What went wrong?

What went wrong?

My mom freaked.


their attempt to modernize the joker to be more reflective of a youthful counterculture unintentionally made itself ridiculous by failing to realize that most people dont see this stuff as actually scary, they see it as some asshole trying to get attention by being intentionally "edgy" and it usually fails.

Your post.

What if he stay still does disturbing stuff with this appereance?

But to be honest, Joker most of the time doesn't look scary, even more so his better versions.

>Heath Ledger died before The Dark Knight was released
>Jared Leto is going crazy
Seems like the Joker Role is cursed. Nicholson was strong enough to resist and play the role

then he could be intimidating, but that is despite his hot topic trying to be edgy look and not because of it. The Joker doesn't need to try to look intimidating, he just is by virtue of who he is. The method acting "lol so random" anecdotes we keep hearing too just make me unable to take him seriously, at least this version of him.

user thats Jack Nicholsons secret. he's always crazy


I don't know, the movie isn't out yet.


>Seems like the Joker Role is cursed.
The only reason Jared Leto is "going crazy" is because he's trying too hard to push the idea that the joker role is cursed, dipshit. In reality, he's just acting like an asshole to all of his coworkers and they're tolerating it because they paid him money to be in the movie.

Let's get real here, this is the natural conclusion DC has been trying to reach with the big screen joker.

Their entire cinematic universe is based on the thought that edgy equals mature and mature equals good, so now that they have a chance to recreate Edgy: The Character, they're running with it.

No one should be surprised by this.

>a logical opinion based on common sense instead of petty, trivial anger
>on Sup Forums

Jason pretending to be the joker.

They fucked with a perfectly good design.

But it could be worse.

No one wants to do noir gangster joker anymore.

What are you dumbass casuals talking about. Aside from the tats this is the most accurate looking Joker to date.


I miss this one so much, he was so despicable yet kind of classy.

When was the last time Joker ever had that dumbass smile painted onto his face.

>'I genuinely fell for Jared Leto's shitshow'
effort :^)


>I like to chalk every minimal ounce of defense for X thing I like as absolute truth and nobody can call me out on it lalalala
I do believe the point of the thread was discussing Jared's Joker overall design and personality. So yeah, in short, you're just moving goalposts.

Grew on me. Probably one of my favorite live action Jokers. Hope the movie is good. Based on the trailers, Jared Leto is gonna kill it.