ITT: Bait

ITT: Bait

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Bait for whom?

But this is accurate.

me on the right

I don't want to side with the /r9k/obot, but the left is quite unrealistic?

For example, who the hell ever donates blood? Or give money to bums?

>trying to summon him
Oh good, we haven't had one of these since yesterday. We were long overdue.

How is this bait? For who? I think we can all agree the fat neckbearded nerd needs to die out.

I've done both.

And what for?

I'm just gonna post this now, since this thread is going to last all day.

People who like to get moral high ground through their altruistic actions.

A surprisingly large amount of people.

I donate blood on a regular basis because I'm O- and that's useful. Money to bums I do less so because it's 50/50 on whether they're legitimately in need or crackheads looking for a dime.

I've donated blood for medical research, last friday I gave two fiddy to a friendly homeless guy.

These things shouldn't be considered uncommon or odd.

I don't give money to the homeless, but I give blood as often as I can. It's super easy and free. Most charity takes a lot of time or money. Blood donation takes neither.

also, how exactly have they helped you get a girlfriend? like, directly, as opposed to telling them you did it afterwards

Same here.

Haven't walked any dogs though.

you've never donated blood really? it's not even that charitable or difficult. hell I volunteered to work for a blood drive around 9/11, all it takes is a very small amount of time and a needle poke, also you get a cookie and some juice afterword. I mean it's not like donating money or building a house....

I don't give money to hobos, but I donate blood and plasma regularly because my blood type is rare, so hopefully it'll be of use to somebody

I am pretty much the guy on the left except that I don't walk dogs and my gf is redhaired.

>supporting the drug habits of hobos
Seriously? You fee better for knowing they got their next dose of crack on your money?

I mean I've actually met people like this.

I'm sorry you have a problem looking in the mirror user

Here's something nobody ever says out loud: Some people just aren't good by default, and it's actually kind of tragic when a person is born with an appetite for meanness and cruelty but none of the talents to get ahead in life and attain a position that lets them act on their vices with impunity - like, say, the CEO of a multinational - so they go to Internet and dwell on their powerless, goalless hatred forever.

Well done Satan. Well done.

>Sup Forums - Blood donation enthusiast discussion

I give money to buskers I like and donate blood if I see a van and can afford to be light headed for a bit

Do the people who say this give money to homeless shelters or just use it as an excuse to not give anything to anyone?

You shouldn't give money to homeless people. It just encourages them to not kill themselves



>It's a sociopaths defend being sociopaths thread

You know whats the best? When your uni sets a drive up with a nice 3 month interval schedule. Go in between classes, not really hard to chart when you can/can't, awesome free snacks at the end. Convenience is the best driving factor.

I don't give money to homeless shelters nor do I give money to people on the streets. Don't really see beggars who aren't foreigners where I live, and they've got nicer clothes and iphones than me.

I've given money to bums before because they were friendly enough. Personally I don't give a fuck what they do with it, that's their decision. But I like the idea of helping to give the actual choice. Use it to kill yourself or save up to rent a shitty apartment. Either way doesn't effect me in the slightest, and nobody can change or get anything done if they don't have the option to choose.

Not that user, but in my country surveys indicate that there are only about 0.5% of the total population donates blood - and out of that, only 5% does so willingly.

How is this even bait?

I don't give to the homeless but I do enjoy giving blood. The thought of me being in like 30 other people is great

That's not bait. I'm pretty sure this comic is, though.

>when there's a blood drive and a sausage sizzle on the same day

it's the second thing. it's just an excuse to do nothing. I've never handed a homeless person money, but I've bought people food, bought people gas, buss tickets, clothes, that sort of thing, if they refuse your help in that regard they aren't in much need.

this kinda "your just giving them drug money" shit is from the same people who would fight you if you made them pay sales tax on a bag of chips, and then turn and bitch that people on food stamps are allowed to buy anything but flour eggs and milk.

this is true though
Brevoort will literally say this about Secret War

it feels nice

I for one don't give money because I always feel scammed afterwards. Helping other people is always brought up as some universal source of good and happiness, but I've never felt either.

>it's a "all nerds are good misunderstood people" episode
fucking hacks

>only 5% does so willingly
What do you mean? What's coercing people to give blood?

Cringe thread?

Can we all agree that fags shouldn't be able to give blood? They are like 79 times more likely to get hiv than normal men and 3% of hiv cases will report as a false negative on a test for up to 3 months after exposure

>Expecting teens to know about EVA
What were they expecting?

>vegan comics
they're all bait

I donate blood, it's easy and fun, then I drink a 4loko and get wasted due to the lack of blood

I donate, but I get $300 a month doing so.

>For example, who the hell ever donates blood? Or give money to bums?


Yea, don't you know how money works? I hate taxes and don't want poor people on food stamps wasting my money.

Also from working in retail I can tell you at least 50% of people on food stamps steal. And it isn't like a little stealing, like I constantly caught people on food stamps trying to steal like $150 worth of shit

>Sup Forums had general threads for this

I'll give some cash if I have some, But I only give plasma. But thats a little less altruistic since I'm getting paid to do it.

Probably prisoners or some kind of lottery

Wait wait wait, are people like..pressganged into giving blood in your country?

Do you live in China or something?

Who pays you money for it?

Are people really dumb enough to donate blood for free?
Don't you realize they sell your blood to hospital for like $300 a pint?
You are giving these blood companies millions.

I might be translating it incorrectly or maybe the article is poorly worded, but I think it means that only less than 8000 people out of the 30M that make up this country donate blood regularly.

Well how would you do it? Just come into their office and say "i'll donate blood... but ONLY if you pay me"

I mean, you're not going to shoplift when you're well off. Unless you're just a dick.

You'd buy them stuff, but not give them cash. But you don't believe they'd use the cash on booze or drugs. So why not just give them cash and cut out the middle man? They're trustworthy.

Loved doing this in college. Also anyone /platelets/ here?

You don't get paid for blood, but you can get paid for plasma.

>these blood companies
I donate to non-profits. They can have the millions if they're spending it on getting more blood.

But saliva is a well-documented antiseptic.

horse apples, a dogs mouth is cleaner.

Saliva might be, but everything else than gets caught in your mouth and between your teeth isn't.

accept it user you are a cynical asshole and there's nothing wrong with it

In b4 Assigned Male

Selling blood is illegal in my country. It can only be given away.

There's shoplifting and there is >how did 80% of my order not get scanned with my scanner gun but end up in my cart

Also just in general anyone on food stamps was a huge fucking cunt. I still remember a lady bothering me for a fucking hour cause she couldn't buy an already cooked chicken with ebt and didn't understand I literally could not sell the to her unless she payed cash

>try to donate blood
>they tell me my blood type is too common and they already have enough of it

Being able to drink milk is a litmost test for being white

Kek, do you live on one of those countries that has to buy American cum because no one donates semen cause they aren't paid?

Holy shit man I'm a cashier at a grocery store and ebt customers are the biggest fucking assholes, wic too
>why didn't the seafood guy tell me I can't buy my steamed lobster tails with ebt????
>override this that's stupid
"Ma'am that's literally illegal"
>are you fucking kidding me where's your manager

And it just went on from there while my line backed up until people got fed up and went to a different line

If they are friendly enough sure. They are still people and being homeless is shit and something very few ever escape. I mean I can understand not enabling them, but in the end they are still people who are suffering and it's just a bit of pocket change.

God damn I love that nge theme song


>he thinks non profits aren't just scams
I bet the ceos and higer ups make 500k plus a year

SKUB IS _____!

I give blood for the free t-shirts, ice cream, and movie tickets my local blood bank gives out.
SO i get to be both a selfish fuck, and help people

I donate blood around once a year
Not hard you get the day off and there's free cookies

yes. If you have a rare or desirable blood you can do that.

great. can anti-skub fags pls go back to Sup Forums?

I occasionally get $10 Amazon gift cards for donating. Haven't actually used them yet, though.

And T-shirts. And free cookies and juice. And free cholesterol check-ups.

Fuck that. One time, they told me it would take about an hour, 90 minutes tops, to donate playlets. Took me almost three. Missed one of my college classes entirely that day.

My local blood bank gives out movie tickets in exchange for blood.I haven't payed for a movie in like 3 years.


A meme.

>he's never donated blood
>he's never worked in a soup kitchen

At least find a local soup kitchen or something, dude. They're fun to work in and you meet all kinds of cool and crazy people.

The implication is also that the other guy genuinely cares for the welfare of other people and sacrifices his time and money for the common good, which women find super sexy. The other guy focuses on being superior to others and serving his own wants.

>donating blood
People with standards, who want to do something good for others.
>giving money to bums
Delusional faggots who learned about morals from video games or christmas specials.

>The implication is also that the other guy genuinely cares for the welfare of other people and sacrifices his time and money for the common good, which women find super sexy.
Wait. I thought women hated doormats and people pleasers...?

>not getting a job that makes it sound like you care much more than you do.

I'm a physics teacher and people think that means I care about kids. Little do they know I'm in it for the money and summer vacation

Haha stupid faggot

$651,957 for red cross, 6 full of paid holidays as well.

can't enjoy my coffee without milk tho.

They do that to attract CEOs so they don't go work at a company. I'm not saying it's right, but at least they're wasting a relatively small amount on the executives and not giving every dime of profit to investors. A non-profit is still a non-profit even when people get paid to work there.

A doormat wouldn't go help in a soup kitchen, he would be dragged to help at one.

People pleasers would only also be going because someone made them feel obligated.

If you honestly just went to donate your time and help out, you would find most woman like that because it means you are outgoing, caring, and proactive.

This. I see them coming and duck behind my register in the hopes they dont come to me. Fucking entitled assholes.


>what are charities