Fart joke in the trailer

>Fart joke in the trailer

>beautiful woman slowly turns to look in a direction near the camera

>record scratch

>something awkward happens
>cut to a dog groaning and covering its face

>slide whistle

>A Dreamworks trailer
>I never crack a smile once
>Fart jokes and lame puns

these are so painfully bad, why do they do this?

>freeze frame
>you're probably wondering how i ended up here

You forgot to start playing Baba O'Reily.

>"[main character's] life was perfect
>but little did they know....

>insert random pop music just cuz'

>trailer shows spoils the last 20 minutes because theres no other way to get interest

>starts out suspenseful, and mysterious, something stupid happens, reveals its a 3rd grade humor comedy

>trailer has the latest pop music song
>it's a talking animals movie

>movie has the worst fucking trailer
>go see the movie
>it's actually good or at least decent
What's her name, Sup Forums?

Shrek, honestly.

Kung Fu Panda

>trailer showing off scenery with soothing music
>just comes off as try hard

>entire trailer is a fart joke song

>"That was AWESOME!"

>it aint me starts playing

Guardians of the galaxy
and this

Which song of his though? Teenage wasteland?