
>Censor Mika's butt and Juri's boobs for no reason
>release a swimsuit issue

Mixed messages here, Capcom.

Other urls found in this thread:


Capcom does not really care that much.
If they slip by ratings, they do anything

I mean, look at this

The4 game already had a T rating, and Mika's costume is still just as revealing as it was before. Covering up Juri's cleavage was just as pointless.

>caring about CA at all
And also it's on PREVIEWSworld too.

Out on September 7.

Aki Lee cover

Nei Ruffino Cover

Goddammit artist literally all you had to do is move Sakura's in a bit. Can't you see it?

Udon's slogan is "no fucks given" apparently

yeah idk how comics like this sells. They commission artist who's worse than most fanart out there.

and since when was fucking beach anything exciting to care about. it's literally in every anime ever.

Heh, I'll pay that

>They commission artist who's worse than most fanart out there.
One of them is a colorist, mostly for Frank Cho and J. Scott Campbell.

>Apes and Babes
God I love Frank Cho

Are you seriously implying is bad?

Hell to the fuck yes. I NEED IT.

Capcom does a weird token gestures (like remove ass slapping and cover up juri slightly) and not give a fuck at all for Laura, for example.

Still, if you play on PC, it does not even matter

Women don't buy comic books.

They like to COMPLAIN about them, but they like to complain about a lot of things.


Now apply that to everything and that is what we have to deal with.

If UDON doesn't do a parody of pic related with Mecha Zangief they can

>inb4 22 pages of Juri, Chun Li, and Cammy with no sight of Sakura, Elena or Makoto

Why are the worst girls the most popular?

>Xa (Wakfu)
>Vincenzo Cucca (Pandamonia)


People already forgot poor Viper.

All those guys, huh?

Women don't buy fighting games, either.

People are going to complain because this is Sup Forumsmblr, but I actually mostly agree with you. Women don't buy SUPERHERO comic books, yet continuously bitch and moan about fetishistic superhero costumes and sexualized art. And not only that, but women make up a minority of comic book readers altogether anyway.

Considering this is a comic book based on an IP grounded in the video game industry, I don't think women are actually going to pick this up. Maybe they'll pretend to care. Who knows?

I'm going to take back my statement. Bad is wrong it's is a good looking picture overall I guess but looks pretty fucking bad compared to alot of free fan art out on the internet right now. just look at her fucking fingers and her back. or how her fucking arms all broken and shit.


I'm ready.

I like that Capcom at least gives us comic books at least. Meanwhile there's Nintendo, who refuse to license anything out. Where's my Metroid comic book, Nintendo?

Ehh...I really don't like the way she's drawn there. She looks way too ethnic and not cute enough imo. Though it's lovely art anyway.

Hope to god we get my deliciously adorable, barefoot African goddess.

To be fair, she IS worst girl. I still like her but I think just about every other SF girl is superior.

What in the fuck are you talking about?

why would one buy a pin up comic from bad artist when you can get free porn of the same character from better artist right now.

>To be fair, she IS worst girl.
Well, back to my security blanket

>She looks way too ethnic
>too ethnic
I gave up looking for an appropriate reaction image to this statement.

There's nothing wrong with any of the things you said are wrong you retard.

Sorry, I don't like her much. She kinda sticks out to be honest.

I get that she's ethnically Chinese and all, but to be fair, her face isn't drawn that way. Usually it's more generically cute or beautiful. Not using 'generic' in a bad way, but it's the way it is.


Reminds me of that picture drawn in one of those "Girls draw videogame females less misogynistically" articles and it had a Chun-li drawn by someone who made her look like a clown and had no sense of movement, pose, or basic anatomy

Also that Zero Suit Samus that had a WW2 helmet and 18 pouches. That was hilarious

The one where she looks like a tranny?

The one where she has literal clown blush marks on and is in what is basically a standing pose but has one leg up in a way that would have her fall over instantly if a real human did it

>Reminds me of that picture drawn in one of those "Girls draw videogame females less misogynistically" articles and it had a Chun-li drawn by someone who made her look like a clown and had no sense of movement, pose, or basic anatomy

Also don't be dissing that image, boy. IIRC, it's actually official art from some game but don't quote me on that.

Mang does that picture look good to you?

The one you just posted did but MAN did that last one look like a flaming pile of ass


Is Frank gonna contribute?
I'm under the impression they're pandering to a niche fanbase that WANTS to support them. I mean you can say "you can get all the porn you want for free online, why would you support this?" but you can sort of say the same of pretty much everything now that an endless stream of media is easily accessible online.
I mean I think some of it is token gestures. Mika was but there's a good chance Juri was just mediocre story mode art that didn't accurately reflect the model they made/were making. It happens, I mean the dude drew Sean pale as fuck despite him originally being darker than his sister.
That fishnet edit is superior

>One picture is drawn by someone with a knowledge of anatomy, pose, and movement
>The other is drawn by a feminist
Which one is the better picture?

>Mang does that picture look good to you?
Looks fine to me. It's just heavily stylized, intentionally.

Also I literally just found it by searching Google. It's shit but it's also not quite as bad as you pretended it was either.

Also I totally have that image of Samus saved in my Metroid folder, just because. I like how this person doesn't seem to grasp the purpose of the Zero Suit.

The purpose doesn't matter, what's important is that it isn't oversexualized any more.
It's sad that's actually kinda cool it's just shit for the concept in particular.

That's why I dislike the picture

"I'm going to redesign this costume without understanding why it even exists in the first place"

You want to unsexify Latex Suit Samus, go ahead. But acknowledge why it exists when you do so

>cutepet getting to do work for udon

>It's sad that's actually kinda cool it's just shit for the concept in particular.
I actually somewhat agree.

>You want to unsexify Latex Suit Samus, go ahead. But acknowledge why it exists when you do so
This. Or just make it a new suit entirely.

I know we all like to complain about the Zero Suit, but it does serve a purpose. It's like the suit astronauts wear underneath their suits intended for space or whatever the hell those are called. It's for protection underneath the Power Suit.

Marvel vs Capcom: Swimwear Edition fucking WHEN???


But what about the guys?!

Shush, user. Soon, Capcom will recognize us. Soon...

It is extremely important that I purchase these.

It is extremely important that they do this.

what is that panel from?

Mods when?!

DLC is not covered by the ESRB. The game on launch had to be a T-rating for obvious reasons, so they censored a bit in order to placate them. They can go full swimsuits now that the game's out, though.

Juri looks better without the cleavage, DESU. Latex is sexy as fuck.

Seeing a book like this takes me back to the late 90s/early 2000s with Wizard magazine. It's a great feeling.

Street Fighter Unlimited 5 or 6, I think.


I offer additional Karin as thanks.

I wish I was better with her.

>Juri looks better without the cleavage

color Balance wise the black looks better than her pale skin.
Fishnet is the perfect compromise

Laura strikes me as the type who knows you fap to her. And is totally cool with it.

Never. They gave Vega a shirt, for fuck's sake.

>covering up Vega's tattoo.
Why, next you'll be telling me they took away his mask!

Wow nice cultural appropriation.

No, but they did make him ugly.

The real question is

Will Poison be in it?

>anka and wada were going to do a new swimsuit special for marvel but it got shut down
such a shame

>udon's gross art

She looks like two halves of two different people held together by a toilet paper roll.

>swimsuit special
So everyone was packing A cups?

Anka draws the guys, Wada draws the girls?

Man, still milking that "controversy," huh Cho? It was funny the first time, but we're years into this gag now. Nobody cares anymore and it's not funny anymore, it just comes off as desperate for attention.

Eh, he's too gay as well. If they're doing another swimsuit issue, I want cheesecake artists on board. Give me Cho or don't bother

>assorted porn for just $4

Man this really highlights how shitty Cho is. Manara on a bad day runs circles around this guy at his best.

>So when can I expect the ComicsAlliance article?
Never. sadly nobody cares about SF comic. they doesnt even get pirated anymore even though they got a new ongoing.

god cho's such a tool

can't you make fun of a more recent censorship controversy at least instead of trying to get blood out of that stone



They were making Juri into a hentai manga ninja?

>those feet

God damn, it's like having a 10/10 body with a 1/10 face. Put bags over them, or at least some shoes, fuck.

looks like a gaydad
you want the gaydad book of gaydad characters
fucking fag

SF isn't about gaydads, its about fighting and tits on women, which isn't gay, like you like your men.

I prefer the raw version.

Previously unsolicited cover by whose artist?

Well, you could get a better fetish than feet.

I'm not even into feet, I'm into hips. But the feet are just distractingly hideous.

It didn't get shut down, Anka and Wada just opted not to pitch it to Marvel for whatever reason.

The reason is fear of outrage among certain groups of netizens.

*rolls eyes*

seriously? I mean fucking SERIOUSLY?? assholes

Is Bastien Vives contributing?

Did you read the part where he was asked to do this cover?


Ooh, nice homage

You really think capcom would miss out on whoring bearded Ryu after all the art that came out with SFV? Or doing dumb shit with Dan?

Guys being in isn't even a question.

reminder Anka and Wada wanted to do a Swimsuit Special for Marvel, with equal male and female pics, and got shot down.

The new suit is shit. Looks like something you put on a tard to keep them from hurting themselves. More skin just makes it look like a 15 year old's attempt to look mature.

Whole thing belongs in the trash and the designers should pay closer attention to what made SF4's great.


Cammy by sakimichan

well, maybe they should have use something else than underage boys to sell their shit