why I asked about references, if anything they look a bit too stiff like a more exaggerated gesture could help

My poses are stiff. How would you recommend I rectify the problem?

The magic of: gesture drawing
Also anatomy will help you know, for example in the lioness huntress one, which muscles will tense when walking in that position making it seem more fluid

hesh af


mineralchicken (tumblr/DA).

Just a quick sketch/fanfic based on a concept I found to be interesting

Tried a B&W version this time.


Don't YOU have a few mad men to catch, bats!?
Let me sulk already.

Anotha one

I lov love your style? Do you have a blog? How long have you been drawing?

Some harley head I drew waiting on bus

And thanks!

Started drawing Sonic comics when i was eleven, and i'm 23 now. Why do you ask?

Just checking the resolution.